Wayward Omegas and Overbearing Alphas - crazylittlething16 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Oh, he f*cked up. He f*cked up big time.

Porsche slowly sat up wincing at the pain shooting through his bottom. No longer experiencing the pain dulling hormones of his heat, Porsche could feel every inch of the rough animalistic sex he’d been having the last two days. It was the first heat he’d spent with an alpha, with anyone actually. (Not that he was a stranger to sex, it’s just usually he was the one topping and he preferred betas or other omegas. In his experience alphas were after all egotistical chest pounding assholes who felt that omegas were nothing more than helpless needy little creatures that were only useful for knotting and breeding. Not that Porsche was prejudice or anything…) He’d been on heat suppressors for the past 8 years, how in the hell did he have one? And, more concerning, who the f*ck was the alpha he spent it with?

Said alpha was sleeping soundly next to him, Porsche took a deep breath and looked over. Okay, well, at least he was hot. The guy was pale, with well-defined features, ridiculously thick eyebrows, and a very built torso from what Porsche could see and what he could remember the alpha also had a very long thick… stop it. Porsche rubbed his face with his hands and then gingerly got out of bed. Looking down at his body, Porsche grimaced at all the red bite marks and finger shaped bruises. At least he was clean, his alp- the alpha must have cleaned him up after that last round, despite his irritation at the whole situation his inner omega was extremely satisfied. Although his instincts were screaming at him to get back in bed and let the alpha take care of him. He should be pampered after his heat, as any omega should be. Shaking those thoughts and feeling from his head, Porsche focused on finding his clothes as quickly and quietly as possible, grabbing his phone and getting the hell out there.

The journey home was a blur, although Porsche was certain he had gotten more than a few knowing looks that he pointedly ignored although they definitely heightened his anxiety. At least the strong scent of his- the alpha, a mixture of whiskey and thunderstorms, kept anyone from approaching him. By the time Porsche made it into the safety of his home, he felt weak and dizzy. He crawled up the stairs and into the bathroom desperate for a shower. Taking a brief look in the mirror, head snapping back up when he saw it.

Oh f*ck. Porsche pulled his shirt to side not caring that he was completely stretching out the neck of one of his good shirts. Oh f*ck.

A bite mark. On his mating gland.


Porsche hung his head over the sink, this was why he suppressed his for the last 8 years of his life. He was now mated to some random ass alpha he met at that stupid club Jom and Tem had talked him into going too. An alpha he just ditched at some fancy ass hotel. There had to be a way out of this. Bonds were breakable right? That thought sent a searing pain through his entire body radiating from the mating mark. Gods this was a fresh bond mark, how the hell could the idea of separation hurt so much already. Porsche’s heart started racing, he felt a wave of heat blast through him and suddenly he felt like he couldn’t breathe. A whine tore through his throat as the only words running through his head were ‘Alpha, alpha, need alpha’.

He was so f*cked.

Once he felt like he wasn’t going to die, Porsche climbed into the shower and fought against his instincts as he tried to scrub away the sent of his- ugh that alpha. That alpha that was definitely not his. No. Even if he was attracted to Porsche there was no way he’d actually want to be mated to Porsche. Omegas were supposed to be dainty and delicate. Two words that had never used to describe Porsche. Every alpha that had shown him the slightest bit of attention had made it very clear that he was the type of omega they wanted to f*ck, to dominate just to say they had, not to mate. The alpha he abandoned would surely be no different.

Feeling far too vulnerable and emotionally raw from being fresh off his heat, Porsche couldn’t fight off the tears as he crumbled in the tub. The hot spray of the shower fell against his back as his entire body heaved with each sob wracked through him. How had he ended up here? Why was his life so sh*tty? It hadn’t started out this way.

The Kittisawat household had been filled with love and laughter, there was a warmth that seemed to be infused within the very walls and floorboards of the two-story home. Porsche could remember the easy summer days spent running in the yard chasing after a giggling Porchay and Mama. The cool winter days they’d spend indoors building forts and nests and fighting pretend monsters. It his memories it seemed rather perfect, although he knows that’s not the truth. He was quite the naughty child after all, and he didn’t always want to his little brother tagging along.

But one day their lovely little family of four became a terrified broken family of two. Two unpresented orphans. All that was left was Porsche 12 and Porchay 7.
There was an uncle who they’d never met who stepped forward to take care of them, Arthee. In the beginning Porchay had clung to his older brother, he’d whimper and silently cry anytime he was alone. It would have annoyed Porsche before, but every time he looked at his little brother’s big soft brown eyes, he could only think of his mother. His gentle warm mother who always kissed his hurts and dried his tears. He would have to do that Porchay now. It’s what she would want.

Arthee was not equipped to raise children, had no idea what he was doing so Porsche had to grow up very quickly and become Porchay’s parent. With little money coming in, he took odd jobs to help out, becoming more and more of a street kid every day. Being exposed to the streets meant Porsche saw and heard far more than a young kid ever should. But he kept his head down and minded his business. If he pissed off or insulted the wrong person, there was no one who would protect him.

Everyone believed Porsche would present as an alpha, like his father, when he turned 17 years old. He was tall and strong, won every fight he got into, and very was protective of his younger brother. It simply made the most sense, although it was possible that he’d be a beta, like his uncle. Even Porsche hope and prayed that he’d be an alpha or a beta, it would be for the best. Living in the world he did, he knew being an omega would only make things that much harder. But days before his 17th birthday Porsche knew. He knew he wasn’t the lucky kind.

When Porsche returned to school half the kids thought it was a joke and the other suddenly felt entitled to his body. Alphas and other unpresented kids that he’d beat the sh*t out of before kept trying to corner him and assuming he’d just roll over and present. Dumbasses. The fights were constant for about a month before they all realized that being an omega didn’t make him a submissive slu*t that would let anyone bed him.

As he got older it didn’t get much better, but being an omega meant he got paid more in the fighting rings. It was risky being an unmated omega and letting his scent out at underground fighting rings, but he was on heavy heat suppressants. Also, he had to take risks when they were so far in debt, and he also needed to pay for Porchay’s schooling, their suppressants and scent blockers, put food on the table, and keep the lights on. When he wasn’t at the fights Porsche used scent blockers. He easily passed for an Alpha or Beta when his scent was hidden.

Which is why his heat hitting him so suddenly and strongly at that club made no sense. Porsche was always incredibly careful about taking heat suppressants. He hadn’t actually experienced a heat since he presented as an omega. He’d been on the dance floor five drinks in him when the finest alpha he’d ever seen had approached. His scent was enticing and strong covering up the many other scents that had been whirling around the club. His presence demanded everyone in the club pay attention, yet the alpha’s entire focus was on Porsche. Despite Porsche's most basic rule; avoid all alphas no matter what, a subtle rush of heat in his veins suppressed his better judgement. A rush he couldn't identify because he had only experienced a heat once 8 years ago.

Porsche sat in the shower for the better part of an hour before deciding to get out and search online for a way to break a new mating bond. He knew there had to be a way and no doubt the alpha would feel relieved when it broke. Grateful even, Porsche imagined. Yes, he would break the bond and the two of them would never meet again and everything would just go back to normal.


Chapter 2


Porsche looks up some info and gets a mini lecture. We also see Kinn's pov.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

New bonds between alphas and omegas can be broken. If an undesirable bonding has taken place during heat and/or rut it is advisable to break the bond as soon as possible. Either party can initiate the break. However, the breaking of a bond requires professional help,

That sounds expensive. Maybe he could just…

if one were to try it on their own, they could cause themselves irreparable harm. Bond breaking is an extremely delicate physical and psychological procedure.

Nope there goes that idea. It would be way too risky to do it on his own.

Prior to initiating, the omega partner must be checked for pregnancy. Testing can be done as early as two weeks after heat and/or rut. The breaking of a bond carries a high risk of miscarriage, the parties must seriously consider whether the pup is wanted or not.

Porsche dropped his phone blankly staring at where it once was.



He could be pregnant.


Once upon a time, Porsche had dreamed of having a yard full of little ones that he could love and spoil. That dream died a slow and painful death, he kept holding on to it. He hung when his parents passed, and he realized he had to be Porchay’s parent. He hung on even when he realized he wouldn’t be able to go to college. He hung on when alphas started approaching him more only to find out they just wanted to screw him not mate with him. Each time his dream was chipped away until there was nothing left but an empty ache in his heart that he did his best to ignore.

But now, now that could become a reality. He could be pregnant. His inner omega was quite thrilled at the prospect. Hope sprung anew and oh did it hurt. Porsche closed his eyes, fighting against the rise of emotion, willing the tears to go away. He couldn’t let himself hope, it would just hurt all the more later. Two weeks he’d have to fight that hope for two weeks and pray that he wasn’t because if he was…Porsche shook his head. No, he couldn’t imagine it, that was a bad idea.

After the bond in formally broken it is recommended that both parties continue psychological counseling for at least a year.

Ha. Counseling. That’s something he probably should have gotten that a long time ago. This whole breaking a bond business sounded incredibly expensive. It’d take time to save up enough money to get it done, but if him and the alpha have no contact the bond should stay relatively weak. There was no way he’d ever see that alpha again, the guy scream money, he certainly didn’t hang out at the places Porsche did.

The thought of never meeting him again left an itchy feeling under Porsche’s skin. He tossed and turned in the nest he’d made on his bed. It wasn’t right. There was something missing and it was preventing him from getting comfortable. Not to mention he was starving but he had no energy to go back downstairs and make himself something to eat. For a fleeting moment he regretted leaving the alpha, if he hadn’t, he’d be wrapped up in expensive, comfortable hotel sheets in a soft bed, and his alpha would bring him everything he needed. If he was a good alpha. Which his inner omega was positive that he was, after all he’d kept Porsche satisfied throughout his heat. Surely, he would have taken care of Porsche for the next few days as his hormones fluctuated and he regained his strength and energy. Porsche felt infinitely frustrated at the constant warring between his head and his omega. Just as he finished letting out a long whine, he could hear someone enter the house.

“Hia!” Porchay had been worried sick about his older brother, while it wasn’t uncommon for them to go a day or two without seeing each other due to work and school, they always texted. When Porchay entered the house and saw Porsche’s shoes and his jacket on the floor it felt like a weight was lifted off of him.

“I’m here.” Porsche called out clearing his throat but not even attempting to sit up or make himself look presentable.

“Hia what happened? Why didn’t you answer me? Where were you?” Porchay shot off questions rapid fire as he rushed to his brother’s bedside. “What is that- What happened?” Porsche followed his little brothers gaze to the space between his neck and left shoulder.

“It’s a long story.” Porsche pulled a blanket up covering the mark.

“A long story? Hia you were missing for two days; you didn’t respond to me at all and now your home and you- you have a mating mark!” Porchay was struggling to understand what he was seeing. Porsche wasn’t seeing anyone, and he had a rule about alphas, there was no way…unless someone… “Hia were you…?”

“No! No Chay, it- I,” Porsche shook his head, “I really just need some food.”

“Hia-” Porchay stops and looks at his older brother and wonders how he could have missed the state Porsche is in. Porsche had heavy bags under his eyes, his skin was slightly pale, and his movements were sluggish. “Okay. I’ll make you something tasty.”

As Porchay left the room he knew Porsche wouldn’t tell him what happened, he never did. Even though Porchay was 19 and about to turn 20 in a month, hia still treats him like pup. He’d need to call in reinforcements. Thankfully there was a knock at the door within 15 minutes. Enough time for him to finish cooking up some noodles for Porsche.

“Hey P’Tem, thanks for coming,” Porchay let Tem inside. “I just finished making him some food. Like I said on the phone he really wouldn’t tell me anything about what happened, but he has a bond mark.” The two head upstairs ready for an argument but determined to get the truth.


“Let me see if I’ve got this right,” Tem said leaning in the doorframe, “You meet a guy at the club, went into heat, went to a hotel with said guy, spent two days between the sheets, woke up with a bond mark on day three and just dipped? Oh, and you plan on breaking the bond?”

Porsche let out a heavy sigh, of course Porchay would call Tem, the little sh*t. All he wanted to do was eat some food and sleep, the noodles were okay, but they weren’t satisfying although it wasn’t Porchay’s fault it was probably because they weren’t from his alpha. Just having Porchay in his room was setting his inner omega on edge, when Tem first came in Porsche couldn’t stop the growl that came out. It was instinct, a non-related omega was approaching him during the rest period of his heat, the only person who should be with him is that stupid alpha. Of course, he’d rather cut off his own foot that admit that though.

“Porsche,” Tem took a deep breath, honestly his friend knew so little about actually being an omega it was sad, “you had a what’s called a spontaneous heat. It can happen even if an omega takes heat suppressants religiously. When a uniquely compatible alpha and omega get come across each other, a spontaneous heat is nature’s way of… helping things along. Most people refer to such couples as fated mates. You would know all of this if you hadn’t constantly ditched health class when we were in school.”

Porsche’s only response was a low growl.

“I know, I know. But Porsche you are in a very delicate state right now, there is a reason omega’s stay with their bondmates after a heat, you need him.” Tem was trying to coax his friend with reason. “Do you know anything about him? Anything that could help us find him?”

Porsche buried himself deeper into blankets and chose to ignore his annoying friend. He just wanted to sleep! They needed to leave him alone!

“Fine.” Tem stood up and gestured for Porchay to follow him out, “We’ll just have to try our best to find him and hope you don’t waste away or fall into depression in the meantime.”

"You did the right thing calling me Porchay, we both know that Porsche won't let himself depend on anyone else for anything but he really needs his mate. Fighting his omega like this, his instinct, it never ends well." Tem spoke softly to Chay as the two made their way back downstairs so they could start trying to figure out how in the hell they were going to find this mystery alpha.


Kinn had been bored, Tay and Time had ditched him after the last club. He almost didn’t even go the next spot they had planned on going to. Shortly after climbing the steps to an individualized VIP room the most delicious scent tickled at his nose. It was warm brown sugar and vanilla, the kind of sweet scent that just melts on the tongue. Immediately he knew he had to find the source of such a smell when he spied a gorgeously tanned omega on the dance floor. He was taller and more muscular than Kinn’s usual type but that didn’t mean he was any less beautiful. Kinn walked unhurriedly to the dance floor, watching as the man followed the beat of the music a wide grin on his face.

Eventually the omega must have felt Kinn’s eyes on him as he looked directly at Kinn, his grin morphing into something more seductive. Perhaps even mischievous? Kinn didn’t walk right up to him, instead he waited for a sigh to approach. His mother raised him right after all, one does just go up to an omega and expect them to roll over. For the first time in his life Kinn was made to wait, as the omega moved around the dance floor, watching Kinn as he met him step for step. The two were practically stalking about one another. At some point, although Kinn had no idea when, but the sights, sounds, and smells of everything and everyone else in the club became muted. The omega had his sole focus. Looking back Kinn recognized the entire scene as an omega initiating a challenge.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the omega turned his back to Kinn and started moving faster through the crowd, exiting the dancefloor, and heading out the backdoor. Kinn took off after him. The crowd parted more easily for him than it did the omega, the benefits of being a Theerapanyakun. Kinn was hot on the man’s trail as they burst out into the alley. Arms outstretched he finally was able to grab hold of the omega’s bicep and push him forward into the brick wall of the neighboring building. The omega thrashed in his hold for a moment, until he let out a deep warning growl and buried his nose into the crook of the omega’s neck and took in a lungful of that sweet, sweet scent. This close he could tell it was blooming, the omega was going into heat.

Quickly spinning the omega in his arms, Kinn took one look into those wild rich brown eyes and say his own want and need reflected back at him. As soon as their lips collided in a violent kiss, Kinn was sure is rut had been triggered. The omega would be his. He would take him, knot him, breed him, and mark him as his forever. Kinn had hoped he’d have a fated mate, that he’d be able to find them. The electricity between them was far greater than anything he could have imagined.

Getting back to the hotel had been easy enough, the omega seemed to have submitted, however once inside Kinn’s suite that changed. The omega wasted no time in shoving Kinn away and taking off to the other side of the room. Kinn let out a warning growl. Playtime was over, he’d already caught the omega. Still the man would not give, a second chase played out, this time it was more violent. The omega growled and hissed, fists and feet flying out to keep the alpha off him. It ended a second time a Kinn lunged over the coffee table and tackled the omega to the floor. Straddling the man’s upper thighs, he was able to trap his legs and then he pinned the omega’s wrists to his abdomen. The omega was still kicking up a fuss, hissing at Kinn. At his limit Kinn moved to hold both of the omega’s wrists in one hand while his other went to the omega’s throat, he leaned down close to his face and let out a growl that demanded submission.

The rage dropped from the omega’s face and Kinn could feel his body slowly being to relax. His hand moved up to cradle his soon-to-be mate’s face, this thumb tracing his plump lower lip that was already a delicious red from their earlier making out. Finally, the omega tilted his head to the right and bared his neck…


The morning after two days of the most incredible sex of his life should have been blissful. Instead Kinn woke up alone. His omega nowhere to be found. To say he was pissed would be an understatement. He raged at the idiots on his security detail for sending at least one person to follow the omega. There was also a small part of him that worried the omega felt he was unworthy, that he hadn't satisfied his heat even though he was in a rut, that he couldn't keep his own mate safe and content.

“Find him. Find him now damnit or I will tear you all limb from motherf*cking limb!” He shouted before getting in his car and speeding back home. His inner alpha was restless and agitated, their mate was out there, alone. If he though going back to the compound would help settle him, he was very wrong.

“Oi, Kinn!” His older brother Tankhun descended the staircase wearing platform red boots, a white blouse and pants, and a leopard print cape. “Where’s your omega? Papa said you had one where is he?”

“Khun-” Kinn started only to be cut off by his father who had hurried to the main entryway as soon as he heard Kinn was at the gate.

“Anakin, did you speak with Arm yet?” Korn may be a retired pack alpha but still had yet to feel like anything other than a naughty child before his Pa, especially when he used his full name like that.

“Yes, I called him from the car, he’s already looking.” Kinn met his pa’s eyes, refusing to look down, he couldn’t submit to his pa anymore it would look like he wasn’t really in charge of the family business.

“This is very serious Kinn, the time spent after bonding during a heat is crucial. Your mate could become extremely ill.” Korn knew he didn’t need to remind his son, but it was meant as a scolding that wouldn’t appear as thought he was actually scolding him to others.

“Yes Pa.” Kinn clenched his teeth and fought the urge to growl, to pick up the nearest piece of furniture and break it, to punch whoever got within swinging range. Instead Kinn nodded at his father and walked to the family room.

“Khun Kinn?” Arm, appear a few hours later, nervously knocking on the door and quietly entering the room that contained his pissed off, pacing boss, he decided not to wait for acknowledgement or a question. “I found him.”


I can't thank everyone enough! I honestly did not think so many people would like this, let alone comment or bookmark or give kudos. Your desires for a next chapter inspired me to get this one done faster that I expected. This will be a multi chapter fic. I'm still planning everything out but I have a rough idea of how it'll go. I'm just so happy and excited! My plan will be weekly updates. Your comments definitely got the creative juices flowing even more, so keep letting me know what you think! Also this is all unbeta'd I really try to catch mistakes, but I'm human.

Chapter 3


*Smut warning* Skip the italicized parts if you don't want to read it. Also Kinn finds Porsche.


Thanks again for all the lovely comments and encouragement. It really helps to inspire me.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As Porsche began tossing and turning in his nest, restless. Memories began to dance behind his closed eye lids. Memories of the last two days.

The alpha had chased, caught, pinned him to the brick wall in the alley. He smelled right, he felt right. Porsche's inner omega wanted him. Wanted to welcome this alpha into his nest, let him satiate his heat, and breed him. The journey to the hotel was an unimportant blur all that matter was that he was in this alpha’s arms. However, once the door shut in the hotel room, Porsche pushed the alpha away, trying to fight past the haze of his heat. Porsche was not the kind of omega who would give in after one simple chase he was too strong for that. He needed the alpha to prove his worth, prove that he could dominate Porsche, hold him down and take him the way his needed, prove that he could satisfy Porsche’s heat. A shiver ran through him when the alpha let out an angry growl. Clearly, he was not used to being challenged. The ensuing fight left Porsche feeling a buzzing warmth under his skin, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he fought hard growling and snapping.

When he was pinned for a second time, Porsche continued to thrash until the alpha practically forced him to submit. His inner omega was sure this alpha was the one. He was perfect. Once he went limp, the alpha bent down and captured his mouth again, devouring him and squeezing slightly around Porsche’s throat. The omega felt more slick pouring out of him at the sensation. When the alpha pulled away Porsche tried to follow letting out a disgruntled huff at the loss of contact. His alpha smirked before getting up and dragging the omega with him, Porsche was thrown over the alphas shoulder and tossed on the bed once they were in the bedroom. Barely giving him a chance to recover, the alpha pounced on top of him and began pulling off his clothes. Not to be outdone Porsche tugged at his alphas clothes as well, he needed to feel his skin, run his fingers on those hard plains of muscle that he had struck during their fight.

Once he was entirely bare to his alpha, Porsche felt incredibly vulnerable. He’d never been laid out like his; small hard co*ck dripping precum on his lower abdomen where it rested, and legs spread wide, his slick coated puss* on full display. The alpha looked like his mouth was watering as he looked the omega over, licking his lips. Porsche lower one hand trying to cover himself only for it to be tossed away before he was quickly covered by the alpha, who immediately began to lick, suck, and nip at his jaw and neck. He avoided the omega’s scent gland, the one place the omega wanted his mouth the most. His wandering hands rubbed up and down Porsche's body before paying attention to his nipples. Lightly flicking and pinching them between his fingers. Porsche dug his nails into the alpha's back leaving crescent shaped marks.

“Nnngh.” Porsche let out a needy moan. “Alpha please- please touch me.”

“I am touching you.” The alpha responded pulling away to look at Porsche with a smirk on his face before lowering his head and taking one nipple into his mouth.

“Not-ngh…not enough” Porsche could hardly form a coherent thought let alone a sentence, but it seemed his alpha wanted to hear it. He felt like he was being punished. “Please, touch my puss*, alpha please!” He begged, his face heating from embarrassment. He tossed one arm over his face.

“Is that what you want, my omega? You want your alpha to touch your c*nt,” Kinn spoke between leaving red marks on Porsche’s chest, “You want me to eat your puss* before I f*ck you?”

“Yes! Yes alpha!” Porsche nodded while whipping his head from side to side, trying to fight against his growing need. His insatiable need.

When the alphas thick fingers gently touched the seem of his puss*’s outer lips, Porsche felt like crying out. That gentleness didn’t last however, the alpha dragged one finger through his lips several times, teasing Porsche until he was a whiny soaking mess before suddenly plunging into the Porsche’s tight wet heat. The alpha didn’t waste time adding a second and then a third finger quickly. The stretch felt amazing, if a little uncomfortable but then the alpha crooked his fingers, and he began kissing down the omega’s body. The closer his mouth got to Porsche’s co*ck; the faster Porsche’s breath became. He felt like any second, he was going to cum, it was just out of reach. When he felt a wet heat surround the tip of his co*ck and the hard sucking the alpha employed, he found himself hitting his peak hard.

“Ahh!” Porsche let out a shout as he came, the alpha swallowing his release as his fingers continued to stroke that one spot inside him. “Alpha! More!” Porsche demanded.

“You taste so damn good, omega. I’m going to f*ck you so hard, you'll feel me for days.” The alpha responded after pulling off of Porsche’s co*ck and taking his fingers out of his tight heat. Porsche opened his eyes and lifted his head to see the alpha coating his large thick co*ck with the slick still on his hand.

“That’s…” Porsche stared wide-eyed at his alpha’s co*ck. There was no way, no way he’d be able to take that. A brief break in the haze of his heat meant Porsche could feel his nerves rising. Even his inner omega froze at the sight of the alpha's co*ck. Porsche leaned on his elbows and tried scooting back but the alpha grabbed his open thighs and dragged him back down the bed. Panic rose in Porsche, “Alpha, it’s too big. It won’t-” He began to let out a whine.

“It’ll fit,” the alpha chuckled, “Shhh, shhh, I’ll take care of you, Alpha will take care of you.” The alpha tried to sooth him, lightly rubbing his hands up and down the omega’s tiny waist, hips, and upper thighs. It wasn’t enough though, Porsche started squirming more, trying to push away the alphas hands.

“Alpha, please-” Porsche wasn’t sure if he was begging for the alpha to let him go or take him.

The alpha let out a warning growl before roughly manhandling Porsche, putting him on his stomach, forcing his knees under him, and placing a hand on his lower back and pushing causing Porsche's back to fall into an exaggerated arch. Porsche let out a miserable whine that was equal parts needy and embarrassed. His alpha was making him present. Perky ass up in the air, dripping puss* exposed, and face pressed down into the pillows. Porsche felt the nerves melting away when the alpha licked up his slit, drinking his slick. Alpha would take care of him; his inner omega reminded him. Alpha knew what his omega needed and would give it to him.

Once his legs were shaking from his alpha’s undivided attention on his puss*, Porsche whined when he felt the alpha pull away. His grief didn’t last as the next moment he felt the press of his alphas co*ck against his slick coated lips. The head of the thick co*ck slowly pushed in, a greater stretch than before but not too bad. Porsche didn’t realize he was holding his breath until the alpha suddenly thrust into him hard driving all the way in and bottoming out inside him in one stroke. Once the air filled his lungs again Porsche let out a scream. f*ck that hurt. He let out pitiful whines as a few tears escaped. His alpha bent over him, using one hand on Porsche's hip to hold the omega close while he supported his weight his other hand pressed into the mattress next to Porsche’s shoulder. He nuzzled into Porsche's scent gland, giving tender licks and kisses. An apology for his roughness.

The first few drags of his alphas thick co*ck were painful, but the burn quickly faded leaving nothing but mind-numbing pleasure. A series of moans left him as he drooled onto the pillow beneath him, the alpha picking up his pace and thrusting harder. The alpha buried his hand into Porsche's mussed black hair and yanked him up, forcing the omega to sit on his co*ck as he thrust up into him. The change in position quickened Porsche to his peak and right as it was about to began to crash into him, the alpha bit down over his scent gland.

“Ah! Yes! Yes, yes, yes.” Porsche cried out feeling the pleasure of his peak reaching its crescendo, coating the alpha’s co*ck in even more slick while also cumming from his co*ck, entirely untouched. Then he felt it, the thickening of his alpha’s co*ck as it caught on his abused hole as it was pulled out and forced it back in. Despite all the pleasure he felt it started to become painful due to the stretch caused by the knot. It was still pressing against sweet spots inside of him, but the pressure was so uncomfortable. “Alpha, alpha too much! It’s too-” His alpha let go of his hair and let Porsche’s head drop back down onto the pillow, muffling his words.

“So tight, so good my omega.” Kinn whispered words of praise into his ear as he forced his knot into the omega one more time.

“Ahhh! Alpha!” Porsche twisted, whined, and even let out a snarl. It hurt! It was too much; he’d never been penetrated by anything bigger than his fingers. Taking a knot was painful, although the spurts of cum inside him filled an ache he never knew he had.

“Shhh, that’s a good boy. Good omega, taking your alpha’s co*ck so well.” The alpha crooned into his ear, alternating between praises and licks to the fresh mating mark.

“Mmmm,” Porsche let out a pitiful whine as his alpha consoled him. Damn right he was a good omega.

“You took my knot so well, letting your alpha mark and breed you.” Porsche felt a shiver run through him and it got harder and harder to open his eyes. Sleep started to overtake him, and the alpha turned them on their sides to rest comfortably as they waited for the knot to go down. Porsche’s omega purred contentedly for the first time in his life as he felt very well satisfied and safe full of his alpha's co*ck and cum, wrapped up in his arms. Porsche’s inner omega told him it was okay to let go, to sleep. His alpha would take good care of him.

The next 48hrs Porsche would wake extremely horny begging his alpha to take him, fill him up. Which the alpha did. Every time. Even when Porsche didn’t beg the alpha took him over and over. Porsche was sure he’d triggered his alpha’s rut. Once he was satisfied, Porsche would fall back to sleep. His alpha did manage to get some water and fruit into him, but it was difficult. Omegas commonly refused to eat while lost in the haze of their heat. It was up to the alpha to care for the omega’s needs, a good one was able to get their mate to take in some sustenance. Porsche had a good alpha…why did he run away again?


Once Kinn knew where his omega was it would have taken an army to keep him from rushing to his omega’s home. His already incredibly thin patience was about to run out as they encountered heavy traffic on the way. Both of his hands were clenched in tight fists as he fought the urge to take off out of the car and just run to his omega. Porsche was his name. Kinn took a breath and looked back down at the tablet in his lap, on the open screen was everything Arm had managed to dig up on Kinn’s wayward mate. Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, orphan and older brother to 20-year-old omega Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat. The two had been under the guardianship of an uncle name Arthee, a completely loser who racked up a large debt gambling and left it for the Kittisawat brothers to handle. Porsche worked as a bartender at Hum bar and as a fighter named ‘The Phoenix’ at underground fight rings. It was clear his mate had very little by way of assets and had grown up poor. He was also on strong heat suppressants which only confirmed for Kinn that they were a fated pair, triggering an omega’s heat despite being on those pills they had to be.

Once Kinn found him and brought him through the rest of his heat, he would bring the omega home, pay off his debts and cover him in the softest clothing and the most expensive jewels. Yes, that’s what he’d do. His omega would be safe and happy by his side, enjoying all the finest luxuries in life like he deserved.

“Sir, we’re two minutes out.” Pol stated, taking a peek at his worked up alpha boss in the backseat.

“I want a perimeter around the house immediately.” Kinn ordered before opening the door and stepping out before the car even stopped.

“Sir-” Pol called out as his boss took off his blazer and chucked it behind him, rolling up his sleeves as he approached the gate barring him from his omegas house. He was about to climb over it when movement caught his eye.

It felt like the world stopped moving when the front door opened. Kinn held his breath but then let out disappointed sigh as the omega who came out was not his. Neither was the second one who exited the house much more hesitantly. The two approached slowly and kept a distance once they got near the gate.

“You’re-” The older omega started, he could take a guess as to who the strange alpha was but he needed to be sure.

“Porsche’s mate.” Kinn quickly replied.

“Hm, I’m Tem, his friend. This is his little brother Porchay.” He gestured to the smaller omega behind him. “He’s not doing well, in and out of consciousness and won’t eat very much. There’s food in the kitchen, some of his favorites. Porchay will stay with me until it’s over.” Tem came close enough to the gate to open it and then moved out of the way of the impatient alpha. “Come on, Chay. I don’t think either of us wants to be around for this.”

“Are you sure we should go?” Porchay looked back at the house worriedly, “Hia isn’t going to-”

“It’s for them to figure out Chay. Whether Porsche wants this or not, he needs his alpha to take him through the rest of his heat. You’re old enough to know that its not just a couple days full of wild sex, its also three days of recovery. If an omega spends their heat with an alpha without bonding it doesn’t matter as much if the alpha sticks around. But when they do bond its essential for the alpha to care for their omega, to provide them a sense of safety and provide for them.” Tem reminded Chay of what he’d learned long ago in his omega health classes.

Like his hia, Chay had only experienced a presentation heat and had been on strong heat suppressants since then. He had also been closely guarded by hia since before he presented. Porsche made him promise he’d finished university and have a stable job before even thinking about courting. The slightest hint of alpha scent would have Porsche questioning him for days. In turn it meant Porchay had very little contact with alphas outside of school. He had also heard numerous horror stories from hia that had ultimately made him a bit fearful around alphas. He knew that not all alphas were like that, but there had been a few instances were he had been leered at and followed.

He wondered how Porsche was going to deal with all this. Chay felt a little worried. Hia had said that the alpha hadn't taken advantage of him and now here he was wanting to take care of Porsche. Maybe he was a good alpha? Honestly the one he was most worried about was the alpha because even if he was a good alpha Porsche had already talked about wanting breaking their bond. Since the alpha came for him, maybe he wouldn't want to break the bond? Would Porsche accept him? Porsche was more likely to punch the alpha than listen to anything he had to say. Tem was right, Chay probably didn't want to be around them right now. Porsche would be torn between instinct and his head, that never bode well for anyone.


Kinn could smell his omega before he even opened the front door. It wasn’t difficult to find the bedroom that held his wayward omega. The closer he got the stronger the scent of his mate’s distress. Porsche needed him. Kinn all but ripped open the door and made quick strides to the nest his mate was curled up in.

At first hearing the door to his room open, Porsche began to growl but then he took in the scent of whiskey and thunderstorms and his growl turned to soft whines. He was calling his mate to him, demanding his attention. What had taken his alpha so long? Hadn’t he told Porsche he was a good boy? A good omega?

“My I enter your nest?” Kinn requested. Even as desperate as he was to hold the omega in his arms, he knew he couldn’t just enter the nest without express permission. His Ma and Pa had raised him right and according to traditions.

“Mmmhhh…yes. Yes, alpha.” Porsche lifted his head from where he had buried it in his pillows.

“Come here, Porsche.” Kinn carefully crawled into the nest, his arms open and ready to hold Porsche.

“Alpha.” Porsche crooned, a shiver running down his back at hearing the alpha say his name, grabbing onto the alpha’s partially open button up shirt and pulling himself on top of the alpha as he laid down. He buried his face into the alphas neck directly on his scent gland. This was the best dream he’d had yet. Although the hazy memories of the past two days were pretty great. His inner omega calmed after sometime, soothed by the presence of his alpha. This meant some of the delirium that had taken over him for the past few hours lifted surprisingly fast.

Wait, how did his alpha know his name? From what he had remembered he’d never told the alpha his name. Also, he was breathing in the alphas scent, yet he had nothing with the alphas scent on it and since when did pillows hug you back? Porsche opened up his bleary eyes and lifted his head.

Tired brown eyes met searching black ones. Porsche swore his heart dropped into his stomach.

“There you are,” Kinn kept his left harm wrapped around his mate’s waist as he took his right hand and cupped Porsche’s face, "feeling better darling?" A small smile gracing his face.


What do you guys think is going to happen next? Leave a comment and let me know!

Chapter 4


Porsche and Kinn...talk? They are not on the same page.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

If Kinn were asked later just how fast things started going downhill, he’d have to admit a lot faster than he had thought possible. The omega in his arms went completely still, no that’s not the right word. Rigid. He went rigid, his entire body tensed when the fog lifted from his tired eyes. When Porsche pulled his head back to an unnatural angle Kinn had no idea what was going to happen next. He honestly hadn’t thought his omega would try to headbutt him. Thankful for his quick reflexes due to years from training, Kinn was able to dodge at the last moment, if he hadn’t Kinn would have a broken nose by now.

“Hey, Porsche!” Kinn tightened his grip around Porsche as the omega started thrashing, he tried to let out a calming scent.

“Let me go! Let me go!” Porsche kept demanding, trying to twist his way out of the alphas grip.

“Porsche, calm down darling,” Kinn pulled Porsche’s head into the crook of his neck, forcing the omega’s nose into his scent gland.

“Don’t call me-” Porsche tried yelling back but luckily for Kinn, the omega’s heart was beginning to slow, and his body started going lax, responding to the calming presence of his alpha.

“Shhh…that’s it Porsche,” Kinn continued to coo at him in a gentle tone, “Shhh, there’s nothing to be scared of Porsche. I’m your alpha and I’m here to take care of you baby. It’s okay, you’re safe.” Kinn wasn’t sure what exactly made his omega respond like that. Was Porsche scared of Kinn? Did he think that the alpha was going to hurt him? Oh, maybe he thought Kinn would punish him for running away, which Kinn did plan on doing but the poor thing was in such distress when he arrived those thoughts quickly disappeared. He could always punish him later.

“Let go of me.” Porsche’s voice was muffled with his lips still being pressed against Kinn’s collarbone.

“Okay, I’ll let go.” Kinn reluctantly loosened his hold on Porsche, mildly curious as to what would happen next as Porsche began to pull away from him and sit up. Kinn stayed where he was leaning against pillows in the nest. Upon sitting up Porsche’s face went a lovely shade of red that Kinn just adored when he seemed to realize he was in Kinn’s lap. The shy man quickly slide off his lap and sat next to him instead, looking everywhere but at Kinn. He wanted nothing more than to reassure his mate, so Kinn slowly sat up, moving even slower when Porsche’s eyes snapped to his body. He could do this. He could reassure Porsche, help him finish out his heat recovery period at this house, and then he could move him to the compound.

“Porsche,” He began gently, “I don’t know why you ran, but you don’t need to be afraid of me baby. I-”

“The f*ck are you talking about?” Porsche interrupted him, tone betraying his annoyance. “Why would I be-” Porsche closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, “I’m not f*cking scared of you idiot. I want to know why the hell you’re here?”

Kinn jerked back confused, “You’re my mate.”

“No.” Porsche put up a hand to stop the alpha who was clearly about to make a rebuttal. “What we did was a mistake. One I fully intend on correcting once this is over.” Porsche was staring the alpha down now, trying to hold on to the anger he felt earlier.

“Correct?” Kinn looked at him disbelieving, if Porsche was talking about what Kinn thought he was talking about Kinn was going to be pissed.

“Yeah,” Porsche looks at him like he’s dumb, “it’s not like either of us want to actually be mated to each other so it’ll be best to break the bond as soon as possible.”

“You’re not-” Kinn’s jaw clenched, brow furrowed, and tried again, “You can’t-”

“I know we can’t do it immediately; they say the earliest we can is after two weeks have passed cause that’s the earliest they can do the pregnancy test.” Porsche’s face scrunched up toward the end and he looked away from Kinn again but before he could speak again Porsche continued.

“Porsche, I’m not breaking our bond,” Kinn grabbed Porsche’s hand and it between his own. “We’re mates and we’re meant to be mates. I saw your file, anyone who’s been on that strong of a dose of heat suppressants would only go into heat if they met their true mate.” Kinn tried to impress upon his mate how serious he was but Porsche’s face twisted in confusion and he pulled his hand away from Kinn.

“I don’t even know your f*cking name we are not staying bonded. What do you mean you looked at my file?” He questioned, “Did you look at my medical files?” Porsche’s gaze turned hostile once again, his hands tightening into fists.

“Porsche,” Kinn raised both hands in an attempt to appease, “that’s not important, what’s important is that you realize we’re not breaking this bond, I’m not going anywhere, and when your recovery period is over, you’ll be moving in with me.” Kinn didn’t see the fist coming, after all he felt he was being perfectly reasonable.


“You. Stupid. f*cking. Alpha!” Porsche raged as he jumped on the alpha, fists flying. He couldn’t believe this. He had looked at his medical files! Invaded his privacy to such an extreme level and that wasn’t important? He wanted Porsche to move in with him. Of all the stupid, idiotic, bird-brained ideas he’s heard… “Get out!”

“Porsche! Stop!” Kinn was still under him arms thrown up to protect his face but so far unable to make any countermoves due to the speed with which Porsche’s fists were raining down on him.

“Get out of my nest!” Porsche stopped hitting him, quickly moved to the side and unceremoniously shoved Kinn off the bed and out of his nest.

“Ow! sh*t.” Kinn rubbed the back of his head after he hit the floor hard. Porsche watched the alpha with wide eyes as he knelt on the bed, chest heaving.

“Porsche, lets talk about this.” Kinn approached only to stopped dead in his tracks when Porsche let out a vicious snarl.

“Stay out of my nest!” Porsche yelled it with his whole chest, even though saying it made him feel sick. The wrongness of kicking his alpha out of his nest. His alpha that had shown up to take care of him, wanted him.

“Alright, alright.” Kinn raised his hands again to show he wasn’t a threat. “I won’t go in your nest, but I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here, with my mate. Because that’s what you are Porsche, you’re my mate and I’m going to take care of you whether you like it or not.” Kinn stood his ground under Porsches unrelenting death stare.

“I’m not your mate!” The rejection bit them both deep, Porsche’s overwrought emotions began spilling over, his eyes getting blurry. “I’m not! Just leave. I’m doing what’s best for both of us. You don’t know me, and you don’t really want me so just get out. Leave!” The words fell out of him like the salty tears on his cheeks, revealing more vulnerability than he meant. The tight leash he had on his inner omega was slipping again as it desperately clawed at his insides.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here and I’m going to take care of you.” As if trying to prove what he was saying was true. Kinn grabbed a bottle of water off the nightstand, took off the cap and held it out for Porsche.

“I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone to take care of me.” Porsche stated, watching the alpha warily. Waiting for the moment he’d see it, that little break in the alpha where he’d give up. Not wanting to deal with Porsche, with all of this. The alpha just stared back at him, and Porsche realized he still didn’t even know the man’s name, not that it mattered. Any second now he’d get fed up and leave. Alphas didn’t like omega’s that defied them, they didn’t want mates that wouldn’t submit.

It hurt worse than he thought it would when the alpha but the bottle back on the nightstand closest to Porsche and then turned and walked out of the room. He put a hand over his chest, pulling at his shirt because he felt like he couldn’t breathe. His omega whined and cried; it didn’t want to be abandoned. The influx of emotion and the visceral feeling of grief at his mate walking away had Porsche scrambling to the bathroom. He barely made it before throwing up the noodles he’d had earlier and stomach acid. He felt so tired when the gagging finally stopped, tired, and wrecked. Trying to self-sooth Porsche curled up into a ball and started rocking back and forth. If he felt this sh*tty already, how was he supposed to make it two whole weeks? Tears continued to flow as Porsche rocked himself, trying to ignore the way his throat burned with each whimper that was dragged out of him and his instinct to crawl after his alpha, to beg him not to go.

Why was he this way? What had he done to deserve this life? What was so wrong with him? Maybe that alpha and Tem were right maybe they were fated to be together. No, that couldn’t be true, what kind of sick joke would that be? No alpha wanted an omega like Porsche, no one. No one wanted Porsche. Why would they? He-

A gentle hand on his back short circuited his negative self-talk and then he felt himself being lifted in strong arms and… and he hadn’t left. Porsche couldn’t see through the tears, but he could smell him, would know those strong arms and brick like chest anywhere. His inner omega’s cries turned into small whimpers in his head. Turning his head and closing his eyes Porsche nosed at the alpha’s scent gland and took a strong pull from it. Whiskey had always been his preferred drink of choice and he’d always loved thunderstorms. When he felt himself being ever so gently laid back in his nest and blankets being tucked in around him, Porsche opened his eyes and wiped away tears. The alpha stood next to the bed, hovering over him with an extremely concerned look on his face.

“Did you really think I’d leave just like that?” He pushed Porsche’s hair back and leaned down, pressing his lips to his forehead. “I heated up some food for you. Your friend Tem said you hadn’t eaten much.” He turned and lifted a tray filled with Porsche’s favorite dishes off the dresser and placed it in Porsche lap.

“I-” Porsche started but his voice was rough, and his throat burned.

“Drink some water first.” The alpha then lifted the still untouched water bottle to Porsches lips, helping him drink.

“You shouldn’t-” Porsche tried again but when then alpha pulled away, he found himself latching onto the alphas arm. It was pure instinct. Desperate and needy, two things Porsche had never been before. But judging from the way the alpha stopped, looked down at where Porsche had grabbed onto him to tightly, and let out a small smirk he wasn’t put off by it.

“Let’s get some food in you hmm?” The alpha the proceeded to feed Porsche until he’d eaten every bit of food on the plates before him, alternating with sips of water.

Once full he couldn’t stop himself from purring contentedly. He was hydrated, full, and nice and warm in his nest. It really did feel awfully nice having an alpha take care of you. In the back of his mind, he knew that this was just going to make everything so much harder when the time came but right now his omega had taken over again and was basking in the attention of his mate.

“By the way, my name’s Kinn.” The alpha final spoke after such a long silence.

“Hmm?” Porsche looked at him, slightly sleepy.

“You had said earlier that you didn’t even know my name. It’s Kinn, Kinn Theerapanyakun.” Kinn smoothed out the hair on Porsche’s head once more as the omega began to fall asleep.

The next few days passed like a cycle on repeat. Porsche would warily watch Kinn who tended to his needs with every bit of tenderness you’d expect in one of those trashy romance novels that were targeted to omegas. Arguments broke out every time Kinn brought up what they were going to do after Porsche’s recovery period. He was insistent that Porsche would move in with him immediately. When Porsche outright refused and listed numerous reasons as to why: they barely knew each other, he still planned on breaking the bond, he wasn’t about to abandon his little brother. Kinn would always come up with an answer to every single reason. It would help them get to know each other quicker, no way in hell was Kinn going to let him break the bond, and Porchay was more than welcome to move in too the compound had plenty of space. Porsche would snarl and growl and throw things at Kinn, sometimes reaching out to hit or kick him if he was close enough which he often ways. Kinn however either looked at Porsche like he was no more than a tiny kitten trying to be ferocious or he would growl right back trying to assert dominance.

Despite the arguing Kinn was still a balm to Porsche who still felt raw and incredibly vulnerable. Porsche would halfheartedly tell Kinn to leave at least twenty times a day, but Kinn would just ignore it and smile at him. The more Porsche’s emotions and body got back to normal, the more they fought. So, on the first morning after his recovery period finished when Porsche woke up to Kinn trying to pack his things, it wasn’t much of a surprise.

“What the hell are you doing?” Porsche growled out, it wasn’t even 8am and Kinn was already pissing him off today.

“Packing up your things darling, we should grab the necessities now and I’ll send some men to pack up the rest later.” Kinn informed him as he folded another shirt and put it in the worn out old black duffel bag.

“How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not moving in with you!” Porsche yelled frustrated as he got out of bed and grabbed Kinn’s arm, pinning it awkwardly behind his back. Kinn, partly shock and partly in pain didn’t struggle much against his omega as he found himself pushed out of the bedroom, down the hall, down the stairs, across the living room, and out the front door. Kinn stood there blinking at Porsche slammed the door shut behind him and locked it.

Looking back, Porsche wished he been meaner when he kicked Kinn out of his house. He should have just tossed the stupid alpha out his bedroom window.


As always let me know what you guys think! Did you like it? Any thoughts as to what might happen next?

Chapter 5


Porsche gets increasingly annoyed and Kinn comes up with a plan.


Thank you all so much for the comments and the love! I've gotten so inspired that this might go past the original 16 chapters I had planned! Keep the comments coming they really push me to write more and put more time and energy into this story.

Chapter Text

Porsche could not understand why the alpha- Kinn- seemed so dead set on them moving in together. Porsche had thrown the pushy bastard out of his house the moment he felt like himself again. That had been twenty minutes ago and Kinn was still outside his front door.

“Porsche, darling. Let me in?” Kinn voice carried through the door, clearly trying to coax him.

Despite how good it felt having an alpha take care of him during his recovery period he knew that this wouldn’t last. There was no way Kinn would want to stay with Porsche, he wasn’t what the alpha wanted not really. The past few days they were both heavily influenced by pheromones and instinct. After a few more days of a clear head Kinn would realize that Porsche was right, and he’d be glad that they were going to break the bond. Porsche would just have to wait him out.

“Porsche, open the door. I know you’ve been standing just on the other side this entire time.” Kinn’s deep rumble filled Porsche’s belly with a warmth he had to work hard to ignore. As much as Porsche wanted to deny it, the stupid alpha wasn’t wrong. He had been standing on the other side of the door for the past twenty minutes finding it incredibly difficult to walk away from Kinn.

“My darling mate, open the door and I promise you won’t be in trouble for kicking me out.” Kinn’s voice was gaining an irritated edge. Porsche rolled his eyes and let out his own frustrated growl. Reaching forward he yanked open the door to see the alpha’s lips quirk into a smirk, like he knew Porsche would open the door after he said that.

“Listen, I’m not intimidated by you, you big stupid alpha. I don’t care if you get pissed off because I’m not the type of omega who just rolls over submissively and lets any alpha do whatever they want.” Between his scowl and his words, Kinn’s smirk dropped before Porsche slammed the front door in his face for the second time. A shiver danced up his spine when he heard Kinn’s growl through the door.

Porsche’s stomach growled loudly, highlighting his hunger. Dropping his hand to cover the noisy organ, a sudden thought came to him. Maybe Kinn was so determined because there was a chance Porsche was carrying his pup? That made sense, alphas were notoriously possessive and overprotective of their mates when they were carrying. Porsche’s hand dropped lower on his abdomen, rubbing unconsciously in a gesture of affection to the pup that could have taken root. He could almost picture a pup, a tiny little thing with his eyes and Kinn’s pale skin. A loud banging on his door snapped Porsche back to reality, making him drop his hand as if it had received a shock. With a grimace he turned and opened the door once more holding up a hand to stop Kinn from saying anything.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m staying in my own home, with my little brother. You can stand outside my door all day and night; I’m not letting you back inside.” He watched as Kinn raised an eyebrow, his lips in a tight straight line. “Do yourself a favor and go home. Leave me alone. I’ll get in touch after the pregnancy test. Which I’m pretty sure will be negative. Then we can discuss breaking the bond.” He went to shut the door again, but this time Kinn saw it coming and threw out a hand to block the door.

“We are not breaking our bond. You are my mate, and I am yours.” Kinn stated firmly, clenching his jaw tightly. Porsche could see he was trying to hold himself back which he found a little strange. Although the laws were changing and omegas had far more rights and protections than they did previously, there was a law still guaranteeing an alpha’s right to simply take their omega and force them to live with them once they’re bonded. Of course, that law was rarely enforced and today it was rare for a bond to be forced on an omega but still Kinn could just drag him out. Porsche would put up one hell of a fight but between his alpha’s strength and the fact that his inner omega had already submitted to him…Kinn could just force him. Just drag him out of the only home he’d ever known, the home he’d fought so hard to keep. Porsche felt his throat tightening up at the thought, try as he might he couldn’t help the distressed tinge to his scent.

“I’m not going to force you to come with me, Porsche.” It seemed as though he knew exactly what Porsche had feared. “I’ll leave for today,” He lifted a finger and pointed at Porsche, “but this isn’t over. You are my mate Porsche and I’m going to treat you as such.” Porsche wasn’t sure what Kinn meant by that, and he wasn’t too keen to find out either. He just watched as the alpha got back in his car and drove off, his inner omega unhappy once again. In his fixation on Kinn he failed to notice that there were a few linger men in black suits.


Kinn was seething as he drove away from his omega. He never imagined that he would be driving back home empty handed after tending so diligently to his Porsche’s recovery period. He’d been thrown out of his mate’s nest and then thrown out of his mate’s house. What the hell was happening? He was Kinn Theerapanyakun, dammit. Omegas, betas, and hell even other alphas threw themselves at him, they begged for his co*ck and his attention. They would probably faint from happiness if Kinn invited them to live with him, bond, or no. But his mate, his Porsche threw him out, all but spat in his face. Kinn could feel the headache forming at his temples.

At the very least he’d been able to leave five trusted bodyguards to keep an eye on his mate. It was less than ideal but better than nothing. He had been tempted to drag Porsche home with him but when smelt the distress on his mate he knew he was going to have form a plan. Porsche was like a skittish wild animal that he was going to have to approach slowly. However, being subtle and gentle was not Kinn’s strong suit. He was going to need help. The headache was getting stronger.

“I was told you came home empty handed again.” Tankhun was looking at himself in the mirror fixing his bangs and then practiced a pouty look before taking a few selfies

“Khun.” Kinn stood in his older brother’s bedroom, quickly losing patience for Tankhun’s dramatics.

“So, you’ve come for some advice little brother?” Tankhun spun on his white leather stool to face Kinn.

Kinn let out an aggravated sigh, “Yes, unfortunately.” He crossed his arms, growing even more irritated with how Tankhun was looking at him with pity, like Kinn was five again and had come to beg Tankhun for his help stealing cookies before dinner.

“My dear Kinny you’ve come to the right place. Of course, I’ll help you woo your wayward little mate.” Tankhun gave him a gracious smile. “First of all, there is a glaringly obvious problem that you’ve overlooked. So obvious that I’m a bit disappointed in you Kinn.” Tankhun raised his eyebrows and gave Kinn a haughty look.

“What do mean? What did I forget?” Kinn felt exasperated, what could he be forgetting? Tankhun however didn’t say anything just gave Kinn a look like he should know exactly what he was talking about. Kinn gestured that he wasn’t getting it and Tankhun let out a huff.

“Kinn Theerapanyakun, what are you supposed to do when you’re interested in an omega?” Tankhun crossed his arms.

“I’m not just interested Khun, we’re already mated.” Kinn replied not understanding.

“Courting, Kinn! Courting! Because you mated and bonded on the same night you met, you didn’t properly court him. Suddenly being mated to an alpha you don’t know is upsetting for any omega. How is he supposed to trust you to take care of him and be a good mate when you haven’t courted!” Tankhun had stood up during his tirade and put his hands on his hips. “You need prove yourself to be a proper, loyal alpha he can trust and who will provide for him and any pups he bears you.”

It hit Kinn like a ton of bricks. Of course! How could he possibly have forgotten that? His parents had raised him and his brothers to follow the traditional rules of courting and bonding. Granted they and Kinn had never imagined he’d met his fated pair in a club and the omega would immediately go into heat. Courting Porsche according to tradition would impress upon him how serious Kinn was about their bond. Although typically courting could last anywhere from two to three months, Kinn would have to pray Porsche wouldn’t make him wait that long.

“Kinn? Kinn? Where are you going?” Tankhun called for him as he quickly left his brother’s rooms in order to plan out his gifts for Porsche.


Apparently what Kinn had meant was leaving a goon squad surrounding his house. At first, he thought he was just being paranoid but after several hours he knew that Kinn had left them. Who exactly was his alpha that he men in black following him around everywhere and stake out his mate’s house? One of them had posted up in front of the gate of their house and judging by how easily they let a spooked Porchay pass though without a second look, they must have quite a bit of info on him and his family.

“Hia? What’s going on?” Porchay asked when he reached Porsche who was already standing on the front porch waiting for him.

“I’m not entirely sure. Let’s get inside.” Porsche wrapped his arm around his little brother’s shoulders and guided him into the house.

“Is he still here?” Chay asked looking around as he put on his house slippers.

“No, I kicked him out earlier today.” Porsche stated as he walked past Chay and went into the kitchen.

“What? You kicked him out?” Chay looked at him disbelieving.

“Chay, I’ve already explained that after the pregnancy test, I’m breaking the bond. There’s no way this alpha would seriously want to stay mated to me.” Porsche said as he put together some lunch for him and Chay.

“But Hia, he came for you. He took care of you, pretty good care too judging by how good you look now. Did he say he was willing to break the bond?” Chay sat down at the table and watched Porsche putter around the kitchen, refusing to turn around and look Chay in the eyes.

“No. The idiot refuses but I’m sure a few days apart and a clear head he’ll see reason.” Porsche replied, a bit ashamed of how his insides still twisted violently at thought of breaking the bond.

“Hia, come on, get to know the guy. He could be a great guy; this could be your chance for a happily ever after.” Chay pushed, his Hia deserved to be spoiled and pampered for how hard he worked to take care of Chay for all these years. Porsche practically raised him even though he was just a kid himself, he knew his older brother had been through hell.

“Chay, you don’t understand.” Porsche hung his head as he put his hands on the sink.

“Hia-” Chay started.

“Porchay, let it go.” Porsche’s voice took on a firm parental tone, and the silence that followed let him know it worked. Chay may be 19 but he was still Porsche’s pup.

For the rest of the day the two stayed away from any conversation involving mates, bonding, or alphas. When it came time for Porsche to head to work, he was in an okay mood, until he realized he was being followed. It seemed the men in black weren’t just stationed at his house but rather to stalk him wherever he went. Great. He tried several times to stop following him, but they just gave him blank stares in reply. By the time he got to Hum Bar he was irritated the goons had gotten closer and closer and now that he was off his bike, they were just about glued to him. Four of them, perhaps one had stayed back at the house, or maybe he was just better at blending in with a crowd.

“Porsche!” Yok hurriedly greeted him, moving to usher him in and gossip. She paused however as a man in a black suit stepped between her and Porsche, one hand up and the other reaching for his waist. “Who the hell are you?” Yok demanded. “Porsche what the hell is going on?”

“Move!” Porsche shoved the goon to the side and walked up to Yok, “It’s a long story/” Yok had thankfully let it go and walked away with a frown. He got behind the bar and the goons stood or sat around the bar in what appeared to be strategic positions. Shaking his head, he was willing to let it go for now as long as they didn’t interfere with his job.

Within two hours of the bar being open, it became abundantly clear to both Porsche and Yok that the men in black were definitely having a negative affect on business. Even their regular customers where hesitant to stay for more and one or two drinks. Most people walked in took in the suits and quickly turned around. By hour three Yok approached the bar with a heavy sigh and an annoyed look on her face.

“Porsche, can you make the men in black leave? They’re ruining my business!” She declared.

“I wish. They don’t listen to me, assholes.” Porsche let out a frustrated growl.

“Well then, I’m sorry but you have to go. Usually, you’re one of the biggest draws but until you can lose the men in black, you’re on leave.” Yok was not pleased having to tell Porsche to go home and she was wildly curious about what was going on, but she didn’t have any other choice.

“I understand Yok. I’ll call you later.” Porsche grabbed his keys and left the bar in a huff. When he reached his house, he approached one of the goons. One that looked the least like a douche. “You have Kinn’s number, right? Give it to me.” He demanded.

“Yes Khun Porsche.” The guy held out his phone showing Porsche the number. Hearing the man call him Khun gave Porsche pause. It sounded weird. He didn’t like it. He copied down the number and walked back toward his house, hitting call.

“Hello?” A baritone voice that made his insides to weird flips answered.

“What the f*ck is wrong with you?” Porsche asked without preamble.

“Porsche?” He could tell Kinn was smiling on the other end, he sounded happy.

“Who the hell are the men in black and why the f*ck are they following me around? Who the f*ck are you?” He growled out.

“The men in black are part of my security team, our security team now. As for who I am, I’m Kinn Theerapanyakun, an important businessman with enemies. Being my mate means they are your enemies now too and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” Kinn replied sounding far too serious and pleased.

“A businessman? With enemies? Great.” Porsche replied growing more and more angry as he entered the house and slammed the door shut scaring Porchay who had been sitting on the coach watching a movie.

“Darling-” Kinn began with a chuckle.

“Don’t call me that. Just stop with the pet names.” Porsche growled.

“Porsche, my darling, I would like to formally declare my intentions to court you. I know it’s a bit backwards since we are already mated but I was raised to follow certain traditions, one of them being courtship. Expect the first gift tomorrow morning. Goodnight, my Porsche.” Kinn hung up without giving Porsche a chance to reply.

“Hia? What is it?” Chay co*cked his head to the side as he took in his brother frozen in place looking confusedly at his cell.

“He wants to court me.” Porsche responded quietly.

“He wants to court you. That’s wonderful!” Chay gave a beaming smile.

“Why does he want to court me? Who even does that anymore?” Porsche was talking more to himself than to Chay, in fact he hadn’t really heard Chay.

“He’s probably trying to prove himself as a worthy mate, even though you’re already mated. That’s amazing! And what do you mean, ‘who even does that?’ courting is the most respectful and serious way an alpha can approach an omega they want to mate. So, he stated his intent just now?” Chay was practically vibrating on the couch and Porsche turned to finally acknowledge him and what he was saying.

“Yes, wait why did you say it like that? He said it almost the exact same way.” Porsche looked at Chay confused.

“Hia, that’s how it starts. The alpha formally states his intention to court the omega, and then sends the first gift usually within the next few days. Did he mention a gift?” Chay asked wide eyed and entirely focused on his brothers love life.

“Yes, he said to expect something tomorrow morning. How do you know so much about courting?” Porsche was confused and also suspicious as he walked toward Chay.

“Tomorrow morning? That’s fast! Oh, this is so exciting!” Chay wiggled on the couch. “Everyone knows about courting Hia, they teach it in Second Gender class. Did you really skip school that much?”

“Oh, no. Well, yes but someone had to put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads. Arthee sure as hell wasn’t going to.” Porsche said taking a seat next to Chay.

“Yeah,” Chay looked down thinking once more about how much Porsche had given up to take care of them. “Wait, Hia, why are you home so early?” Chay asked looking at the time on his phone.

“My asshole mate. That’s why.” Porsche seethed once more remembering why he was home so early. Grabbing his phone once more he texted Tem, Jom, and Yok asking if they had ever heard of Kinn Theerapanyakun.

Chapter 6


Porsche finds out who his mate is and receives his first gift.


I'm so sorry for being a week late in posting! Things were very busy being the end of the semester. But this is the longest chapter to date I believe. Thank you to everyone who has commented, I really appreciate hearing from you guys. It helps to keep me going. The next chapter is going to really move things along story wise so I hope you guys don't think it's moving too slow or anything.

Chapter Text

It took mere moments for Jom, Tem, and Yok to respond. Yok and Jom had no idea. But Tem did.

Tem: OMG he even said his name was Kinn, why did I not recognize him!

Porsche: & why would you recognize him?

Tem: Kinn Theerapanyakun just took over his pa’s business. One of the most successful international export/imports. They started as mafia and have slowly become legit, but if you believe rumor its still like 20% illegal sh*t.

Porsche felt like he was going to pass out. How was any of this happening to him? He felt like he was having a hard time breathing again.

Porsche: wtf

Tem: He’s in the society pages Porsche!

Porsche: why the f*ck would I ever look at those?

Tem: Porsche…why are we friends again?

Porsche: Just tell me what you know about him

Tem: He’s the 2nd son, a dominate and powerful alpha, raised very traditional, one of Thailand’s most eligible bachelors

Tem: or at least he was

Porsche: f*ck. Like how traditional?

Tem: How am I supposed to know?

Porsche: f*ck

Tem: But one thing I know is he’s not going to just give you up

Porsche: how the f*ck did this happen?

Tem: I already explained that dude, uniquely compatible = breakthrough heat = bond mates

Porsche had the hardest time trying to fall asleep that night; he was a terrible mix of emotions. Annoyed with his inner omega that seemed overjoyed at the prospect of being courted, scared about possibly being pregnant, irritated that Kinn wouldn’t just get out of his life, and curious about what his first gift was going to be. He’d never been courted, of course up until yesterday he didn’t think people still courted. In the grand scheme of things Porsche realized he’d never actually been in a relationship before, hooks up yes and sometimes more than once with the same person but it was only ever just sex. The idea that someone would actually want him for more than a lay was equal parts unbelievable and terrifying. Also, why get attached to someone when they’ll just disappoint you in the end? It was past 4am when Porsche was finally able to fall into a fitful sleep.

“HIA!” Porchay came bounding into his room at little after 8am, if his alarm clock was to be believed, excited and with far more energy than anyone should have at that time he thought.

“Ugh, Chay, let me sleep.” Porsche dug further under his covers when Chay ripped open the curtains. He had always been energetic in the mornings much to Porsche’s chagrin.

“I would Hia but there’s a man at the gate asking for you.” Porchay pulled at the covers until he found Porsche and then grabbed at his arm. “I’m pretty sure he was sent by your alpha.”

“Oh.” Porsche said allowing himself to be pulled from bed and taking the clean clothes Chay was tossing him.

“Hurry up! I want to see what he sent!” Chay urged him.

“Alright, alright.” Porsche tried to play it cool and hide the nauseating pit in his stomach.

Sure enough, a man in a black suit and sunglasses stood outside the gates of their house, a sleek black sedan behind him. He looked exactly like the other goons Kinn had left him. Hesitantly, Porsche approached the gate looking around to see if the man was holding anything in his arms but the closer he got, he could see the man wasn’t holding anything. Porsche’s heart dropped into his stomach. Maybe this was just Kinn messing with him. Pretending he wanted to court Porsche and then instead sending this guy to tell him there’s no way in hell a man like Kinn would want anything to do with him. Porsche took a deep breath steadying himself and preparing for the worst.

“Khun Porsche,” The man gave a bow and pulled an envelope out of his inner jacket pocket, with dramatic flourish he held it out to Porsche, “Khun Kinn’s first courting gift.”

“Oh, okay.” Porsche reached through the bars of the gate and took the proffered envelope, before opening it he found the man now had a large smile on his face and he was apparently waiting for Porsche to open the envelope. Taking a hard swallow Porsche tried to open the envelope as if his heart wasn’t beating a million miles an hour. He pulled out a letter and upon opening it a little black card tumbled out. Even from its spot on the ground Porsche knew what it was.

“Is he f*cking crazy?” Porsche whispered to himself, before tearing his eyes away and reading the letter. This had to be a mistake. His eyes were playing tricks on him, they had to be.

‘Dear Porsche,

My first gift to you is a black card. It has your name on it and I expect you to use it, for anything and everything. My darling mate will never have to worry about money. I’ll take care of you and your family.

Yours Forever,


Yes. Yes, he is f*cking crazy. Giving an omega he doesn’t even really know a black card just because said omega has his bite mark on his neck? Who does that? Underneath his bluster, Porsche’s inner omega felt like purring, his alpha had given him such a necessary gift something to show his seriousness and willingness to take care of Porsche. He even mentioned taking care of his family, of Porchay. How had his alpha known that money had long been issue for Porsche? Did he know that by doing this he’d be taking a huge weight off of Porsche’s shoulders?

Or was this something else? Porsche had heard of a few different omegas that had a similar set up with an alpha, hell he’d been offered the same thing several times, every time they used the card, they’d have to spread their legs or get on their knees. Was that what Kinn had been thinking when he’d sent the card? Porsche was not a whor*. A bit of slu*t, yes. But not a whor*. No one paid him, nor would he ever accept anything like that. He quickly grabbed the card and then pulled out his phone. He took a picture of it and sent it to Kinn, then he called him.

“Good morning, Porsche. Darling, do you like your first gift?” Kinn’s deep voice rang in his ear, sounding infinitely pleased with himself.

“What the hell is this? Do you think I’m a whor*?” Porsche growled at him, while staring angrily at the man in front of him who dropped his smile and seemed to go pale.

“Absolutely not! Porsche, of course I don’t think that!” Kinn sounded as if Porsche’s words had completely surprised him.

“Sending me this card what am I supposed to think?” Porsche crossed his arms.

“Did you read the letter?” Kinn asked, gentle tone long gone.

“Well yeah but-” Porsche started irritation in his voice clear, did he really get it wrong?

“Porsche, I meant what I said. You are my mate and that means anything that troubles you troubles me. I know how hard your work to provide for yourself and your little brother, and I know about the debt your uncle left you with. As your mate it’s my job to take care of you and part of that is taking your burdens as my own.” Kinn’s voice was serious and stern.

“But-” Porsche tried to get in a word.

“Porsche, this isn’t up for debate. Take the card and use it to pay your bills, pay off the debt, and buy yourself and your brother some nice things.” Kinn’s alpha tone bled into his words, making Porsche let out a small whine he couldn’t stop, his omega feeling guilty for upsetting his alpha. Apparently, he had been wrong, very wrong.

“Asshole.” Porsche mumbled before hanging up, now embarrassed. He couldn’t even look at the man who delivered the gift, he just turned and hurried back into the house.

“So, what did he give you?” Chay was eagerly awaiting Porsches return, barely letting him get in the house before crowding him. Porsche gave him the letter and the card, the card made Chay’s eyes look like they were going to pop out of his head. “A black card?” Chay quickly read the note. “Wow. This is…”

“Ridiculous?” Porsche supplied.

“Hia are you mad?” Chay looked up at him with furrowed brow.

“Well, he’s basically treating me like a whor*, isn’t he?” Porsche moved past Chay and went to eat the breakfast Chay had laid out on the table. He wanted Chay to agree with him, to feel a little less sh*tty about suspecting the worst of the alpha. Although thinking about it more, those types of relationships usually didn’t involve mating marks. For someone to treat their bondmate that way, it would be unthinkable.

“What? Hia, please tell me you didn’t accuse him of doing that?” Chay was looking at him like Porsche was utterly foolish.

“I may have.” He admitted to his plate of quickly cooling eggs.

“Hia! You-” Chay let out a frustrated noise, “Hia the first gift is usually monetary in some way. A gift of money or stocks or something of great value that proves the alpha can financially support the omega and any pups they have. Accusing him like that, Hia he must have been upset.”

“He was. He scolded me.” Porsche pouted.

“You deserved it.” Chay responded sitting down across from him.

“Chay!” Porsche looked betrayed, “He used his alpha voice on me!”

“I’ll admit that wasn’t fair of him, but Porsche you are bondmates. He’s already told you several times he won’t break the bond and he’s serious about you. He’s even courting although he technically doesn’t have too. Can’t you try to give him the benefit of the doubt?” Chay gave Porsche his best puppy dog eyes.

It wasn’t fair. Porsche felt like everything he did was wrong. How was he supposed to just trust someone he barely knew?


Kinn was both irritated and satisfied, an odd combination but it seemed Porsche was uniquely able to cause such emotions at the same time. His feisty mate had the audacity to accuse Kinn of such a horrible thing. He knew it wasn’t exactly uncommon in the underground, and the streets where Porsche had grown up, but Kinn was his mate. Was that really what Porsche thought of him? Taming his little errant omega was going to take time and patience. Kinn was already aware that Porsche was going to fight him every step of the way, but they were bondmates, it was fated. It was fitting that his mate would be strong and stubborn, not afraid to fight him. There was no way in hell he’d ever give up Porsche. He just had to remind himself that soon enough he’d have his omega in his den, that Porsche would make a lovely nest for them, and he’d get to f*ck him in it every night. Every night until he was round with Kinn’s child.

A child. Their child could already be growing inside Porsche. The thought filled Kinn with pride and a little bit of nerves. It was officially one week since they had first met and mated. One more week and Kinn would find out if he’d successfully bred his omega during their first shared heat and rut. If he had, it would certainly be a boost to his ego, but it would likely also quicken Porsche’s acceptance of their bond. Pregnant bonded omegas crave their mate’s attention and affection. To have Porsche crave him, well he’d seen that once before and it was…addicting. Kinn closed his eyes and smiled as the memory played out in his head.

Kinn woke up to the sweetest mewling sounds coming from his lovely little omega. The omega, his omega was scenting him while grinding his throbbing erection against Kinn’s. He was absolutely desperate for the alpha. Kinn put his hands on the omega’s soft cheeks and pushed him up so that they could look each other in the eye. The omega’s eyes were glazed over, he was deep in his heat still. Good thing he has his alpha to take of him, Kinn thought to himself with a smirk.

“Alpha!” The omega pushing and pulling at his arms trying to get back down so he could get closer.

“Tell me what you need baby.” Even in his rut Kinn couldn’t help teasing his omega. He knew the first time he laid eyes on the omega that he was gorgeous, his caramel skin and bright mischievous smile. Seeing him naked confirmed that he was muscular and toned, he had already traced every line and groove of the omegas body.

“Need you, want you.” The omega begged reaching down and grabbing Kinn’s thick co*ck in his hand. Stroking it slowly.

“Show me how much you want me.” Kinn lifted up and kissed his omega hard, biting at his lips.

“Nngh,” His omega whined at the loss of Kinn’s lips but pulled up and sat on top of his alphas lap. He was no longer stroking the alpha’s co*ck but lining it up with his soaking puss* and then getting up a little he sank back down, letting out a long moan as he took every inch of his alpha.

Kinn let out a groan, mouth open he reached up and wrapped a hand around the back of the omegas neck, forcing him down in a sloppy kiss. Once he released him the omega sat up again putting his hands on Kinn’s chest and began to move…

What he wouldn’t give to be inside his omega again. Porsche was beyond perfect, no one else could ever compare. Kinn had been with omegas, betas, and even a few alphas who couldn’t help but want to be dominated by him. None of them had ever meant anything, well except for- no he didn’t deserve to be thought of in the same context as Porsche. That man was a liar, cheat, and meant nothing to him anymore. Especially now that he had Porsche.

“Big,” Kinn called in his head of security as he sat at his desk.

“Yes sir?” Big stood at attention on the other side.

“Bring this to my father,” he handed him a file folder, “and tell Arm to update me the moment my mate uses his card. Also, the next time you visit my little brother, be sure to tell him all about Porsche.”

“Yes sir,” Big gave a bow of his head and left as swiftly as he came. Kinn saw the way his eyes had widen slightly as he mentioned his little meetings with Kim.

Of course, Kinn knew about those meetings, what did Big expect? Did he really think that he could hide anything from Kinn, the head alpha of their pack? Kinn even knew that his head guard, was half in love with him. As long as it didn’t become an issue, Kinn was fine with it. He had noticed some irritation on Big’s face every time he mentioned Porsche, but the beta knew better then to actually say or do anything. Kinn was confident that Big would get over his crush and respect Porsche as the pack head omega, not that he had much choice. If Big did anything that put Porsche in danger or upset him in anyway Big had to be aware that Kinn would kill him. Years of loyalty meant nothing when a bondmate was in play. He had specifically made that comment about his meetings with Kim to highlight how much he knew, and that Big needed to watch himself.

He was also very much aware of the fact that Kim would do his own background checks on Porsche and his family. Kim had left the compound at age 18, claiming he didn’t want anything to do with them. That never stopped him from using his credit cards, the bill of which was paid by their father and now Kinn. Kim also watched the entire family like a hawk, them and anyone who tried to get close to them. There were a few alphas of note who had shown some interest in Tankhun, who wanted nothing to do with them, but a few were pushy and before Kinn could do anything they landed in the hospital. All interest lost and notes of apology were sent from their families.

Shaking off thoughts of his annoying little brother, Kinn began thinking about where he was going to take Porsche for their first date. He hadn’t told his omega they were going out, but everyone loved surprises. On second thought, his mate didn’t seem to like surprises and might possibly punch him again. He probably wouldn’t like a date showing off his wealth either, unlike the previous men he’d taken out. He needed to know more about his mate, but there was no way in hell he’d get that information from the man himself. Picking up his phone he dialed Arm’s office.

“I need the phone number of Porsche’s younger brother Porchay and his friend Tem.”

Chapter 7


Kinn gets advice and takes Porsche on a date. The results are...satisfying?


This one took my a while to get the way I wanted it. Hence the long wait. I'm still not 100% happy with it but hopefully it's good. Thank you all for leaving your lovely comments and kudos they really make my day and provide me with such inspiration and a feeling of support! Also I love seeing you guys make guess was to what will happen next! Next chapter will be up by next weekend, it's half written in my head already.

Chapter Text

“Avoiding surprises is a good idea.” Tem let out a long sigh, “I feel like most alphas would want to take a first date as an opportunity to impress, bring their omega to fancy places and order the most expensive foods. But with Porsche, he’d probably prefer something more lowkey.”

“That’s what I thinking but,” Kinn ran a hand through his thick hair, “how lowkey? Would he respond to a nice seaside resort restaurant bought out for the day, or would perhaps a quiet night on a yacht with a private chief be better?” He was making a conscious effort to be kind as he spoke with Porsche’s friend, a vast difference from the growling and shouting he’d been doing the past few days. It was difficult for an alpha to be distanced from his mate when they had bonded so recently, Kinn’s temper was shorter than ever and he constantly felt on edge.

“While those both sound lovely,” Tem grimaced trying not to upset the alpha, “but it’s still too much. Think small quiet café, with a good dessert menu.” He needed to help steer this date cause there were a million things that could go wrong, and Porsche deserved this chance at happiness.

“A small café?” Kinn sounded reluctant. “Wouldn’t that be…it just doesn’t sound…I don’t want Porsche to think that I’m not serious. If I were to take any another other omega that’s ever crossed my path to a small café, it’d be seen as disrespectful.”

“Yes, but Porsche isn’t just any other omega, is he?” Tem pointed out.

“Of course not.” Kinn rushed to assure his omega’s best friend. “Porsche is my mate. I would do anything to please him, make him happy. If, if a small café date will help Porsche understand that I’m serious about our bond and our future together, then our date will be at a small café. Thank you, Tem for your invaluable assistance.” Kinn has pulled out his laptop and is ready to end the call.

“Wait, before you go.” Tem bit his lip wondering if he should say anything or not, but Kinn did seem as though he was determined to make a future with Porsche so, “I’ve known Porsche since we were both 15, he’s tough to get close to but he’s all heart underneath those many layers of stubbornness.” Once he started it was kind of hard to stop. “He’s raised little Chay like his own pup since his parents died, he didn’t get to grow up like he should have. Even when we were young, he didn’t like taking help from anyone. He doesn’t trust easy, but Porsche needs someone to take care of him for once. Just don’t lie to him, do you understand?”

“Yes, Tem. I understand.” Kinn hung up the phone and sat for a moment contemplating what Tem had told him.

His Porsche was strong and resilient, he’d had a whole lot to deal with in his life before meeting Kinn. He had to be both father and mother to his little brother, he faced a rough world with little to no protection and as an omega too. Kinn shook his head. Porsche would want for nothing from now on. Kinn would take of his mate and his mate’s little brother, and if Porsche saw Porchay as his own pup more than a little brother, then Porchay would become Kinn’s pup too. He is going to take the burden off of Porsche, although being the head omega will come with its own set of challenges Kinn with be with Porsche every step of the way.

Kinn picks up his phone again scrolling through his contacts down to Porchay’s number. Perhaps he should contact his little brother-in-law, see what he thinks about all of this. Afterall it wouldn’t hurt to bond a little, if he were to get the younger omega on his side it would likely improve his chances.

“Hello?” Porchay didn’t recognize the number but always answered the phone, something Porsche always scolded him about.

“Porchay? This is Kinn.”

“Oh, hello P’Kinn, umm if you’re trying to get ahold of Porsche right now, I’m not with him.” Porchay’s soft voice filtered over the phone clearly unsure.

“No, I wanted to speak to you actually,” Kinn replied gently, “I was curious as to what you thought about everything. I’m sure it must have been a shock to you as well Porsche suddenly gaining a mate.”

“I’ll admit it was surprising, Hia always said he’d never have a mate.” Porchay cleared his throat, “I think it’s a good thing though, I’d like Hia to have someone to take care of him for a change.”

“And that’s what I plan on doing Porchay.” Kinn made sure to infused as much sincerity into his voice as possible.

“I can see that. You’re courting him even though you don’t have to. Hia really deserves to be treated the best, he’s given up so much for me. I’m- I’m just a little sad that this also means he’ll be moving out soon.” Porchay cleared his throat again, but Kinn could hear the sniffles he was trying to hide.

“Porchay do you really think he’ll leave you by yourself?” Kinn asked, growing fonder of the sweet younger omega by the minute.

“Well- I- I know Hia might not want to at first, but this is just how it works right?” Porchay replied, his voice sounding more and more blue.

“Porchay, I know Porsche has practically raised you, you’re not just his little brother you’re his pup. I have no plans on keep the two of you separated. I’ve already informed Porsche that when he agrees to move in with me, you’re coming too.” Kinn couldn’t help but smile when he heard Porchay gasp.

“Are you sure? But- but you don’t have too. I mean-” He sounded so flustered.

“Porchay, you’re family now. There is plenty of space for you in the Theerapanyakun estate. You’ll have your own set of rooms and a place in the pack as the Head Omega’s little brother and the Head Alpha’s brother-in-law.” Kinn told him, listening to the excited noises Chay was making, shaking his head, and smiling.

“Really?” Porchay was shocked and extremely happy. He’d get to stay with Hia! That had always been one of his biggest fears that he or Hia would find a mate and they’d have to separate, live in different houses. It was completely normal and a part of growing up but when Porchay thought about it he was incredibly anxious. But now, now Porsche’s mate said that he could come too. They be part of a pack too. It wouldn’t just be the two of them anymore, they’d have a real pack. Porchay had gone from sad tears to happy tears so quickly.

“Yes really. I’m glad you’re happy with the arrangement.” It felt a little strange, but Kinn actually was happy that he had made the pup, his omega’s pup, happy. That the pup was looking forward to moving in and becoming part of their pack. Usually, Kinn didn’t give a sh*t about how other people beside his own family (and even then, it was only sometimes) felt. “Porchay, I was hoping that after I ask Porsche to go on a date this week, you could help persuade him accept?”

“Of course, P’Kinn!” Porchay responded, thrilled that his Hia was that much closer to his happily ever after. Speaking of which, Porchay may be getting closer to his own as well! Book had told him about an alpha he knew around their age that had similar interests as Porchay and might be a good potential mate. Porchay had been hesitant but if Hia was off on a date of his own, Chay wouldn’t have to worry about him being all up in his business.

After ending the call with Porchay, Kinn double checked who he had following the younger omega. Park. Park had been a guard for the family for nearly six years. He was diligent and knew how to blend in with his surroundings. There hadn’t been any incidences so far with Porchay and Kinn hoped to keep it that way. Park had strict instructions to keep a distance but to intervene with appropriate force when necessary. Kinn felt that Porsche would approve of the guard for his little brother, knowing how protective he is. He was waying the pros and cons of adding a second guard when there was a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

“Khun Kinn,” Pete, his older brothers head guard entered the room, “I was told that you asked for me?”

“Yes, I need you to do some research for me. It needs to be top secret, Tankhun cannot know.” Kinn informed him.

“Okay,” Pete knew Tankhun was going to grill him as to why Kinn called him for the second he walked into his rooms.

“I need you to go around and find quiet, somewhat secluded cafes that serve high quality desserts and assess their safety and possible defensive postings.” Kinn felt Pete would be the best suited to finding a small selection of possible cafes for him to take Porsche. Pete was the only omega bodyguard in the family, but he was damn good at his job hence why he was Tankhun’s head guard. Kinn had realized that Pete also had a similar view on life as Porsche, as far as material things were considered. He had grown up on a small island raised by his grandparents, they didn’t have a lot of money, but Pete was all smiles whenever he spoke of his grandparents and the life, they provided him with. Porsche seemed to be similar, the damn little omega had yet to use the black card Kinn had given him.


Porsche was both surprised and a little annoyed that after he had called Kinn about his first courtship gift that the alpha took it as an open invitation to call and text him several times a day, every day. The texts and calls were typically a combination of Kinn wondering what Porsche was doing and incredibly obvious flirting that Porsche may or may not have engaged in. Once or twice. Okay a few times. Alright, alright! Half the time, but to be fair Porsche had always enjoyed flirting. Although usually it was harmless, but Porsche was just choosing to ignore the danger, for now. So, what if he had started smiling whenever he saw an incoming text from Kinn, or that his heart would race, and his gut would twist in a funny way whenever Kinn called him. He was definitely still in control of everything and was definitely still going to break the bond.

It was around one o’clock on Wednesday, and Porsche was bored out of his mind. After a couple more shifts at Yok’s were messed up by Kinn’s goons starting fights with people who got too handsy with Porsche, Yok had banned him from the bar for a few weeks. She felt horrible about it, she knew how much Porsche needed the money. After finding out Porsche had bonded with a wealthy guy, she didn’t feel guilty anymore, even if Porsche kept denying the bond.

Porsche had been putting off getting the mail all day, he knew there was going to be an overdue bill from Porchay’s school. As he looked over the notice, he found out that if they didn’t get a payment within the next day or two, Porchay wouldn’t be allowed to attend. f*ck. Where was he supposed to get that kind of money that fast? The school he was sending Chay to was expensive as hell but worth it, his little brother was going to get the best quality education possible even if Porsche had to…

“Damnit.” Porsche groaned, he reluctantly climbed the stairs and went to his room, dropping down beside his bed and pulling a box out from under it. Inside the shoebox was a grey t-shirt Kinn had left at his place and that stupid little black card. Grabbing the card Porsche sat on his bed with his laptop, let out a heavy sigh, and paid his brother’s bill. He had never planned on using it but now that he had, he was going to have to pay Kinn back.

Ten minutes later, Porsches’ phone started ringing and when he looked at the caller ID his heart jumped up into his throat and his stomach started to feel funny again. Despite his better judgement he answered.

“You used the card.” Kinn’s smooth voice filter through.

“I’ll pay you back.” Porsche responded clenching his jaw.

“Porsche, you don’t need to pay me back. I gave you that card so you could use it for anything.” Kinn let out a fond huff at Porsche’s tone.

“Wait, how did you know- you put an alert on the card didn’t you? To see if I’d use it.” Porsche raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips, feeling more then a bit irritated with the alpha.

“I did. I wanted to know if you’d use it.” Kinn was not ashamed, even if he could tell Porsche wasn’t pleased. “Which I’m glad you did. It shows that you’re accepting me, our bond.

“I am not.” Porsche grumbled, until he heard a knock at his front door, “Hold on.” He hurried down the steps and opened the door thinking it was delivery. It wasn’t.

“Surprise darling,” Kinn was standing there, in a white t-shirt with an open light blue cotton button down, and tight light blue jeans. The outfit was likely supposed to be causal but to Porsche he looked like he’d walked off a damn catwalk. He looked, as much as Porsche hated to admit it, he looked damn good. One strand of hair hanging down across his forehead, his smile was dazzling, and his eyes dragged up and down Porsche’s body. It was the first time he’d seen the alpha in almost a week and his inner omega was practically dancing.

“Ehm,” Porsche cleared his suddenly dry throat, “why are you here?” He put his phone in his back pocket and crossed his arms, trying to hide the fact that he was both nervous and excited.

“I’ve come to take you on a date.” Kinn finally looked him in the eye again after taking in the black t-shirt and blue jeans Porsche was wearing. “What you’re wearing is fine. Let’s go.” Before Porsche could even respond Kinn had grabbed his hand and started pulling him out of the house.

“Wait,” Porsche snapped out of it and dug in his heels, “I’m not going anywhere with you just because you want me too.”

“Porsche-” Kinn furrowed his brow, looking back at his stubborn omega.

“Kinn-” Porsche was getting ready to fight the stupid alpha who thought he could just show up and grab him and take him wherever he wanted.

“Hia, P’Kinn, where are you going?” Porchay had walked through the gate just in time if he was going to try to save his brother-in-law, not that he would ever call him that in front of Hia, at least not yet.

“Ah, N’Porchay, I’m taking your brother for a date.” Kinn replied turning to smile at the younger Kittisawat.

“Oh, Hia have fun!” Porchay had walked up to Porsche and put a hand on his back and was pushing him forward.

“Chay!” Porsche looked at his little brother feeling betrayed, why was he trying to push him toward Kinn?

“Hia I’m sure you’ll have good time if you just allow yourself.” Porchay shoved once again with more force, if Hia would just let down is guard a little he was sure he’d enjoy himself.

“We’ll see you later N’Porchay.” Kinn smiled as the shoved from the younger brother had knocked Porsche off balance and Porsche’s bewilderment over it all made it easier for him to pull him along and get him tucked away into the car, he was even able to buckle his seatbelt which afford Kinn the opportunity to take a deep whiff Porsche’s scent. Melted brown sugar and vanilla.

“Do you usually just kidnap your dates?” Porsche grumbled, arms folded across his chest, slumped down in the seat, and trying to avoid looking at Kinn.

“No love, just you.” Kinn reached over and tried to put a hand on the back of Porsche’s neck. Porsche however knocked his hand away and gave an angry slap to Kinn’s soldier. Kinn let out a laugh, his omega was so feisty.

“Don’t call me that and don’t call me darling either.” He grumbled, the sound of Kinn’s laugh made him feel all gooey inside so he had to try hard at being annoyed. His inner omega was preening at the attention though, absolutely thrilled that his alpha enjoyed his presence so much. As he looked out the window once again Porsche wondered where Kinn was taking him, he couldn’t imagine ever fitting in the kinds of places Kinn liked to go. Expensive restaurants and exclusive fancy places where the others would without a doubt judge Porsche’s every step and every word. Although Kinn was dressed casually and said that Porsche was dressed okay too. He felt a little comforted by that. But this wasn’t going to be fun, it was going to be torture, and they shouldn’t be getting to attached to each other either.

When they pulled in front of a small café set back from the road, large trees offering generous shade and a beautiful garden with a fountain, Porsche was surprised. Pleasantly so. He’d heard about this place, about the crazy good desert selection, he never thought Kinn would want to go to a place like this. It had a good reputation, but it wasn’t fancy or exclusive nor did it have a famous chef or pastry chef or whatever else rich people usually wanted when they paid for meal or tea. Porsche turned to look at Kinn and found him smiling fondly at him before he left the car and opened Porsche’s door.

Kinn held out his hand and Porsche just glared at the outstretched hand as if it had offended him. Kinn smiled before grabbing Porsche and pulling him out of the car. He allowed himself to be tugged along while fighting a small smile.

They sat outside behind the café, at a little white wrought iron table for two. It was absolutely gorgeous the back was covered in lush gardens with blooming flowers of all different colors. There were a number of tables, and a few were occupied by couples or friends. It was bright and sunny. A perfect day for a date. A waiter brought them a fancy three tiered sterling silver cake try that held a variety of cakes and treats. The drinks they had ordered inside were brought to them as well. They had sat in silence for the first few minutes, but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all, well until Porsche finally stopped taking in their surroundings and realized that Kinn was and had been staring at him the entire time.

“Why don’t you try a piece of cake?” Kinn suggested leaning toward Porsche and gesturing toward the stand.

Porsche helped himself to a small square piece of chocolate cake that had layers of cake, frosting, and fudge. It was incredible, of course. After that first piece Kinn had started asking questions about his likes and dislikes, his family, and his dreams. In return he shared his own answers to the same questions although Porsche hadn’t asked him. Porsche had tried to keep his answers short to avoid revealing too much of himself, but his inner omega was only too happy. Their alpha was taking interest in their life and sharing about his own. So, what if Kinn liked the color red and preferred savory foods to sweets, if he liked horror movies and dogs. Porsche wasn’t curious about any of that, he hadn’t even asked. He surely wouldn’t remember any of it by tomorrow. In his desire to avoid looking directly into the alpha’s eyes that much, Porsche was missing the way Kinn was watching him. The alpha was making mental note of which deserts he liked – his eyes would close for a half second before a small smile would stretch across his face- and those he did not like- a slight wrinkling of his nose.

“Here try this one,” Kinn picked a small dark chocolate truffle from his side of the tray and held it out to Porsche.

If anyone asked him later, he would swear up and down he had blacked out for a moment and had no memory of what he did when his alpha offered him a tantalizing sweet.

Porsche’s inner omega damn near stared purring at the sight of Kinn, his alpha, holding out a truffle, held between his thick long fingers. His alpha had taken him on a date, brought him to this beautiful café, provided him with a delicious abundance of sweets and now…Porsche got up a little and leaned as far forward as he could. Porsche wrapped his lips around the truffle and tips of Kinn’s thumb and pointer finger, his tongue ran across the pads of his fingers. As he pulled away, Porsche startled, realizing what he had just done. Kinn’s stare had taken on a heat to it, his scent becoming stronger on the light breeze of the day wrapping around Porsche. The headiness of the scent combined with the heat in his eyes, Porsche found his body responding in kind. His own scent spiked beyond what the mild blocker could cover and he could feel a little bit of slick slipping out of him.

“I think-” Kinn started.

“Shut up. Not a word.” Porsche’s face had turned a brilliant shade of red as he sat back down and looked around to see if anyone else had noticed. The way a few couples sitting near them smiled at him suggested they had.

“It’s okay.” Kinn reached across the table and put his hand over Porsches that lay on the table.

“I said not a word.” Porsche nearly snarled but he didn’t pull his hand way from Kinn’s and used his other hand to lift his cup for a drink.

When all was said and done, the date was lovely, Porsche had to admit. As they stood to go, Kinn had taken his hand, not to drag him around but to hold. It was…nice. No one but his parents or Chay had ever held his hand before. It made his heart beat fast and a warm sensation climb up from his stomach to bloom in his chest.

“I hope you had a nice time, Porsche. I certainly did.” Kinn said as they pulled to a stop in front of his home.

“It was okay,” Porsche sat and fought the urge to pick at his nails.

“Porsche,” Kinn crooked his finger under Porsche’s chin and got him to turn toward him, the moment their eyes connected neither could look away. The world zeroed in until it was just them, Kinn leaned forward but allowed Porsche enough room to decide if he wanted to close the gap. Slowly Porsche started to lean in, his eyes darting down to Kinn’s lips. They could feel their intermingling, as they got-

Buzz. Buzz.

Buzz. Buzz.

The vibrations of Porsches phone in his pocket made them both jump, but only Porsche pulled away, breathing hard. Looking away he quickly turned and unclicked his seatbelt going to open the door. Kinn closed his eyes and ground his jaw in annoyance, wanting to murder whoever had text Porsche.

“Porsche,” Kinn reached over and stopped him, “it will be two weeks since on Friday. Have you made an appointment?”

“Oh, right.” Porsche’s heart felt like it was pounding in his throat, how had he managed to forget that. “I did at a nearby omega clinic.”

“I’d like to bring you to the hospital my family uses, it’s private and I want to make sure you get the best possible care.” The steadfastness in his voice made Porsche’s knee jerk refusal wilt. “Porsche, please? I’ll come pick you up and we’ll go together. Okay?”

“Okay.” Porsche didn’t know what made him more nervous, the prospect of being pregnant or that Kinn would be by his side the whole time.

Chapter 8


We find out who texted Porsche and Kinn takes Porsche to his appointment.


This was a lot longer than I intended it be but I also could not bring myself to split it up. So enjoy and let me know what you all think. You're comments give me life <3!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jom: I didn’t know little Chay was dating!

Jom: *an image of Chay sitting on one side of an outdoor table at a restaurant not far from their home, on the other side of the table was a young man with blond hair and a strong jawline*

Porsche stared at the texts he’d gotten that had interrupted his terrible impulse control and thankfully prevented him from making a mistake and kissing Kinn. He felt the anger building the longer he looked at the image. Chay had told him a few days ago that he would be studying at his friend Dom’s house. The little sh*t had lied to him. Chay is so dead. Dead. Because Porsche is going to kill him. Because why in the hell would he be messing around when he knew the situation Porsche was in? What the hell was wrong with him? Porsche clenched his jaw and turned away from the front door and started heading to the restaurant he know knew Chay was at.


“So Chay, what made you finally agree to meet?” The alpha across the table, Tor, asked a teasing smile on his face.

“I- I had some free time and Dom kept going on and on about how he knew the perfect alpha for me so…” Chay gave a little shrug, it was half true. Dom, a beta he’d met a couple years ago and became fast friends with, had been talking up Tor, and claiming he was just the sort of alpha for Chay. Dom’s mother had also agreed when she happened upon them discussing it in Dom’s house. Chay had been putting it off for two reasons, first and foremost Porsche would kill him and second, he was a little nervous around alphas.

“Well, I’m glad you said yes. Dom has told me so much about you, but I’d like to hear from you about your likes and dislikes.” Tor had a kind face and was conventionally attractive, although Chay wasn’t struck by him or anything. The small amount of scent Chay could get from him wasn’t bad either, moss and fireworks. Definitely not offensive, which Chay had come across alphas that smelled gross. But it also wasn’t a scent the appealed all that much to his inner omega. But he also knew that the instant falling in love head of heels in the movies and the books he’d read was not how real life worked. As much as he wanted to believe in those stories his Hia was very firm in reminding him that that wasn’t how it worked.

“I’m an open book, ask me anything.” Chay told him. This was going to be a nice simple date that he’d always look back on fondly, perhaps someday with Tor?

“Dom said you are a big fan of a beaches?” Tor asked in a way that meant he’d like Chay to elaborate.

“Oh, yeah! The beach has been one of my favorite places to go since I was very little. There’s something about playing on the beach and then jumping in the water for a swim when you get a little too hot, falling asleep on a warm towel under an umbrella. Plus, I have good memories of being at the beach with my family.” One of the few memories he has of his parents is when all four of them went to the beach. Dad and Porsche taught him how to swim and then they went back to the beach to eat the food mama had brought. After Hia and him built a massive sandcastle with mama’s help. At some point Porsche went back out in the water with dad and he laid with mama under the umbrella. He fell asleep in her arms. Wrapped in her sunshine and raspberry scent. It was such a good day.

After a waitress had taken their order, the two continued a simple conversation. Tor was nice guy, but Chay had started getting the feeling that this wasn’t going to turn into anything. Maybe they could be friends? He didn’t have any alpha friends, but he knew of other omegas that had did. Everything was going really well; he almost couldn’t believe-

“Porchay Kittisawat.” And everything was about to go horribly wrong, Chay heard Hia behind him.

“Hia-” Chay turned in this seat, putting on his best puppy eyes and looking at Porsche pleadingly.

“No. Don’t say a word. Get up and come with me right now.” Porsche wasn’t even looking at him, he was staring at Tor with a vicious look on his face. Chay could smell his Hia’s rage, the scent blocker was doing little to nothing.

“Excuse me? Phi?” Tor spoke up and stood giving Porsche a wai. Oh, how Chay wished he had just stayed silent.

“Phi? I’m surprised at you acting like you have any respect when take my Nong on a date without asking for permission!” Porsche was spitting mad. Chay stood up and put himself between the table and Porsche to prevent him from lunging over it.

“I’m not courting him, Phi. It’s just a date to get to know each other.” Tor let out a little incredulous laugh which really only got Porsche more worked up.

“Hia, please.” Chay grabbed onto Porsche’s forearms wanting to just leave. People sitting outside were all staring and even a few people walking around on the street. These were all people from their neighborhood!

“You. You made a promise to me, no dating until after college and after you had a stable job. Just what the hell do you think you’re doing pup?” Thoroughly embarrassed, and now annoyed with his brother calling him pup, Chay couldn’t hold his tongue.

“I’m almost 20 years old Hia! I am not a pup! I can go a on date if I want too!” Chay yelled back.

“Not a pup,” Porsche let out a cruel chuckle, “you sure as hell act like one! Lying about being at a friend’s house studying while actually on a date with some alpha I’ve never met. Do you understand how dangerous this is?” Porsche was yelling at him, really yelling. This had only happened once before, when Chay had wondered off and gotten lost. But really why couldn’t Porsche see that he was no longer a kid? Frustrated he fired back.

“It’s not dangerous! We’re at a restaurant surrounded by people in broad daylight! It’s not like I’m drunk at a club and letting a stranger take me home!” As soon as the words left his mouth Chay felt bad. The hurt that flashed through Porsche’s eyes made it worse.

“Umm Chay I had a nice time until,” Tor gestured at Chay and Porsche, “but, um, I think it would be better if we don’t see each other again. At least not until…” Tor pulled some money out of his wallet and placed it on the table before turning around and leaving. Which Chay felt was fair and he already knew this wasn’t going to turn into anything serious and yet the clear rejection, in front of so many people and Hia, hurt. Deeply.

“Home, Chay. Now.” Porsche pointed in the direction of their home. Chay’s throat was so incredibly tight from holding back the tears that had started to build up during the fighting with Hia and were beginning to spill over with the added sting of the harsh rejection. He’d never be able to show his face outside the house ever again. He started running back home.

Once home, Chay locked himself in his room and threw himself on his bed. Face buried in his pillow, he let the tears flow. He kept his mouth shut, refusing to make a sound. The front door slammed shut, alerting him that Hia had made it back. The last time Hia yelled at him, he then held Chay as he cried comforting him. In fact, whenever Porsche knew Chay was crying he would hold him and let out his scent to sooth him. But Chay was quite good at crying quietly, holding in his scent as best as he could with scent blockers to keep it from Hia. It had happened a few times. He couldn’t burden Porsche every time he got upset, Hia already did damn near everything for him, and it wasn’t fair. But now, now Porsche didn’t come up to his room to comfort him and he wasn’t going to go crawling to Hia either. He needed Porsche to see him as an adult, capable of making his own decisions. Not a little pup that needed to be watched and looked after, consoled when he was upset.


Porsche hadn’t slept at all last night. Between stressing about Chay and their argument and his doctor appointment this morning, his mind kept racing. It wasn’t safe for Chay to be- what if he ended up being abused? What if he was forcibly claimed by some horrid alpha? Porsche had seen it happen a few times. Sure, the laws today were far better then fifty hell even twenty years ago but that doesn’t mean all omega were free from forced claims, sex slavery, and bond abuse and neglect. What if he had an alpha that wanted nothing to do with Porsche and he’d never get to see his little brother again? He was Chay’s only family, only protector. As an omega himself he knew the risks and the dangers that lay outside the confines of their little bubble. f*ck, all Chay needed to do was open his eyes and look at Porsche’s current predicament.

Thinking about his own predicament…he was going to find out if he was pregnant or not in just over an hour. He hoped he wasn’t, but another part of him wished he was. If he was, Kinn was definitely not going to let go…or worse what if he did once the baby was born? What if he took the baby and rejected Porsche? A whimper left him at that thought, clutching at his lower abdomen. Shaking off those thoughts, new ones took their place. If he’s not pregnant there’s no way Kinn was going to keep up this whole courting thing. The alpha will probably heave a big sigh of relief and no longer put up a fuss about breaking their bond. Which is what he want. What he had said he wanted from the very beginning. But a small part of him also wondered what if Tem and Chay were right? What if this was his chance? Porsche felt absolutely terrified. He wasn’t a lucky person.

By the time Kinn had finally knocked on the front door, the entire house reeked of distressed omega. Or rather omegas. When he opened the door, Kinn gave him a very concerned look but before he could ask, Porsche quickly shut the door and walked right past him.

“Porsche? Porsche!” Kinn chased after him. “What hap-”

“Just get in the damn car.” Porsche snapped, wrenching open the door and slamming it shut behind him. He wasn’t mad at Kinn he was just…there were too many things, feelings, going through him and if Kinn started being all…Kinn, it was only going to make things worse.

It was a silent ride to the hospital. Porsche had managed to get a grip on his scent but that was in large part due to Kinn filling every nook and cranny with his own scent, meant to calm his distressed omega.

The hospital they arrived at was big and busy. Instead of going to the registration desk on the right, Kinn placed his hand on the small of Porsche’s back and led him to the left. They went up several floors, entered a much quitter floor, and walked to the desk opposite.

“Kinn Theerapanyakun with Porsche Kittisawat here to see Dr. Chaidee.” Kinn spoke to the woman at the desk, leaving Porsche standing there feeling a bit helpless. Like he needed an alpha to make his doctor appointments and talk for him.

“All set. Please take a seat in the room to the-” She was interrupted by the appearance of another woman in a white coat, clearly a doctor.

“Khun Kinn, and this must be Khun Porsche?” She gave a slight bow to Kinn and stretched out her hand for Porsche to shake, which he did after a little hesitation. A doctor who comes out to greet the patient when they’ve barely just registered. Porsche was struck by the difference between the omega clinic he went to and the private hospitals the very wealthy could afford. “If you’ll both follow me to my office.” She gestured down the hallways behind her.

Upon entering the room, Porsche felt his heart starting to race. He and Kinn sat down on one side of the desk in the room while Dr. Chaidee sat on the other. Porsche couldn’t help looking around the room, taking in the warm beige walls covered in various diplomas; Medicine, Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Omega Health, Bond Management. She was extremely qualified, probably much more so than the doctor he would have seen at his usual clinic. There was an exam bed, of course, and the usual various tools to look in peoples’ ears, etc. The view behind her was rather beautiful, it overlooked a large park the was across the hospital.

“Khun Porsche?” “Porsche?” Both the doctor and Kinn called for him at the same time, when he looked at them it seemed they had been talking while he was taking in the surroundings.

“Oh, uh, I’m sorry. What did you say?” He looked at the doctor and swallowed hard.

“Khun Porsche-” She started.

“Just Porsche, please.” He responded, needing to regain some type of control. He say the doctor take a quick peek at Kinn, as if needing his approval first. He clenched his jaw at that.

“Okay, Porsche,” She smiled at him gently, “Khun Kinn told me a bit about the situation. You had a breakthrough heat about two weeks ago after meeting?” Porsche nodded. “Khun Kinn’s rut was then triggered, and you spent it together? For a totally of two days during which you bonded?” Another nod. “Have you ever experienced a breakthrough heat before?” A head shake. “What suppressants do you take and how long have you been on them?”

“Umm…I take Omepol-TR, I’ve been on it for 8 years.” He watched as her eyes shot up, wide before returning to the computer in front of her, filling out his information.

“Alright, if you’ll sit on the exam bench, I’ll take your vitals and draw some blood.” Porsche followed her directions and it all went smoothly, like a typical visit. “You’re vitals are all good, I’m going to bring down your sample, and when I return we’ll do the ultrasound.” Her tone was gentle and cheery, but Porsche felt a wave of nausea hit him. By the time she left, Porsche lost some control over his scent. His hands were on either side pressing into the exam bench and hung his head willing himself not to puke.

“Darling, its okay. It’ll all be okay.” He hadn’t noticed Kinn standing up and walking toward him, but he could smell whiskey and thunderstorms, the soothing undercurrents meant to calm. An alpha reaching out to his omega. “I promise Porsche, no matter the results, darling.” Kinn crooned as rested a hand on the back of Porsche neck and guided him to his scent gland. Porsche fought it for a few seconds but it was too tempting and his inner omega was crying out to be in the comfort of his alphas arms. He buried his face in Kinn’s neck rubbing his nose and cheek against it, getting some of Kinn’s scent on him as he deeply inhaled. They stayed like that for a few moments more, all the while he could feel Kinn rubbing his back. Once his inner omega settled enough that Porsche’s more logical side could gain control, he lifted his head and pulled out of Kinn’s embrace. He actively pushed the other man way when there was a knock on the door before the doctor entered.

“Okay the blood results should be back in two days, we’ll do the ultrasound next.” She was wheeling in the machine as she entered. Quite the professional too by the way she was ignoring the mixture of scents in the room completely. “Khun Kinn if you would like to see you can go around to the other side of the table, Porsche you will need to change into a gown, as the possible pregnancy is very early and as such we have to use an internal probe rather than an external one.”

“Internal?” Porsche’s head whipped toward her.

“Yes, I’m afraid it’s not very comfortable. However, as I said it’s the only way to detect a pregnancy this early.” She gave him a sympathetic look and handed him a gown, at least it was nicer than the one’s he had worn before. “I’ll be just outside the room, let me know when you’re ready.” She left the room again.

Porsche clutched the gown in his hand. An internal probe? This was not what he expected. He knew the blood test would be done but he though they’d get the results immediately not a few days later. Ugh, he really didn’t want to have anything shoved inside of him and in front of Kinn too. Part of him just wanted to run. Run away and just pretend none of this was real. Taking a deep breath, he took off his shirt and put them both it and the gown on the bench and went to remove his pants when met Kinn’s eyes. His roaming, appreciating eyes. It only made him more reluctant.

“Close your eyes.” He demanded.

“Love it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” Kinn replied and even had the audacity to smirk when the heat started rushing to Porsche’s cheeks.

“Close. Your. Eyes.” Porsche growled with an unamused look on his face.

“Fine, fine. What ever you want darling.” Kinn closed his eyes, but that smirk wasn’t going to go away any time soon. A quickly as he could Porsche tugged down his pants and put on the gown, making sure it was secured before he took off his underwear as well. He was about to fold his clothes into a neat pile when Kinn’s eyes snapped open and he grabbed them first. Folding them and placing them in this lap. Porsche rolled his eyes annoyed by the stupid alpha and went to get the doctor.

“Alright, Porsche if you sit on the exam table again and lay down.” She approached the end of the table and pulled out two stirrups that were otherwise folded into the table and then pulled out a blanket. “I need to scoot your bottom toward the end of the table and place your feet in the stirrups, I’ll cover you with this blanket as well to give a little more privacy.”

Porsche did as told but refused to look anywhere but the ceiling. He could feel Kinn’s eyes on him. His throat felt impossibly tight, palms sweaty, and he was fighting to keep his breathing normal. He could hear the squelching as she squeezed lube from a bottle most likely onto the internal probe. Curiosity overtook him and looked at it, it wasn’t small but it also wasn’t as big or thick as Kinn’s dick and that thought made him red in the face. Again.

“Porsche you’re going to feel my hand on the inside of your upper right thigh.” He did. “Now you’re going to feel my hand near your vagin*.” This was so uncomfortable. “Now you’ll feel the probe, if at anytime it hurts too much, tell me immediately and we’ll stop. Okay?” He nodded and at least it wasn’t cold. But it was hard and even though she was going slowly, it did hurt. More so than when he’d had pap smears. His face twisted, brows furrowed, eyes squeezing tightly until it stopped. Breath, he reminded himself. Breath.

“Are you okay?” Kinn was leaning into his space, voice full of concern, and a warm hand finding his own that was fisted at his side.

“I’m fine.” He opened his eyes but refused to look at him. This was incredibly awkward. The room was silent for a moment, as the doctor fiddled with the monitor and moved the probe a little within him.

“Porsche, from what I can see you’re not pregnant and I do believe that the blood test will confirm that.” She began slowly pulling the probe out.

There was relief, his chest visibly sinking as the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding left him. As soon as the air was out that space inside him was quickly taken up by a deep ache, he felt so incredibly empty. He felt like a failure. Even though being pregnant right now would not be a good thing, he still- His eyes started to sting and when he closed them tightly some, liquid, came out. Not tears. Definitely not tears, he told himself.

“I’ll leave to let you get dressed again, let me know once you’re done.” Dr. Chaidee said. All Porsche could do was nod. He didn’t trust his voice at the moment. Instead he quickly sat up, which felt a little weird now that the probe was gone and there was definitely some lube that was going to make his underwear uncomfortably wet and cold. He didn’t look at Kinn as he was handed his clothes and put on his underwear and pants under the gown before taking it off and pulling on his t-shirt.

“Porsche, darling, I-” Kinn started, but Porsche could smell a tinge of sadness from him. His inner omega whimpered; he had failed his alpha.

“Don’t. Please.” Porsche’s voice came out shaky as he tried his best to hold back the not tears that were threatening to pour out him. Which he didn’t understand, yes, his inner omega was upset but this was a good thing. Wasn’t it? This was what he wanted; he had been saying for the last two weeks that he wasn’t pregnant. He stood up and opened the door for the doctor to come back in and then took a seat in the chair he’d sat in before. Kinn followed his lead and sat down as well.

“I have to say that I’m not entirely surprised that you’re not pregnant, Porsche.” Dr. Chaidee started off with, surprising Porsche a bit.

“Why?” Kinn asked.

“Porsche the suppressant you’ve been taken is one of the strongest and is combined with birth control. Even with a breakthrough heat you wouldn’t have ovulated. Have you talked to any doctors about your suppressant and how long you’ve been on them?” She was looking at him intently and it made him nervous.

“No. I don’t have a regular doctor. I went to the clinic after my first heat and started them right away.” He told her, a sinking feeling in his gut with the way she was looking at him.

“Porsche, I assume you haven’t taken your suppressant since your heat?” He nodded. “I’m sorry but you can’t go back on them. Heavy duty suppressants are not meant to be taken long term. Typically, what happens is fibroids develop in the womb and lead to infertility. From the ultrasound I could see that you don’t have any fibroids, however there is a chance that you that you might be infertile.”

Whatever Dr. Chaidee had continued to say became too muffled for him to hear or even comprehend. Porsche felt like the rug had been pulled out from under him. Infertility? He could be infertile. Porsche had never planned on having kids, but not being able to because of the pills he’d taken. It was getting harder and harder to breath. Oh god Chay was on the same pills, and he had been for three years. What was considered long term? Was Chay infertile? Had he robbed his little brother of his ability to ever have a family?

“My little brother has been on the same pills for three years, is he at risk?” Porsche didn’t understand why the doctor was beginning to look a little blurry.

“Three years is the preferred limit for those suppressants. Tell him to stop taking them immediately as well and before he can go one another suppressant he needs to wait at least six months. In your case, I would suggest staying off suppressants for a few years. Luckily, as I said before we can test your fertility levels during your next heat. The absence of fibroids is a very positive sign, the chances of infertility without them the go from 91% to 35%.”

“Six months!” Porsche looked at her shocked, Chay without suppressants for six months? They hadn’t even spoken since Porsche caught him on a date last night. sh*t. “Wait, I can’t take anything?” Porsche looked at her desperately. Without he’d have to take entire weeks off of work and if he slept with anyone…ugh let’s face it as a bonded omega the only alpha that could get close enough to, if he isn’t infertile, breed him would be Kinn.

“Khun Kinn also mentioned that you had mentioned breaking your bond, it is your choice but a bond with an extremely compatible mate is harder to break than a regular bond. There could be permanent damage, including the inability for the omega to ever bond with anyone ever again.” It was bad new after bad news, Porsche was sitting there looking down at his feet, knee jumping, shaking his head, and the not tears he’d been trying so hard to hold back had begun to fall. This all just too much.

Porsche shot up out of his chair and took off running. Ignoring Kinn and Dr. Chaidee calling after him. He knew Kinn was going to chase after him but he managed to get the elevator closed before Kinn could stop it. As soon as he reached the lobby he ran and ran and just kept running. He possibly heard a car or two honking at him as he ran across streets but he just couldn’t stop. He couldn’t, because if he did… if he did, it would all be real. It would be real, and he didn’t think he could handle it all if it was. The entire time his vision was occluded by the tears streaming down his face, and he kept tripping and running into things. But he couldn’t even feel it.

He'd been running in a straight line for a while and didn’t realize he was being followed closely by a car that was now speeding past him and then screeching to a halt, a little way ahead. He wasn’t aware of anything until he ran into what felt like a warm brick wall, except then he felt strong arms wrapping around him, holding him impossibly tight.

“Porsche! Porsche! Calm down my love.” The voice was familiar, but Porsche continued to thrash he couldn’t stop, he had to keep going. The arms around seemed to tighten even more, his arms pinned to his sides as he was lifted off his feet and carried, with some difficulty, to a car. The two bodies then fell into the backseat of the car, and then a strong hand grabbed the back of his neck and squeeze hard as the body above began moving, scenting him. Drenching him in the smell of whiskey and thunderstorms until the thrashing stopped. Porsche started coming back to himself, the scenting and the pressure grounding him. Then came the whole-body wracking sobs.

Kinn sat up and pulled him with keeping his mate in his lap. Porsche clung to Kinn with all his might. Now that the crying had started it was like he couldn’t stop. At some point the car had begun moving and then Kinn began talking, whispering in Porsche’s ear.

“My love, it’s going to be okay. I promise it will. Porsche you’re my mate and I will always take care of you. I won’t lie I am a little sad that you’re not pregnant but I promise you it doesn’t change how I feel about you.” He was running a hand through Porsche’s hair. “You’re my mate and nothing is going to change that. Even if we can’t have pups, its okay because all I need is you.” The sobbing had begun to slow down.

“Y-you- you can’t be ser-serious. Kinn, you- you’ll need an heir. And even if- even if I can…I’m not- not good enough. I’m- I’m…no one w-wants me, Kinn. Please. Please lets just e-end this.” Porsche tried to take a deep breath, but his lungs weren’t cooperating.

“That’s not true my love.” Kinn placed a kiss on Porsche’s temple. “Porsche you’re my mate. I want you. I will always want you and you are good. You’re so good. Such a good omega, I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

“Nooo…” Porsche let out a whine. “I’m not worth it.”

“Porsche you are worth it. I would give anything for you to really give me a chance, give us a chance. I’m not letting you go Porsche. You’re my omega, my mate, and I need you. I need you by my side.”

“Kinn.” Porsche’s sobs were quieting as Kinn’s words reached some place deep inside of him, poking those old wounds that had never healed and the new ones caused by appointment. His inner omega was calming down thanks to the soft crooning of his alpha and the overwhelming satisfaction of being scented, however it was agonizing over potentially being infertile, and the possibility of causing the same harm to his pup, Chay.

“Porsche, please. Please give us a real chance. I’ll do everything in my power to keep you, your Nong, and any pups we may have safe and happy. I take on your every burden, your every worry. It’s okay, I’ve got you.” The very sound of his alpha begging him ran a lance through his heart.

But Porsches eyes were getting heavier as his sniffles grew longer apart, and then his eyes were too heavy to open. It was okay though because he was safe his inner omega said, even with everything falling apart, his alpha had him. As he slowly drifted off, all he could think was Kinn would take care of him…take care of it all.


Anyone else experience a lot of feelings? Or was it just me?

Chapter 9


The aftermath of Porsche's breakdown, and Chay and Porsche have talk.


Apologies for this being so late. My classes started back up and my professors all really wanted to hit the ground running. As a bonus for having to wait so long I'll give you a little treat: our next chapter is going to be moving things on a little more and the youngest mafia prince will be making an appearance. Get ready. Also please leave comments, they are my bread and butter, they really keep me motivated to get writing knowing that someone out there wants to know whats going to happen next.

Chapter Text

While Kinn had been slightly sad that he hadn’t bred his omega during their combined heat and rut, he was in no way upset or disappointed with Porsche. In fact, he was worried about Porsches mental state from the moment he had picked him up. The entire ride to the hospital Kinn wanted to ask what was wrong because not only could he smell the souring notes burnt sugar of but also of rotten coconut and strawberries, which was Porchay’s scent. Something had happened between the brothers, but Porsche wasn’t talking so Kinn didn’t want to push it, not when they were headed to an extremely important appointment. It was difficult watching Dr. Chaidee, even though she was another omega, tend to his mate. Porsche was so clearly uncomfortable. He had assumed Porsche would be relieved that he wasn’t pregnant and probably start talking about breaking their bond again. However, the way Porsche had reacted was not only completely surprising but incredibly distressing. Kinn couldn’t fault Porsche for running the way he did, even if it nearly made him have a heart attack, watching his distressed vulnerable mate running away from him. From him. The one who was supposed to make his omega feel safe, protected, and cared for. Kinn had to bury those harsh feelings of inadequacy. This wasn’t about him; it was about his omega.

Once he had Porsche in the car, with Big driving them away from the side of the road where they’d caught up to him, Kinn was torn about where to take Porsche. His head was telling him that Porsche was still wary of him and their bond, he would probably want to wake up in his own nest. Kinn’s inner alpha however was adamant that they needed to bring Porsche to their den. That he could build a nest there, like he should. Their den was the safest place for Porsche to recover and for Kinn to care for him. But he was supposed to be patient with his omega, he was trying to be a good patient alpha. Porsche will likely be mad once he’s recovered, especially if Kinn tries to keep him in his den. Where he belongs. His inner alpha supplied unhelpfully. Ah, f*ck it. He’d deal with the consequences later.

“Big, to the compound,” Kinn ordered as he held the passed-out Porsche as tightly to him as possible, keeping his nose buried in his scent gland and rubbing his back.

Upon their arrival, Kinn carried Porsche out of the car and up the mansion. He could see his brother, Khun, and his father standing the entryway. Both clearly curious, but also worried. Kinn had texted his father briefly on the way home, stating that Porsche had not responded well to news at the doctors and that he was bringing him home, Kinn also wanted a doctor on standby just in case. As for Khun, well nothing happens in this house that Khun doesn’t know about. They both peered at the omega passed out in Kinn’s arms who still carried the scent of distress, even though it had lightened considerably. They had not yet met Porsche in person but Kinn knew that they both already considered the man family, as he was Kinn’s bondmate.

Kinn knew they wanted to know what happened, but he didn’t stop to chat. He couldn’t. Not with Porsche in this condition. He needed to get his omega to his den where he could wrap the man up so utterly in his comforting scent that Porsche’s distress would have no choice but the melt away. Only once they were in Kinn’s rooms with the door shut, did he slow his pace. No longer rushing, now he was more concerned with waking the exhausted omega. Kinn laid Porsche down in the middle of his bed as gently as he could. Then he wrapped him up in his sheets and grabbed his favorite most comfortable blanket from the couch and laid that on top of Porsche as well before pulling the comforter over him. Once content that alpha fetched a couple water bottles and protein bars from his kitchenette, placing them on the nightstand before climbing into bed himself and pulling a very willing Porsche into his embrace. The omega had been whining in his sleep, face contoured as if he were in physical pain. Now though in Kinn’s arms, Porsche rolled himself over so he could bury his head in the crook of Kinn’s neck nose plastered against the alphas scent glad once more, the whining had stopped and his face relaxed. It was hour before the scent of burnt sugar dissipated entirely. Another two hours before Porsche would start to wake up.


He was warm. Maybe even a little too warm, but it was nice. It was so nice and it was comfortable. He also felt safe. Like the kind of safe he hadn’t felt since he was a kid. Like that time after he’d gotten chased by a pack of stray dogs after Rong, an older boy and a stupid dumb meanie from school, had put raw ground meat in his backpack. Eventually one of the dogs had caught up with him and tackled Porsche to the ground, skinning both his knees and the palms of his hands, he briefly played tug-o-war with the dog as he had made a gift for his new baby brother in art that day and was bringing it home. He gave up when the other dogs got close. Porsche tried very hard not to cry, he was 7 and a big boy after all but when he finally walked in the house and took one look at his smiling parents who were sitting on the couch staring at his baby brother…Mama had patched him and brought him and the baby to her nest, while Papa went looking for his backpack and called the school. Porsche had though Papa was mad at him at first, but no he was mad Rong, Rong’s parents, and the teachers. When Papa joined them in the nest, it was as if all the fear, anxiety, and shock was washed away. Mama and Papa had always told him that he was safest in their nest. Nothing and no one could get to him there.

But that was a memory. He couldn’t smell peonies, the ocean, or coconuts. No it smelled like he was standing outside after a big thunderstorm, it was wet and earthy, but there was also a warm caramel scent, not like the candy but rather like…whiskey. Porsche’s eyes shot open. Whiskey and thunderstorms. Alpha. Kinn.

Suddenly the events of the morning slammed back into the forefront of his mind. The doctor. Not pregnant. Empty. Failure. Possible infertility. Chay. Running. Running faster than he’d ever run in his entire life, faster than when those starving, growling dogs had chased him down. He remembered being stopped, held by his alpha and crying hard. So hard, it was as it all the water in his body poured out of his eyes. He thinks Kinn put him in a car? That maybe he begged Kinn to walk away from him. That he might had thrown up his insecurities all over the interior of that car.

Porsche winced at that. Even the thought of being so vulnerable in front of Kinn made his stomach twist with anxiety. Worse yet, it was the third time he’d been vulnerable in front of the alpha. But Kinn, Kinn had said something, hadn’t he? Oh, if only he could remember, it would make facing the alpha a lot easier right now. But Porsche was never lucky, was he?

“Porsche?” Kinn’s voice broke through the incredibly loud thoughts racing around and around in Porsche’s head. The alpha began to pull away from Porsche, a hand going to his neck in an attempt to lift his head. He wanted to look at Porsche and talk to him about what happened.

He didn’t get a chance to fight the whimper before it escaped him. His inner omega was still reeling from the earlier news and still wanting to be held by his alpha, only feeling reassured by his presence.

“Shhh, shhh my darling. It’s okay. I’m here.” Kinn stopped and pulled Porsche in tighter. Porsche felt himself relax, not realizing that he had been panicking again.

Once settled Porsche took one more deep breath and then started to pull away from his hiding spot in Kinn’s neck. He would have to face the alpha eventually and putting it off even by a few more minutes would only stress him out more. Best to get this all over with. He could feel the alpha’s eyes on him and when he finally looked up, he was met by warm dark brown eyes that were filled with concern. Kinn’s gaze was a little too much for him to take so he looked off to the side and suddenly realized that he was not home. Where…? Porsche whipped his head around looking, the room was huge with three walls almost entirely consisting of floor to ceiling windows. A balcony off to his left, a black wood nightstand, a large dresser resting against a small section of solid wall opposite the bed. The bed which he took in more of as he sat up was at least twice the size of his bed at home. A few sniffs of the air around them informed him that he was most definitely in Kinn’s bedroom. In Kinn’s home. He was in his alpha’s den. Porsche was in his alpha’s den!

“What are we doing…here?” He finally looked back at Kinn who was not sitting against the headboard watching his mate take in his surroundings.

“How are you feeling?” Kinn chose to ignore the question, but he leaned forward and took hold of Porsches left hand.

“I- I’m fine. Now. I’m sorry, about earlier.” Porsche looked at their joined hands.

“Porsche,” Kinn’s tone was gentle and soothing, “I want you to know that I meant what I said earlier. You are my mate. All I need is you, Porsche. Of course, I would love to have a pup or five with you,” Kinn gave a slight laugh at Porsche’s head shooting up and his eyes wide, “but I’ll be just as happy if it’s just the two of us for the rest of our lives.”

“Kinn-” Porsche started with a slight whine in his voice.

“Porsche, please. Give me- us a chance?” Kinn reached forward with his other hand cupping his omega’s cheek.

“I-” Porsche worried his bottom lip between his teeth, he’d only known Kinn for two weeks, that wasn’t nearly enough time to be sure that Kinn wouldn’t want to break the bond eventually. But they were highly compatible. Also Kinn hadn’t left yet, he witnessed Porsche’s… freak out, earlier and still wanted to be with him. He knew that there was a chance that Porsche might never be able to give him pups. All that had to count for something right? “Okay.”

“Okay?” Kinn was pleasantly surprised by his omega’s answer.

“Okay.” Porsche nodded and let out a sigh trying to cover up the way his heart started beating wildly in his chest at the sight of Kinn’s brilliant smile.

“Oh, my beautiful, beautiful mate.” Kinn tugged Porsche forward and pulled him into a tight hug.

A startled Porsche froze for a moment, but then felt himself relax into the alphas embrace. His inner omega was only too pleased to be so wrapped up in his alpha and his scent. Another voice however told him that this was dangerous, being here in his alpha’s den. If he didn’t leave soon, he might never leave. An alpha would be hard pressed to let their omega leave their den after witnessing an episode of such distress. Porsche fought to bury his instincts and wiggled out of Kinn’s hold and put some much-needed distance between them. Putting up a hand when Kinn went to follow.

“There are going to be ground rules though.” Porsche pointed at Kinn with a lifted brow daring the alpha to argue.

“And those would be?” Kinn clasped his hands in his lap, looking curiously at Porsche, wondering what exactly his little mate would demand. He’d be willing to pay any price.

“First, I’m not staying here. I’m going to keep living at my house.” The alpha grumbled at that with a raised eyebrow. “Second, no sex. Your dick better not come near me or I will cut it off. Third, you have to stop your goon squad from interfering with my work, I’m a bartender people hit on me. Get over it. Fourth, this whole courting thing-” Porsche would have continued all day had Kinn not interrupted.

“Hold on Porsche,” Kinn had started tensing up as Porsche went on, “there are a few things you need to understand. I know you’re not ready to move in, but I want you to know that my home is your home now too. You’re always welcome here.” Oh, how he wished Porsche would stay. “The ‘goon squad’ as you call them are not only doing their job by making sure that no one harasses you, their also just being protective of their Head Omega.” Porsche opened his mouth to argue but Kinn continued, “You are. Even if you won’t acknowledge it yet, as the mate of the Head Alpha of our pack you are the Head Omega. Your position demands respect not just anyone should be able to approach you. As for sex and courting, I am still in the process of courting you Porsche, during which sex isn’t allowed. The courting is also non-negotiable.”

“Fine. I’ll try to work out something with the goons.” Porsche rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

“Nothing to say about courting anymore?” Kinn co*cked an eyebrow, and a small smirk began making its way upon his face.

“I was just going to say…” Porsche cleared his throat, “that the courting can continue.” He lowered his head in an attempt to hide the blush on his cheeks.

Kinn fought off the urge to take the omega in his arms and lavish him in kisses.


Later in the day Porsche returned to his house, being in Kinn’s den had been a great sources of comfort although he’d like to deny it. Ultimately, he had to leave the safety of the den and return to his real life. Most importantly he needed to talk with Chay. He didn’t know how he was going to explain everything. Once again, he felt like a failure. He should have asked questions about the suppressants; he should have at least looked it up on the internet. Things between him and Chay were already testy at the moment, how was he going to get Chay to understand everything?

“Chay?” Porsche called out as he took off his shoes by the front door.


Porsche followed the still somewhat soured scent of his little brother to Chay’s bedroom. “Chay?” He knocked on the door.


Porsche took a deep breath in an attempt to center himself before opening the door and stepping in Chay’s room. The person in question was sitting at his desk doing homework and trying very hard to ignore Porsche’s presence.

“Chay, we need to talk. It’s important.” Porsche waited for Chay to acknowledge him, and it took a while but eventually Chay put down his pen and spun around in his chair to face him.

“About what?” Chay crossed him arms and had a look on his face that reminded Porsche of the face Chay would make when Porsche wouldn’t let him play with him when they were little, a mixture of pouty and grumpy.

“This morning Kinn took me to his doctor,” he saw Porsche’s eyes widen as if he had forgotten and then his gaze dropped to Porsche’s abdomen, “I’m not pregnant.” Porsche was quick to inform him, “But the doctor did tell me that I have to stop taking my suppressants, and that you need to stop them too.”

“What? Why?” Chay was not expecting their conversation to take this turn.

“Apparently it’s not supposed to be taken for more than 3 years as it can cause infertility.” Porsche had to fight to keep himself in check just saying the words out loud made his heart race.

“What! Porsche you’ve been on them a lot longer than that? Are you…?” Chay couldn’t have ever imagined this would be the outcome of Porsche’s hospital visit. “Wait I have to stop taking mine. What am I going to do? Should I go to the clinic tomorrow to get on a different suppressant?”

“The doctor said she didn’t see any fibroids or whatever during the ultrasound and I guess that’s usually a sign of infertility caused by the suppressant but she can’t know for sure until unless she runs some tests during my next heat. She said we can’t go back on suppressants right away after having been on this one for so long. You have to stay off suppressants for 6 months and I have to stay off them for a few years.” Porsche shared what he knew and watched as it donned on his little brother what this meant for the both of them. “This is my fault Chay. I should have asked more questions and looked up information about the suppressant. I’m sorry. But thankfully we found out in time so you shouldn’t be negatively affected.”

“Negatively affect? Hia what about you? Are you okay?” Chay reached out and took his brother’s hand.

“I’ll be fine.” Porsche cleared his throat of the emotion that had been building there, “More importantly we need to figure out what you’re going to do for the next 6 months. We can’t be sure when you’ll have a heat after you stopped taking the suppressant, it could be right away and it might not be for a month or even two. I don’t know.” Porsche let out a heavy sigh, now would come the most difficult part of the conversation he had planned on having with Chay. “I think that you should switch to online classes until you’re on a new suppressant and we’re sure that it works. Also, until you do have that first post-suppressant heat, I think you should stay home. It’ll be too danger-” Chay ripped his hand out of Porsche’s light grip.

“You want me to stay home? Do online classes?” Chay stood up, feeling his anger rising within him.

“Just for the 6 months, or well 7 to make sure the new suppressant works.” Porsche calmed replied, trying hard to keep his cool even though he could smell the anger pouring off Chay.

“Seven months? Seven months! You expect me to just put my whole life on hold because- because why? It’s too dangerous? There are plenty of omegas out there in the world that choose not to use suppressants and they can still go about their daily lives Hia!” Chay could feel his face growing red hot.

“Yes, and there are plenty of omegas who have been assaulted when a heat hit them in public unexpectedly!” So much for staying calm. “Honestly Chay use your head! You keep telling me you’re not a child, but you are so naïve. You can’t think that you would be just fine, people always say that and then they’re not. Just look at my situation, I mean yeah Kinn and I are highly compatible but when it happened I was running purely on instinct. I didn’t have much of a choice in what happened.”

“Hia you are so jaded you can’t imagine any omega living life without being scared of everything and having to constantly hide! I mean ever since you presented you’ve spent so much time trying to hide yourself and pretending you were an omega that you barely know anything about being an omega! Unlike you I know the signs of an impending heat, I would be able to seek help or find a safe space until help came.” Chay yelled back, and damn if it didn’t hurt. He wasn’t wrong, Porsche didn’t know much about his own second gender.

“Well I’m not willing to gamble with your life or your future so you’re taking online classes and you’re not leaving the house until it’s safe.” Porsche doubled down.

“No. No I’m not Hia.” Chay wasn’t going to give in this time. “As for gambling with my future, you’re the one who put me on those suppressants after my presentation heat and if you hadn’t had a breakthrough heat and all of this didn’t happen, you would have had me stay on them for like 5 more years and then I would be a risk for being infertile too.” Chay knew it wasn’t fair to throw that back in his brothers face but he was just so angry.

“I know and I’m sorry for that, I didn’t know, and I should have but-” Porsche tried.

“No Hia! Just stop! I know you want to protect me, and I know you’re worried about me, but this has to stop! You need to trust that I’m an adult and I can make my own decisions and I can live with the outcomes of my choices.” Chay felt the anger dissipate enough being taken over by exhaustion from having the same argument over and over with Hia.

“I know that you think you can-” Porsche felt his own anger deflating rather he was overcome with a sense of regret.

“Hia, I’m tired of always fighting over the same thing. I think it would be good if we spent some time apart. I was texting with Ace earlier and he said I could come stay with him and his parents for a bit, just until we both cool off. I’m going to pack a bag and go now and you’re not going to stop me.” Chay turned around, grabbed his bag, and started packing up his books and computer a long with some clothes.

Porsche said nothing, just watched as Chay packed up and left. Chay left. His pup left. Chay wasn’t wrong. Porsche was overprotective but there was a reason for that. Chay was too young to remember and Porsche didn’t want to tell him, some memories were better left buried. Porsche just didn’t know what he was doing, he never did. There was no one to guide him, so he didn’t really guide Chay either. Maybe some time apart would be good for them. His inner omega disagreed, he was now separated from his mate and his pack, his pup.

Chapter 10


Porsche after Chay leaves and Chay on his own.


Please forgive the lateness these classes are kicking my ass at the moment! I truly love all of your comments and they give me such great joy and inspiration. I go back and reread them too! I just want to thank everyone who's commented, bookmarked, and given kudos.

Chapter Text

When Porsche was over the hurtful shock of his pup leaving the house with the intention of staying away from him, he grabbed his phone. He’d hit call before he even realized what he was doing. The other end picked up after the first ring.

“Porsche? Are you okay?” Kinn’s soothing voice was tinted with concern.

“What? Oh, I uh…” Porsche was torn between hitting his head against the wall and letting out the mournful whine that had been crawling up the back of his throat.

“Porsche?” Kinn was becoming more concerned, “I’m still rather close to your place I can be there in 5 minutes.”

“No. No don’t do that.”

“What do you need Porsche?” Kinn’s gentleness always surprised him, he had a feeling that this was not Kinn’s typical state.

“I need…I need to know that Porchay’s going to be okay. He- he left. We fought. Again. He’s going to a friend’s house, and I know that I need to give him space. I- I f*cked up but I just need to know that he’s going to be okay.” He admitted the words coming out like vomit.

“Porsche, baby. He’ll be okay. I promise.” Kinn spoke with a confidence that Porsche found slightly suspicious.

“Are you having him followed?” He questioned feeling like he already knew the answer.

“From the moment that I knew who you were and where you were and that Chay existed I assigned him a guard. One of my men has been watching him from a reasonable difference since I first pulled up to your house.” Kinn informed Porsche like he was talking about the weather, as if it was completely normal to have a body guard your brother-in-law from the moment you meet him.

“I-” Porsche wanted to be mad or frustrated or even annoyance but honestly all he felt was relief. “Thanks.”

“I’ll have Park, the guard, give you daily updates on his movements. Okay?” Kinn had a feeling that such an offer would be welcomed.

“Yeah. Thanks.” Porsche replied, he was grateful, but he was also tired, this whole day had drained him completely.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come over?” Kinn had already had the car pulled over.

“I’ll be fine. I’ve got stuff to do. I’ll talk to you later.” Porsche felt he needed to try and put some distance between him and the alpha after all that had happened today. It had felt incredible being comforted by Kinn, but it also felt strange. Porsche wasn’t used to anyone being there for him, he was always the shoulder to cry on, the one who let out a calming scent when his brother or close friends were in distress.

“Keep me updated Porsche, or I’ll come back there.” Kinn warned him but it had no edge to it only humor, he didn’t like hearing Porsche so down and blue. He preferred when Porsche told him to f*ck off, he loved his omega’s fiery spirit.

“Don’t. Kinn, I’m fine.” Porsche told him firmly, if Kinn came over he’d crumble, and he didn’t want to do that. He would handle this just fine on his own like he did before he met Kinn. Besides Porchay wasn’t going to be gone forever just for a few days, right?

2 Weeks Later-

Porsche stood in front of his stove slowly cooking dinner, for himself. Just himself. Porchay wasn’t back yet. He did get texts from Chay every few days, letting him know that he was okay. Thankfully Park updated him daily. At first he felt bad getting info on Chay from a bodyguard he didn’t even know was following him, but by the second weak he didn’t feel so bad anymore. With Chay gone the house felt a lot less like home. Porsche was pretty sure the only thing that kept him from going completely insane was Kinn. The alpha had continued court Porsche as promised, and he texted and/or called every day. Shameless flirting. His attention and affection was the only thing stopping Porsche from falling into a depression honestly. Not that Porsche would ever admit that to him.

During the first week Chay was gone, Kinn sent Porsche two courting gifts. He told Porsche that with all the commotion on after their doctors appointment he hadn’t been able to give Porsche his second gift. A very expensive gift which was still sitting in his front yard. The very new and beautiful Ducati Panigale V4 R. Apparently he had listened during their first date when he told Kinn about his passion for bikes. It was ridiculous and he’d called Kinn after it showed up to tell him that.

“What the hell? Why did you get me a Ducati?” Porsche was so confused, why and how was this a courting gift?

“Do you like it?” Kinn could only smile fondly at the lack of greeting.

“That’s not the point. I asked you why?” Of course, he like it! It was the bike of his dreams!

“That is the point, Porsche. Darling, I gifted you the bike because I knew you’d like it and the second gift it supposed to be meant to show you that whatever you want, no matter the cost, I’ll find it and give to you.” Kinn explain patiently.

“So, what is courting all about an alpha throwing money at an omega?” Porsche grumbled.

“Porsche, I’m trying to show you that I hear you when you speak and that I want to make you happy. On our date we talked about bikes, and you mentioned how you wanted to get a really nice bike but never had the funds. So, when I got home I researched about what bike would suit your needs the best and was also of the highest quality.” Kinn wanted to impress upon Porsche as much as he possibly could that he cared about Porsche’s wants and needs. That he wanted Porsche to be happy, with him.

“Oh.” Porsche was surprised by the sincerity in Kinn’s voice.

“Porsche?” Kinn was curious as to why Porsche was wondering and guessing at what the courting gifts meant and thinking that they would have sex before their courtship was over.


“Do you know much about courting? Like the rules and what gifts are to be given?”

“Uh...” Porsche blushed, Kinn noting his ignorance in courting made him feel shy. “I…skipped school a lot for work during my last two years.” He admitted.

“I see. In that case, when an alpha wants to bond with an omega they enter courting, the first gift is supposed to show the omega that the alpha is prepared to financial provide for their omega and their future pups. If the gift is accepted by the omega, then the courtship-”

“I know that!” Porsche yelled but he didn’t hang up the phone so Kinn continued.

“And you know now what the second gift means, the third gift something for you the wear that shows you’re not available. The fourth gift is meant for your family members to show my sincerity in becoming part of their family. The fifth is a personal gift to show that the alpha knows what the omega wants without being asked. The sixth gift is the last is always clothes to wear for the bonding ceremony. During courting, the couple go on dates, but they aren’t to engage in any sexual activity.” Kinn gently explained everything to his adorable mate, he could only imagine Porsche’s face right now. He was probably blushing and biting that scrumptious bottom lip.

“What happens after the last gift?” Porsche asked in a small voice.

“If it’s accepted then the alpha spends the omega’s next heat with them and marks them during it.” They had skipped an awful lot when they mated right after meeting.

“What if I reject one of your gifts?” Porsche was curious.

“Well if an alpha is truly interested in the omega no matter how many times their gift is rejected after the first one has been accepted, they will keep trying. If the interest is fleeting, they’ll give up eventually. That won’t happen for me though, I’ll keep trying until you accept every last one.” Kinn’s tone expressed his determination. “By the way I’ll be picking you up tomorrow at 1pm for our next date.”

It was a nice date too. They went to a new movie that Porsche had been wanting to see, an action film, and then out to dinner at a quite restaurant that was surprisingly low key for where Porsche assumed Kinn liked to go. It was likely for his benefit and it that didn’t just punch him in the gut. They were bonded sure, but Porsche wasn’t pregnant, and they even got the news that there’s a chance he’s infertile. Did Kinn really mean everything he’d said to Porsche after the appointment? Porsche might be a broken omega and yet…Kinn still seemed like he wanted him.

“So far the two places you’ve brought me too have been great but I get the feeling there not your usual places.” Porsche commented as Kinn drove him back home.

“You’re right they’re not, however I was given the advice that you wouldn’t like the places I usual go. I want to take you to places that you’ll enjoy and feel comfortable, that’s what is most important to me.” Kinn replied, driving much slower than he normally would if only to spend more time with his mate.

“So, you’re not ashamed of me?” Porsche’s heart was warmed a little by Kinn’s answer but he’d rather push the alphas buttons, can’t have the alpha thinking he’s that easy.

“Of course not!” Kinn damn near slammed on his breaks, caught off guard by the accusation. They’d had a great time talking and he’d even managed to pull a laugh or two out of the omega, the food was good too. “Porsche if you’d let me I’d-”

“If you say ‘scream it from the roof tops that your my mate’ I will severely judge you.” Porsche looked at the alpha point blank, enjoying the way Kinn’s brain seemed to stop and stutter for a moment. It was kinda cute.

“After we’ve finished courting, I will throw a party to announce our bond.” Kinn put simply as if there was to be no discussion about it.

“Hmm, guess we’ll see.” Porsche turned to look out the window trying to hide the small smile that was sneaking its way onto his face.

That weekend Kinn abducted Porsche once again, (Porsche’s words, Kinn felt he was being romantic by surprising his mate). It was to be their third date and Kinn would be giving Porsche his third courting gift in person. In all honesty the alpha was nervous, he had carefully selected his gift, felt that it would fit the omega exceedingly well but there was a chance Porsche wouldn’t accept it. Tonight, they would also be dining in a more exclusive setting. Given what Porsche had said at their last date, Kinn wanted to show Porsche the type of date he was more used too. He had a yacht decked out in soft white string lights and white, red, and pink roses. A small table was placed on the bow, a white tablecloth, fine China, and crystal glasses. The crew would take the boat out far enough that the city lights wouldn’t block out the stars. An ideal romantic date, where he’d ask Porsche to wear his gift showing he was Kinn’s. Although he had a bondmark, Porsche was able to keep it hidden under his clothes. This would be something he’d wear, a public statement.

When Kinn showed up at Porsche’s with an outfit for the other man to wear for their surprise evening, Porsche was…not happy. All it was, was a pair of grey slacks, an incredibly soft dark blue t-shirt and grey blazer. Nothing too fancy, but all made with incredibly fine fabrics. His little hellcat refused to change at first until Kinn told him he’d be more than happy to help Porsche. Porsche complained loudly as he got changed and then pouted in the front seat murmuring about ‘kidnapping’ and ‘stupid alpha’s that do whatever they want’. When they got to the docks though, Porsche stopped making any noise at all. His eyes were wide as took in the sight of the boat. Kinn smiled widely as took in Porsche’s awe. This was the reaction he was hoping for.

“Is this your boat?” Porsche asked while they waited for their food, he couldn’t stop looking around.

“No, it belongs to a friend.” Kinn smiled just enjoying Porsche’s reaction.

“Huh, why don’t you have a boat? Isn’t that like a rich guy thing?” He asked finally looking at Kinn.

“I don’t have much use for a boat, however if you want one I will certainly buy one.” Kinn laughed as Porsche finally looked at him and promptly rolled his eyes. Their meal showed up before Porsche could reply.

The food, of course, was fantastic. Porsche was happy he’d begrudgingly let Kinn convince him to change. Sweats and ratty white t-shirt wouldn’t look right here. The conversation was light and Kinn seemed to be…anxious? Porsche found his own anxiety growing until Kinn reached into his black blazer and took out a small box. Porsche looked at mildly confused. He understood that Kinn was going to be giving him his third gift tonight but he wondered what it could possibly be. The shape and size of the book and he blanched at the thought that it could be some gaudy expensive thing loaded with diamonds. Kinn placed it on the table before him and gestured for him to open it.

Porsche grabbed it hesitantly and squeezed his eyes shut as he opened it. He cracked open his left eye just a smidge and then both eyes popped wide open as he took it in. Nestled in the dark blue fabric lining the box, was a gold chain made of several thin strands braided together. It was…

“…perfect.” Porsche’s jaw had dropped open slightly. “This- this is beautiful Kinn.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Kinn stood up and walked over to Porsche taking his right hand and leaving it hanging in the air. Then he took the bracelet from its box and clasped it around his waiting wrist. “I meet with the designer and explained that you would not care for an ostentatious gift. Although I would one day like to cover you in diamonds and other beautiful gems from head to toe.” Kinn lifted Porsche’s head with a finger crooked under his chin his eyes roaming over Porsche’s face and body. Taking in the way his eyes widened and his skin flushed, the way he ever so slightly leaned toward Kinn.

Porsche felt overwhelmed. He was honestly touched by Kinn’s gift and completely flustered by the heat in Kinn’s eyes. This was not what he expected, Kinn was not what he expected. So far every time he prepared himself for the alpha to reject him or fail or treat him like a piece of trash like most would, Kinn surprised him. He wasn’t aware he’d even been leaning closer and closer to the alpha until their lips touched. It was just a light brush of lips, but a spark of electricity ran through Porsche from his lips to his toes and back again. Kinn must have felt it as well his right hand suddenly wrapped about the back of Porsche neck and his other landed on Porsche’s waist, tugging the omega until he’s standing. The kiss becomes deep, a battle for dominance. Porsche’s tongue twists and glides against Kinn’s, as much as the alpha’s does his. Kinn groans into the kiss as Porsche’s pheromones start to slip past his scent blockers. His own scent was wrapping around the omega in his arms, his omega, letting him know just how much he wanted him. Porsche fist’s his hands into Kinn’s jacket on either side of the man’s waist in retaliation, pulling the alpha to him, so they’re bodies are tightly pressed together.

Unfortunately, the need to take in a full breath overtakes them both. They part, but only slightly. A string of spit connecting them until it snaps. Porsche looks up with a fractional tilt of his head, his alpha is tall, taller than most, but Porsche is oddly tall for an omega. He notes that Kinn’s pupils are blown wide but the alpha quickly closes his eyes and tries to shake his head a little. Kinn knows they can’t go further than this. Although the enticing scent his omega is throwing out make him want to spin the other man around and yank off his clothing and f*ck him right on the table. But he can’t, they’re still courting, and he told Porsche they wouldn’t have sex while courting and he doesn’t want to be a liar, not to his omega.

A smirk makes its way onto Porsche’s face, watching Kinn try to regain control of himself. His alpha is all riled up, he can feel the alpha’s semi hard co*ck pressing into him. Porsche is not unaffected, he feels a burning desire for his alpha’s thick co*ck but…he can’t trust this. Not yet. Not when having sex with Kinn will mean something unlike all his other hookups. The two part, reluctantly.

Their date had ended not long after their steamy kiss. When Porsche had gotten ready for bed that night, he paused as he went to take of the bracelet he had received from Kinn. Instead of taking it off like he had his watch, he left it on but refused to look into way that made his stomach flip.

A few days later Porsche went back to work at Hum Bar. Yok was still unhappy that there were two goons in her bar, but Porsche promised her that he had come to an understanding with the goon squad and that they would no longer be interfering or chasing off customers. The day prior Porsche had decided to put Kinn’s assertion that the goon’s saw him as their pack’s Head Omega to the test. He had gone to the gate and the guard closest to him stood at attention, waiting for instruction. Porsche began by thanking them for watching his back, and then laid down boundaries for them accompanying him to work. They asked no questions and only replied “Yes, Khun Porsche.” It was an interesting experience and better yet, it worked.

Of course, Kinn was not thrilled that Porsche was working at the bar again. He tried to convince Porsche to just use that card he’d given him. It wasn’t a successful phone conversation though. Kinn planned on trying again when they had their date on Wednesday, date number 4. However, a rival company, that also had some unsavory ties, tried breaking into one of their warehouses to destroy and steal product. So Kinn had to deal with that instead. In fact, he had to deal with that all week! He even had to move their Friday date to Saturday! It was eight days before he would see him mate. EIGHT. Beyond irritated Kinn was even more cruel in his revenge; the thief would never be seen again, and the rival company…well they would be declaring bankruptcy in two weeks. As for the gang ties, Kinn would leave that to his younger brother Kim who was even more ruthless then him and had a far less public image to maintain.

When Porsche opened up the front door, Kinn could feel the tension melting away under the open gaze of his omega. As soon as he was in the house and the front door closed, Kinn pulled Porsche into his arms and began scenting him immediately. It took a bit before the omega relaxed and began hesitantly scenting Kinn back.

“I missed you so damn much.” Kinn whispered in Porsche’s ear.

“I- I…” Porsche swallowed thickly, “…missed you too…I guess…” Porsche admitted in a whisper.

“Forgive me for having to cancel our date.” Kinn leaned back in order to look Porsche in the eye.

“Kinn it’s fine. You’ve apologized a million times since you had to cancel, its getting really annoying.” Porsche pursed his lips together and rolled his eyes.

“For tonight we are going to-” Kinn began.

“I had an idea actually.” Porsche interrupted moving out of Kinn’s embrace and putting some distance between them. He had been thinking about this for the last few days. “I want to take you somewhere tonight,” Porsche watched Kinn’s face carefully, “if that’s okay.”

Kinn felt like he had entered the wrong house. Did Porsche want to take Kinn out on a date? Porsche wanted to take Kinn somewhere special? Porsche was looking at him so unsure as if Kinn would say no…Kinn felt himself melt. His omega was so adorable! He was so cute and precious! Kinn needed to make sure that he pampered Porsche for the rest of their lives.

“Of course, Porsche.” Kinn reached out and took both of Porsche’s hands in his own. “We’ll go wherever you want and do whatever you want my love.” Kinn smiled warmly. “What did you want to do tonight?”

“I was thinking that we could get some food from my favorite stall, it’s really good and I’m sure you’ll like it too. There’s a spot I’d like to show you, it has the best view of the sunset over the water and it’s really hidden so there’s never anyone else there.” Porsche was trying to make it sound as appealing as possible.

“Sounds prefect.” Kinn let Porsche take the lead and happily walked along at his side. Porsche took the opportunity to tell Kinn about his neighborhood, pointing out different spots and waving at people as they walked by. He was loving every minute of it; Porsche was opening up letting Kinn into his world. He wouldn’t let Kinn hold his hand the entire time they walked to the food stall, but baby steps, right? Once they got their food, Porsche and Kinn walked back to Kinn’s car and drove about 10minutes and parked on the side of the road. Kinn’s bodyguards were not happy about their location. It put the Heads of their pack in a dangerous position. One look from Kinn however stopped them from saying another word. He too was aware of the risks, but Porsche wanted to share this with him and he wasn’t going to ruin that. So they all followed Porsche down the short hidden path that led to a small cliff hanging over the beach.

The two sat side by side, legs dangling over the edge. This time they talked about their families. Kinn talked about his traumatized but effervescent older brother Tankhun, and his reclusive and temperamental little brother Kim. About his cousins, Vegas, whose father is always trying to pit him against Kinn but the two had long ago made a pact regarding their friendship and the younger Macau, who was definitely a f*ckboy but somehow had a heart of gold buried deep beneath the bullsh*t. He even talked about Pete, Vegas’ mate (although they hadn’t bonded yet) and Tankhun’s head guard (it’s a bit complicated), a complete cinnamon roll but could totally kill you. He thinks Porsche and Pete will be good friends. Finally he talked about his parents, his mother (an absolute goddess) passed when Kim was little and the family had never been the same, his father was protective but stern and cold. It was difficult to live up to his expectations.

With Kinn being so open Porsche felt like he could be too. Porsche talked about Porchay, how the kid was really sweet but how hard he tried raising him. He told Kinn about his sh*tty uncle Arthee about how he basically gambled away every penny they had, all the insurance money from his parents deaths and then some. Porsche couldn’t look Kinn in the eye when he admitted that number of times they’d been threaten or rough up by loan shark lap dogs. He kick Arthee out of their house and out of their lives when he turned 18, not willing to put up with it anymore. He struggled talking about his parents. Porsche’s mother was beautiful and soft and an incredible artist, while his father was kind and liked to pull harmless pranks. A few tears escaped when he confessed just how much he missed them and worried he’d disappointed them.

Kinn put an arm around Porsches shoulder and tugged until Porsche laid his head on his shoulder. Kinn’s only response was that he missed his mother too. They two sat for the longest time, watching the sun go down.


For the first few days Porchay worried he was imposing too much on Ace and his parents, and felt awful leaving hia like that. He felt bad for the things he had said, or at least for the way that he said them. Hia was so overprotective, and sometimes it was understandable but it a lot of it was just not fair. Chay had been a good kid, he tried so hard to always be on his best behavior and he had never broken any of hia’s rules. He even understood, kind of, why hia wanted him to wait until he had a college degree and a stable job before settling down. But sometimes Chay just felt like he was suffocating under hia’s ever watchful eye and his own desire to always be good. Now with the whole having to go off his suppressants or chance infertility, he just felt like…screaming.

Once Porchay was sure that he wasn’t a complete burden, he was able to go about his daily life. Attending classes, meeting friends at the coffee shop, and working on homework in the library.

It was during one of his usual visits to a nearby coffee shop that Chay made a new friend. He’d ordered his drink and went to pay for it when the employee told him that the person before him had paid for his drink. It had started first thing in the morning, with people paying it forward. So Chay chose to pay for the person after him as well. There was no harm in being kind. Hey it had made him smile, maybe it would brighten the day of whoever was after him too. Chay had waited for his drink when he noticed a stunningly gorgeous man walking toward. That chiseled jawline, eyes so dark they looked black, and black hair falling in front of his face. It was like time slowed as the man, clearly an alpha was walking toward him. Chay realized he was staring when the man stopped at the counter and leaned against it, lifting an eyebrow, and looking back at him. Chay felt like his whole body had turned read.

“Gotta say I’ve never had an omega buy me coffee.” The man’s voice was melodic. Everything about him was swoon worth including the black leather jacket over the fitted white t-shirt and black jeans. Oh, wait he was looking at Chay, was he talking to him?

“What?” Chay squeaked out.

“I was the next person to buy coffee. You’re the only one standing here so I’m assuming you bought my coffee.” The alpha smiled; it was blinding. Chay felt like he was going to faint pretty soon. Thank goodness he was wear double scent blockers, it appeared the alpha was wearing blockers too.

“Oh, uh, you’re…welcome?” Chay gave a hesitant smile.

“No need to be scared little one,” The alpha’s smile grew, his eyes lightening as he watched the omega stand their nervously. “What’s your name? So I know who I’m indebted too.”

“Uh…” Giving his name to a strange alpha he just met was definitely against hia’s rules but… “It’s Porchay, Porchay Kittisawat, but you can call me Chay.” He beamed, thrilled by the alpha’s attention.

“Chay…cute. I’m Kim.” He turned grabbed their drinks, handed Chay his, winked, and walked out.

Chay didn’t even realize until later that Kim never gave him a last name, nor would he learn it the next 6 times he ran into Kim at the coffee shop. Their conversations were shallow, and perhaps Chay should have been a bit more cautious. Maybe he should have realized something was up when the coffee shop seemed to have less and less other patrons beyond the two of them. But really the alpha was just so charming and kind, Chay couldn’t possibly have imagined what would happen later. Really the whole thing wasn’t his fault. Ace talked him into going out (for the first time ever), and dressed him up more scandalously then he ever had before. It was supposed to be a fun night out after finishing their midterm exams.

Who knew all that would go down.

Chapter 11


Porsche and Kinn go from a good time to a great time and Chay has some interesting experiences. *Smut ahead


Please forgive me! I've really struggled the last few weeks, with classes and work my motivation has been zapped. But I'm trying. I am definitely not giving up on this story and to make up for the lateness its a bit longer than usual. Please leave comments and let me know what you guys think? It does really help with my motivation and they encourage me to keep going. Love you all for staying with me!

Chapter Text

His stupid f*cking contact showed up twenty minutes late and had now thrown off his whole f*cking schedule. The man was lucky that they still needed him although hopefully Kim’s entirely unsubtle threats reminded the idiot of his place. He desperately needed some caffeine to boost this energy if not to keep him from murdering the next idiot who pissed him off. He stopped at the nearest coffee shop, hoping there wasn’t a line.

The modest little shop was about half full but thankfully there was no line and only guy waiting for his coffee. Kim placed his order and went to pull out his wallet when the worker told him the guy ahead of him had paid for it. Apparently, it had been going all day. Kim had every intention of walking over and paying the kid, Theerapanyakun’s owe no one if they can help it. This made him take another look at the guy he clocked waiting for his coffee earlier. He’s young, but not in a school uniform and it’s 10am so perhaps a college student? Kim didn’t think he’d ever seen a more innocent looking kid, those big brown eyes reminded him of a puppy or a sad kitten. Yeah, a little kitten with those plump light pink lips of his that were just begging to be bitten. Once he had gotten close enough, Kim realized the little kitten must have been wearing very strong scent blockers, but Kim had an incredibly strong sense of smell. It was faint, but he got a base note of coconut and a hint of strawberry. Delicious.

The way the little thing got all red in the face and flustered when Kim spoke to him, woke up his inner alpha. He was curious about just how far that embarrassed redness spread. If he stripped him down…oh how would it feel to have those big brown eyes looking up at him all innocently as he took the little omega apart. Would he get all teary eyed and beg for the alpha’s co*ck?

Oh, his stuttering and stammering was enduring. Too bad, Kim didn’t have time to speak with the omega more. This wouldn’t be the last time they spoke though, he’d make sure of that. But Kittisawat, that sounded familiar? Kim shook it off as he started up his car and took off. Hm, the coffee wasn’t too bad either.

The next time he went to the café, Chay was there ordering his coffee. Kim invited Chay to join him at a table when they both got their coffees. He kept the conversation light, enjoying the way his attention made the omega blush, the little giggles he’d let out nervously biting his bottom lip. Everything Chay did was enticing, did he know just how much he was making Kim want him? It was surprisingly difficult for Kim to keep himself from grabbing Chay and bringing him back to his place. Once there, Kim would keep him there. In his den Kim could f*ck him whenever he wanted and Chay could make a nest and-


What the f*ck was he thinking?

Kim had every intention of quickly seducing the little kitten thinking once he’d f*cked him, he’d get it out of his system but…he needed to stop this. Kim had no intention of ever mating. Mating was a hassle; he was young when his mother died but he remembered the aftermath. He wouldn’t put himself in the position to experience losing his mate. But…Chay giggled once more and looked at Kim with those eyes…Wow. Chay was his fated mate, wasn’t he?

“f*ck. That’s why his last name sounded so familiar.” Kim said to himself out loud as he looked through the file he’d quickly collected on Chay. So Chay was the younger brother of Kinn’s mate. Huh. Given what Kim had heard about Porsche and his opinions surrounding his younger brother seeing alphas, he wasn’t going to be able to go about this the traditional way. Not that Kim cared much for tradition. So, he’d need a plan. Fine, Kim was good at plans. Making them, executing them. Letting out a heavy sigh he closed his eyes and started formulating.

First, he needed to deal with Park, Chay’s assigned bodyguard. He knew by now that Park had informed Kinn about his contact with Chay. Which meant he’d probably have to come up with some way to deal with Kinn as well, that would be second on his list. He was, however, pretty sure Kinn wouldn’t say anything to Porsche as it would probably just upset the older omega. Kim knew his older brother well enough to know that he would rather hide things from the one’s he loves than upset them. That means 3rd on his to do list was to develop an intricate and foolproof way to entice the omega and ensure his affections. It would have to be done without using his pheromones as well, otherwise he could send Chay into heat and he didn’t want to end up in the same situation as Kinn. No, Kim would use scent blockers and his iron will to keep his scent hidden until Chay was ready to be taken.

Taken, claimed, and bred.

The next time Kim saw Chay they sat at what he now considered ‘their table’. He managed to get Chay to talk more about his interests. Unsurprisingly the shy little omega was just as gentle and giving as he initially suspected. His love of music and children had evolved into a desire to become a music therapist. However, he was currently in business administration.

“Hia wants me to be able to work a proper office job so that I won’t have to worry about money.” Chay gave a small side smile that was more of a grimace than anything else. As Kim understood it Chay wasn’t currently staying with Porsche due to an argument regarding the amount of control Porsche tried to exert over Chay’s life.

“That’s certainly understandable. Older brothers tend to worry about their younger brothers.” He chose to tread carefully rather than try and get in the middle of it.

“Do you have any siblings?” Chay was obviously trying to change the subject.

“I do I have two older brothers who are quite nosy.” Kim couldn’t help the small corner smile that graced his face, thinking about his obnoxious foolish older brothers.

While Chay was walking to the bathroom, Kim surveyed the room and noted more than one alpha and/or beta looking at him. As soon as the door shut behind him, Kim stood up and sent a glare around the café. It only took a short moment before he successfully cowed anyone and everyone who had looked at Chay. He sat back down and resumed sipping his black coffee, which is how Chay found him when he returned. If there were a few less customers sitting at the tables, Chay didn’t notice or if he did, he didn’t mention it.


In truth Chay was hesitant the first few times he met with Kim at the café, not understanding why such an incredible looking alpha, who obviously had money judging by the name brand sunglasses and watch, was interested in him. Buying him coffee and wanting to sit and chat. He had assumed with that chiseled jawline and the black leather jacket the alpha would have been all about getting Chay into bed as quickly as possible and then kicking him out of it. But Kim never pushed, never so much as hinted, but he did listen. With Porsche as an older brother Chay learned how to tell when an alpha was pretending to listen and when they were really listening.

Kim asked him questions, didn’t pry when he was more hesitant about saying something, and never took his eyes off him. Several times Kim’s phone had buzzed during their time together and he wouldn’t so much as look at it, simply reaching out and hitting ignore. Chay had told Kim he didn’t mind if he needed to answer phone calls, but the alpha always replied that whatever it was could wait and ugh the smile he’d give Chay after he said that.

By their fourth meeting at the coffee shop, Chay wondered if it could considered dating. By the fifth he wondered if Kim wanted to court him. By the sixth he had worked up enough courage to ask.

“Umm, P’Kim?” Chay shyly looked up at the gorgeous alpha in front of him, even in a black t-shirt and jeans he looked like he had just stepped off a damn runway.

“Yes Chay?” Kim co*cked his head to the side, a gentle smile on his face, and a warmth in his gaze. Honestly Chay felt so, so…safe with Kim. Like his inner omega just knew that this alpha posed no danger.

“Are we- I mean is this?” Chay tried to shake of the nerves, “When we meet, here. Are these- do you consider them dates?” Okay it was out there, Chay took another deep breath.

“Dates?” Kim repeated pausing for a moment, he looked around and then back at Chay and leaned forward gesturing with the crooking of his finger for Chay to lean forward too as if he was about the share a secret. Like the naïve omega he was, a wide eyed Chay leaned forward, their faces inches apart.

“If you have to ask, I think I need to step up my game.” Kim reached out hand pretending to brush an errant piece of hair behind Chay’s ear and then he winked. Startled Chay froze completely before an electric warmth filled his entire being and Chay let out the tiniest of whimpers. Judging by the pleased look on Kim’s face Chay would say he was enjoying his reaction. Chay however threw a hand over his mouth and quickly sat all the way back in his chair once more.

He had never made a noise like that before, not in that way at least. Chay sounded, sh*t he sounded like those needy omegas he’d seen in movies. The omega just whining for it’s alpha. This had never happened before! What, what was he supposed to do? He felt like running all the way back home and hiding in his room for the rest of his life but…looking up again at Kim he noticed the kindness in his eyes was replaced by a hunger, and Chay was 99.99% sure it wasn’t for food. Looking away once more Chay cleared his throat and took a few sips of his drink hoping to calm down his thundering heart. The next time he looked it back, the hunger had disappeared but for the rest of the date Chay’s heart stuttered.

On Friday as Chay and Ace walked out of the classroom, having taken their last exam for the semester, Ace declared they deserved a break. That they needed to get a little drunk and a little wild. Chay’s immediate response was ‘no’, a kneejerk reaction if nothing else. It’s not that he never went out with his friends, he did. They ate meals, did karaoke, went to university events. It’s just Chay never went drinking, never went to bars or clubs. He had promised hia to stay away from all that, but now, now he didn’t have to follow hia’s rules. He could make his own choice. Do his own thing. Honestly, hia was likely overreacting like usual, and what had happened to him was a one in million chance. So, after a beat, Chay changed his answer to a yes.

Yes, he would go out with his friends.

Yes, he would have a drink and maybe dance and have fun.


“No.” Chay stood in the mist of an explosion of clothing in Ace’s bedroom.

“Chayyyy come onnnn!” Ace held up a black plaid skirt and a black muscle tank. “It’s this or the black shorts and the red crop top!”

“No! What’s wrong with what I have on?” He wore a pair of distressed blue jeans and yellow t-shirt with a rainbow on it that said ‘happiness’ on it.

“Chay, you’re my best friend but you have no sense of style. Please pick one and put it on before I make you.” Ace started moving closer to Chay effectively blocking his path to the door.

“I don’t wear stuff like this! I’m not comfortable-”

“Chay! Please! You’re going to look like a dork. Come on I saw you eyeing this skirt the last time we went shopping together, I know you want to wear it!” Ace pushed.


“No ‘buts’ Chay. The only reason you didn’t buy it was because you knew Porsche would flip about you showing so much leg. That’s why, the great friend that I am, went back the next day and bought it, so that one day when you finally came to your senses and rebelled you could wear it.” Ace had been best friends with Chay since they were toddlers, he knew more than anyone else what Porsche was like. It was understandable that Porsche was protective, but the guy was literally preventing Chay from being true to himself. So as Chay’s bestie, Ace appointed himself the instigator today. He was going to help Chay finally explore the world outside Porsche’s protective bubble.

“Fine, fine. I’ll change.” Chay gave in, Ace was right about the skirt anyway. He had always thought he’d look good in a skirt. It would emphasize his long lean legs. Quickly grabbing the skirt and the tank top he rushed past Ace and went into the bathroom.

Of course, after that Ace wrestled Chay into the chair at his vanity and did his makeup. Another thing Porsche had banned. Not because he thought makeup wasn’t for boys but because he said it would only attract the wrong kind of attention, it would make Chay too pretty. Although Chay had never really agreed with that, looking at himself in the mirror after Ace released him, he had to admit he looked hot. The black liner and light shimmery eyeshadow made his already big eyes impossibly bigger and the highlighter and blush really brought out his high cheekbones. His hair was also given a tousle and some mousse to give the allusion of ‘sexy bedhead’ as Ace put it. Chay didn’t quite understand that, but it did look cute. He looked different. He felt different. He felt more like himself than he had in the past year or two. Chay was starting to really look forward to what the night would bring.


As Kinn drove them back to Porsche’s house, Porsche couldn’t stop thinking about their kiss on the boat. Ever since then Porsche had gotten infinitely hornier. Like his body was constantly on fire, he’d jerked off numerous times and even fingered himself, something he’d never done before. It was all Kinn’s fault of course. The man had to kiss him like that and then stop. Tell him they couldn’t. Looking back on it, Porsche felt a little rejected even though he also pulled away and had thought it was a bad idea. But now, right in this moment, after Kinn had been so open and vulnerable, and with Kinn’s scent wrapped around him and the man physically right next to him, it was like he couldn’t remember why on earth he thought it was a bad idea. Getting f*cked by Kinn sounded like a wonderful idea. It sounded like the solution to all of his problems.

Yeah, as soon as they got to his house Porsche was going to seduce the alpha.

But he wasn’t going to look like desperate or anything.

When the car stopped and Kinn put it in park, Porsche slowly turned to look at Kinn who was already facing him. Kinn reached out a hand and cupped Porsche face, softly stroking his cheek with a the rough pad of his thumb. The omega couldn’t help leaning into it, closing his eyes briefly at the tenderness. Only when Porsche had opened his eyes again and was looking at him did Kinn lean forward to kiss him. It was soft and warm and gentle and not at all what Porsche wanted at the moment but he hid his displeasure and smiled.

“Do you want to come in for a little bit? We could watch a movie?” Porsche offered, widening his eyes a little, adding just a hint of a plea in his tone.

“It’s getting late,” Kinn struggled for a moment, so Porsche upped the ante and tried to pout, just a little. Nothing too extreme. It was by sheer force of will that Porsche didn’t laugh seeing Kinn immediately fold.

Porsche would file away that interaction for later use.

Once in the house, Porsche lead Kinn to the couch turned on Netflix and chose a random movie he’d seen a million times before. He quickly grabbed a couple beers, handing Kinn one and sat down closer to the alpha than he normally would have. Soon after the opening scene Porsche began subtly hinting to Kinn that he wanted something to happen. Lean towards him, looking at him with half lidded eyes, reaching out to lick the mouth of his beer bottle, reaching out and knocking his hand into Kinn’s thigh and letting it rest there, he even released some of his pheromones but more than halfway through the movie…and nothing. Nothing. Nothing was happening. Was he being too subtle? Stealing glances at Kinn showed the man staring straight ahead, seemingly engrossed in the movie. Was Kinn ignoring him? Was he not interested?

Seriously what the f*ck was wrong with this situation?

Taking it up a notch, Porsche slowly leaned his head to the side while pretending to scratch an itch on his shoulder. The move exposed his scent glad and his mating mark. This wasn’t a move he wanted to make, showing submission to an alpha, but he was…ugh he just wanted to get f*cked. So surely Kinn wouldn’t ignore that? A glance out of the corner of his eye toward the alpha showed that it hadn’t worked. Not so subtly Porsche elbowed Kinn in the side, waiting for the alpha’s attention to snap to him before looking at him innocently after he was sure Kinn got a good look at his bared neck.

“Porsche,” Kinn’s voice came out as a low growl, “stop tempting me.”

“What if I don’t want to?” Porsche responded.

“We shouldn’t.” Kinn put his beer on the side table and turned to face Porsche.

“I don’t care what we should or shouldn’t do.” Porsche stated plainly, leaning forward into the alpha’s space.

“We’re courting Porsche and I already told you there are rules to be obeyed during courting. I’m trying to show you that I take our relationship serious and besides weren’t you the one who said we wouldn’t be having sex?” Kinn questioned raising an eyebrow and giving a little smirk.

“I don’t care about all that right now you idiot. Just…ugh Kinn just f*ck me.” Porsche gripped the alphas shirt in a tight fist and pulled him, so they were barely a centimeter apart.

How could an alpha refuse such a blatant request by his beautiful, sexy mate that had been sending him signals since he walked into the house. As if Kinn didn’t notice every single movement or breath of his omega as he sat so close to him. Kinn was holding himself back, barely, out of respect and the promise he had made but when their lips finally touched…that restrain snapped.

Kinn wrapped on arm around Porsche’s waist and hauled the omega into his lap, his other hand grabbed a fistful of his hair and tugged hard. Porsche let out a whimper as Kinn forced Porsche to expose his throat so he could attack it with kisses, nips, and licks. The heat flooding Porsche’s body had him grinding against the alpha’s rapidly growing co*ck.

“Kinn…” Porsche let out a breath moan when the alpha had made his way to his bond mark. Each nibble sent a shock through his system, slick steadily pouring out of him. “Off. Now.” Porsche tugged at their shirts, hating the loss of Kinn’s mouth on his mark but needing access to more skin. Once the offending clothing was out of his way Porsche kept rubbing his hands up and down Kinn’s chest and abdomen, nails lightly scratching his skin (and nipples, in retaliation when the alpha began sucking and biting his).

“Bed?” Kinn questioned as he switched from Porsches left nipple to the right, he couldn’t be favoring one over the other right? That would be a travesty.

“Ye- No. Here.” Even in the haze of his horniness he drew the line at inviting the alpha into his nest, even if it would smell fantastic if they had sex in it.

Having his answer, Kinn turned his focus onto undoing Porsche’s jeans and pulling out his small omega co*ck. It fit so nicely in Kinn’s hand like it was made for him. He thumbed the head, smearing Porsche’s precum around. He pulled his mouth off of Porsche’s chest before looking Porsche in the eye and lifting his thumb and putting it into his mouth, and tasting his omega.

“So delicious, Porsche-” Kinn was interrupted by said man throwing himself forward and trying to devour him.

Kinn stood up, hands under Porsche’s thighs to support him. Then he turned and laid Porsche out on the couch, pulling away to strip the omega of his jeans and underwear. As he drew closer Porsche sat up and worked on Kinn’s belt and pants, trying to get to the alphas co*ck as quickly as he could. Feeling a slight sense of relief when he had a hand on the thick, heavy, velvety co*ck. Kinn pushed Porsche back down after a few tugs on his co*ck and covered the omega with his body once again.

“Going to f*ck you,” Kinn mumbled as his one hand went down to play with his omegas soaking wet puss*, “need to stretch you first.” A finger slipping in, teasing his entrance. A second slid in as easily as the first. Every moan and hiss of pleasure tumbling out of the omegas mouth was a boon to his ego, he was good at taking care of his Porsche, of all his needs.

“Please. Please?” Porsche had been fighting not to beg but god Kinn’s fingers were hit that spot inside of him, pushing him towards the edge. He wrapped both legs around his alpha’s waist grinding on his fingers.

“So eager, so needy…” Kinn went back to sucking on Porsches’ mark as he pulled out his fingers and began rubbing his co*ck against his puss*, getting it as wet as possible to help with glide in. His omega may have taken his fingers easily but his co*ck was much thicker and he wasn’t in heat.

“f*ck-” Porsche’s moan caught in his throat as Kinn’s dick caught on his puss*. Once, twice, and then it started to bully its way in. “Ah!” Porsche yelped surprised by the stinging stretch, squirming as Kinn held his hips in a bruising grip continuing to push in until he bottomed out. Porsche whimpered and whined for a moment.

“Shh, it’s okay baby,” Kinn cooed in Porsche’s ear, “doing so good, taking all of me.” The praise had Porsche’s puss* clenching even tighter around him. As he began moving his hips Kinn watched Porsche’s grimace slowly relax into a look of ecstasy, eyes closed and mouth open in a little ‘o’ panting.

“Kinn, Kinn,” Porsche called over and over, moving his own hips.

“So f*cking tight.” Kinn growled out as he started f*cking Porsche faster, unable to hold it in. Their mouths met once again in a fierce battle, fighting for dominance. Kinn’s right hand came up to hold Porsche by the throat while his left continued to dig into the meat of Porsche’s right thigh. The omega’s nails were digging into his back, leaving red marks, and just about drawing blood. His omega was leaving marks on him. That thought had Kinn thrusting harder, swallowing all the sounds Porsche was making. Moments later Porsches puss* tightened around him, so tightly Kinn could barely pulled his co*ck out, as he came all over both their chests. Kinn ground against him a little longer drawing out the omega’s org*sm until he had to pull out. Kinn barely fisted his co*ck once before shooting his load all over Porsches abdomen.

The two panted as they came down from their org*sms. Porsche opened his eyes when he felt Kinn’s hand rubbing on his abdomen. Looking up, it took a moment for him to realize what the alpha was doing.

“Are you scent marking me? With your cum?” Porsche asked incredulously. f*cking alphas, he thought rolling his eyes as Kinn didn’t answer, intently focused on his task. Despite his grumpy outer appearance, his inner omega was immensely pleased. Both of their phones ringing shocked them out of the moment.

At first neither wanted to move, but when Porsche saw it was Park, an alarm started blaring in his head. Something was wrong with Chay, he could feel it in his gut.


At the club Chay and Ace were having a great time. Ace got Chay them both martinis, it tasted like blueberries and got a little buzz going in Chay’s chest. Or maybe it was the drink combined with the excitement of his first time in a club. There were a lot of people of the dance floor and it didn’t seem like most weren’t using scent blockers. The club had to be extremely well ventilated given that despite all the scents it wasn’t too overwhelming. After finishing their first round of drinks Ace dragged Chay onto the dance floor were they both let loose.

Chay could feel people staring at him, watching him as he rocked his hips to the beat. Eventually a beta approached him and through gesturing asked if Chay wanted to dance with him. Chay snuck a look at Ace who gave him an immediate thumbs up. Chay nodded and it was fun. It was really fun. Chay had never danced with anyone before. Well, no one besides hia and his friends but they really didn’t count. After a couple of songs, Ace pulled Chay away from the beta and they went to the bar for another round, another fruit drink but Chay didn’t catch the name of it. Not that it really mattered though, as long as it was sweet and kept that buzzing feeling going in his chest it was good.

Before they headed off to the dance floor again, the bartender slid two shots in front of them.

“From the guys down there.” The bartender nodded to their left, the guys looked like they were college students as well or maybe a little older. Ace grabbed his and gave the other to Chay, raising them to the guys who bought them and downing it one smooth go. Chay on the other hand choked on his a little. Ugh tequila. Chay shook his head and blinked rapidly trying to ignore the burn from his throat to his stomach.

“Hey,” The two guys approached them, the stocky one with large arms and a shaved head spoke while looking directly at Chay, “wanna dance?”

“Umm,” a quick whiff told him the man was an alpha, he smelled of cigar smoke and…tequila? Chay wasn’t sure about this. “I think I want to sit for a minute, catch my breath.”

“Oh come on,” The alpha stepped closer, getting in between Chay and Ace, the other man moved so that Ace was now facing the opposite direction as well. Chay couldn’t see his face but he could hear him laughing. “I bought you a shot, shouldn’t you find some way to thank me?”

“What?” Chay scrunched up his face, what was this guy talking about? Couldn’t he just say, “Thank you?” He replied politely if more than a little confused.

“A bit of a smartass huh?” The alpha laughed, wrapping one arm around Chay and squeezing him close, before leaning over and getting far too close to Chay’s scent gland. “You wearing blockers?” The alpha questioned clearly unhappy.

“Umm yeah.” Chay answered in a small voice, he felt like his legs and arms were suddenly wrapped in cement.

“Hmm, well lets go dance sexy.” It was no longer a question, the alpha tightened his grip on Chay and forced him off the chair and over to the dance floor, walking toward the middle. Then his hand traveled down Chay’s side to his hip, while the other came to grab his other, situating the small omega in front of him before pulling him in. He was rubbing against Chay in a way that…was this guy trying to scent him?

A drop in the beat kickstarted something inside Chay and he lifted his foot and stomped on the alphas foot before jabbing his elbow into the guys stomach. The second the alphas hands dropped from his waist Chay started to run back towards the bar, toward Ace who was still sitting there completely unaware of what had happened. He made it to the edge of the dance floor when the alpha grabbed his wrist, pulling Chay back to face him, their chests pressed against each other and then he was rubbing his neck against Chay’s.

This was completely inappropriate and…and…and assault! It was illegal for an alpha to scent an omega without permission!

“Get off me!” Chay started to shout and struggle pulling the gaze of a few nearby dancers.

“Don’t be so stubborn you little bitch!” The alpha growled in his ear. His hand went up to Chay’s neck and started pulling on his scent blocker!

“Help!” Chay screamed, his heart felt like it about to shoot out of his chest. What the f*ck was happening! He closed his eyes and shoved the alpha as hard as he could, it was as ineffectual as kitten trying to push over a tree. But Chay couldn’t give up, his inner omega was freaking out as well. A second shove and…it worked? But? Chay opened his eyes and saw the offending alpha pinned to the floor with a knee in the middle of his chest. He seemed dazed.

“He told you to stop.” Growled out a low familiar voice.

Chay’s entire body shaking from the adrenaline coursing through his body, he was unable to call out. His savior stood, hauling the other alpha up by a hand on his neck.

“Touch him, or any other omega like that again and I’ll…” Chay leaned forward trying to hear what was said but the man was whispering in the alpha’s ear. Chay could see his attackers’ eyes widen, fear spiking his scent. “Get him out of here.” His savior let go and shoved the alpha into the hands of two men who didn’t look like bouncers. They kinda looked like the guys Hia called the goon squad.

“Chay?” The lower voice had softened considerably, the owner of it keeping their distance.

“P’Kim?” Chay felt an enormous wave of relief hit him when he looked back and saw who had saved him.

“It’s alright Chay, you’re okay.” Kim had his hands raised as he slowly approached Chay, signaling that he was not a threat.

“P’Kim!” The omega launched himself into Kim’s arms burying his face in the other man’s hard chest.

“Okay, okay. You’re okay,” Kim wrapped one arm around Chay’s back and the other went to his hair running through it in a soothing gesture. Kim’s heart calmed for a moment having the omega in his arms but then the rage came back as he could smell that other alpha all over Chay. The asshole had scented him. Kim’s inner alpha was being held back by a thread at this point. Taking a look around at the busy club and the number of people looking at them. It was safe here. He needed to get Chay out of here.

“Hey, wait! Chay? What’s going on are you okay?” Another guy was quickly following them outside of the club, Kim didn’t want to stop but Chay pulled against him. Turning to face the other man.

“Ace? I’m fine, this is Kim. He’s- he’s- he’ll take me home.” Chay told his friend still safely enclosed in Kim’s arms.

“Chay-” Ace started but the pair hurried out.

“P’Kim?” Chay called as Kim pulled away from him once they were in the parking lot next to his car. The alpha was pacing in front of Chay, fighting with his instincts.

“You smell like him.” Kim replied after a moment.

“Oh,” Chay took a whiff of his shirt and sure enough he did smell like that horrible, horrible alpha. “I- I think-”

“Can I scent you?” The words shot out of Kim’s mouth before he could stop them. The alpha was winning against Kim’s rational side.

“Yes.” Chay’s answer was immediate, which surprised them both. He hadn’t smelt the alphas scent yet, the other kept it so tightly under wraps. There was a growing desire within him to smell this alpha, and to possibly roll in said scent.

“Hold very still.” Kim’s gaze was stern, as he pulled off his scent blocker patches on either side of his neck and took two long strides towards Chay. He looked once more in the omega’s eyes for consent before pulling Chay forward and wrapping around him. This was dangerous, very dangerous. Kim had already realized that Chay was his, that they were fated or uniquely compatible or whatever the f*ck they were calling it now. Exposing Chay to scent like this could very well send the omega into heat.

After ensuring every inch of Chay he could cover smelled like him, he should have pulled away and had one of his bodyguards bring the omega home. But this future mate was in his arms, smelling like him, it was too much.

Chay on the other hand was in heaven, P’Kim smelled of bonfires and well worn leather. It was intoxicating. The seconds stretched into seconds, into minutes, until Chay could feel himself heating up from the inside and this time it wasn’t from the alcohol. Judging by that and the fact that his scent was leaking out passed his scent blockers, and it was sweeter then he ever remembered it being.

“P’Kim? P’Kim? Please,” Chay let out a little whine, he wasn’t sure what he was asking for, but it got Kim moving, he bundled Chay into his car and sped off as fast as he could.

Chapter 12


The aftermath of that phone call and a new face appears in Porsche's world.


Oh my, I apologize to everyone who has been waiting for an update. I have been through it these past few weeks but I'm getting my sh*t back together and will getting back to weekly updates. I also have a hard time writing this because I planned it out in my head as I was falling asleep and then forgot in the morning and then realized that there was another way I could take the story so I started writing that but then I didn't like it, but it's written. Hopefully you guys like it. Please leave comments to let me know if you're still with me and what you think about the chapter! The comments are something that I kept coming back to over the last weeks and really were a big factor in me fighting to get back to this story and getting my motivation back. So basically I love you all.

Chapter Text

Porsche has one exceptionally clear memory of Chay as a baby, an infant. He had been sent to a friend’s house for a sleepover while his mama delivered. At the time he hadn’t known what all that meant and why he had to stay with his friend. It was mid-day the next day and he wanted to go home, it was the first time he’d slept anywhere without his parents. He’d been crying for a while by the time his dad showed up. Dad had picked him up and scented him, waiting until Porsche calmed down enough to talk.

“Are you ready to meet your little brother?”

“Yeah!” He cheered, quickly wiping away the remnants of his tears with the backs of his little hands.

The little house was eerily quite, usually mama had music playing from somewhere. Dad took him upstairs and opened the bedroom door, and there was mama, sitting up against the cushions of her nest. Porsche looked up at his dad after his mother waved him over with a gentle smile.

“It’s okay, go ahead.” His dad whispered in his ear and a gentle pat on his back to send him forward.

Porsche approached slowly, curious about the little bundle laying on his mama’s chest. When he got close enough, she reached out a hand to help him get on the bed and into the nest, which he realized had a new scent to it. It was mostly covered in that milky scent mama said all babies had, but he swore he could smell strawberries. Once he was settled in the next his mama finally spoke again, “Porsche sweetie, meet your nong Porchay.”

She shifted the bundle and when Porsche leaned closer, he saw the tiniest face. A warm feeling bloomed in his chest, and when mama asked if he wanted to hold Porchay he could only nod, wide eyed. His dad came close and adjusted Porsche so and helped his mother hand over the baby.

“He’s so small and so pretty mama.” Porsche spoke quietly not wanting to wake his sleeping nong, “Mama why do I already love him so much?”

His mama and dad took turns kissing his forehead. There was so much love in that room, always, but even more so in that moment.

“You know Porsche, as his hia you’ll need to help us protect Chay, as you can see, he’s so little-” His dad had started but Porsche interrupted.

“I promise Pa. I’ll keep Chay safe forever! I’ll be the best hia ever and Chay will never get hurt by no one!”

“Porsche that’s not-”

“Shush,” Mama said to Dad, they were giving each other looks Porsche didn’t understand, but then mama looked at him, “I think you’ll do you best Porsche and that’s what counts my love.”

Now, as Kinn sped through the city streets, Porsche felt like an utter failure. Once again. How many times was he going to break the promise he made his parents? Mom and dad would be so disappointed in him.


Things were spinning wildly out of Kim’s control. The moment he entered the club, for a meeting of course because this club always let in far too many, Kim’s plans for the night went up in flames. First he clocked Park, who was looking around far too much for a bodyguard who knew where their charge was. He could swear he felt his heart drop into his stomach. Then he spotted his Chay breaking free of the crowded dance floor, but that relief quickly disappeared when an arm snatched out of the crowd and grabbed hold of him. Park and Kim made eye contact across the club as they both rushed to Chay. Kim got their first and just barely held back the righteous urge to kill this dumb f*cking alpha who had the nerve to touch, to scent, an omega without permission, especially since that omega was Chay.

The disrespectful alpha would not be getting off the hook with a measly warning. A quick look at his men and Park signaled that they were to take him to the empty warehouse they used for…imparting lessons. The only reason Kim didn’t immediately rip the offender to pieces was because he could smell Chay’s distress, even though the scent blockers and the other alpha’s scent. Chay was and would always be priority #1. Kim also didn’t want to scare Chay any more than he already was.

By the time they made it to the parking lot, Kim just couldn’t help himself, Chay was still covered in another alphas scent. Taking the risk to scent Porchay would likely calm them both however…Instinct won.

It wasn’t until he and Chay were in the car, that Kim noticed what his little omega was even wearing. The short black skirt showing off those long lean legs that he desperately wanted wrapped around him, and his plain black tank top exposing his scent glands although clear scent blocker patches covered them. The outfit left little to the imagination and was so unlike Chay’s usual t-shirt and jeans. Usually Chay looked cute, adorable and that was more than enough to get Kim’s libido going, but tonight Chay looked delicious. White knuckling it as he sped through the streets, Kim had one destination in mind, home. Not Chay’s home, not his apartment, but home. It would be the safest place to bring his omega who was now definitely in a rapidly developing pre-heat. Kim couldn’t wait to get his omega in his den, in his bed and-

Focus, Kim. Focus.

While he knew without a doubt how he wanted the night to play out, he needed to ask Chay.

“Chay?” Kim called to him, “Chay? Angel?”

“Huh?” Chay turned his head, face flushed and looking…scared? Taking a deep breath Kim could smell both arousal and fear.

“Chay what do you want to happen next?” Kim asked gently.

“Next?” Chay sounded confused.

“Angel you’re going into heat,” Kim continued to speak softly, “and I need to know what you want to do.”

“I’m in pre-heat…P’Kim it lasts a few days before I go into heat.” Chay responded a little confused as to why Kim thought he was going into heat so fast, although it would explain why he felt like he was burning from the inside out.

“Chay we’re...” Kim chose his next words carefully, “compatible and you’ve been exposed to my scent. You’re going to experience a very brief preheat angel,” he explained, “you can feel it getting more intense by the minute can’t you? It feels different from your regular preheat doesn’t it?”

“I’ve only experienced one heat so I don’t know if it’s different…” Chay mumbled feeling very shy talking about such things with P’Kim, with an alpha.

“f*ck,” Kim huffed out running a hand through his hair. Of course, Chay had only experienced his presentation heat, all of this was incredibly new to him.

“Wait, do you think we’re…fated?” Chay’s eyes took on a starry quality as he looked up at Kim, his voice otherwise expressing his disbelief.

“Yes, angel. We are. So, you need to tell me quickly, do you want to spend your heat with me? If we do I have to warn you, by the end you’ll be bonded and possibly bred.” Hopefully bred, his inner alpha supplied. Kim watched as Chay turned a lovely shade of red.

“Um…” Chay swallowed thickly, chewing on his lips as he looked away from Kim, a part of him wanted to alpha but another part of him was so scared. He wasn’t ready. This was happening too fast.

“It’s okay if you’re not ready Chay. When we mate, I want you to be 100% certain.” As much as Kim’s inner alpha wanted to claim their omega, they were in full agreement that it was up their omega whether they mated or not. That’s how it was supposed to be, the alpha would make their interest known, do their best to woo the omega. It was then up to the omega to accept or refuse and then after agreeing to be mates, the omega would invite the alpha to spend it with them. Either verbally or by initiating a chase. Kim wasn’t going to risk skipping steps and risk f*cking it up like Kinn did. But also, this heat meant he carefully laid plans to seduce his omega had gone up in flames.

“P’Kim?” Chay’s small voice broke him out of his musings, “I-I’m not ready to- to- to spend my heat with you.”

“That’s okay. I can wait.” Kim reassured him, “I’m taking you to my family’s home, we have a medical staff and heat rooms. It’s safe there. You will be safe there.” Despite his still present desire, Kim’s inner alpha understood that keeping his omega safe was the most important thing he could do right now. He’d keep his little omega safe and comfortable for his heat.


“Where is he?” Porsche demanded as soon as he exited Kinn’s car and saw Park waiting for them in front of the most ridiculous mansion he’d ever seen. No not a mansion, this was a f*cking estate. But he didn’t have the time to look around and gape. He needed to get to Chay. Now.

“Khun Porsche, Khun Kinn,” Park lowered his head, “Khun Porchay is currently in the medical wing-”

“Take me to him now!” Porsche growled out, supremely pissed off that Park had lost eyes on Chay and then somehow Chay ended up in Kinn’s younger alpha brother’s car on the cusp of his heat! Once he found and confirmed that Chay was okay, he was going to kill them all. Including Kinn! Because for some f*cking reason he wasn’t surprised at all that Chay was with Kim.

Park took a quick look at Kinn, which just irritated him all the more, before gesturing for Porsche to follow him. They went through hallway after hallway, a short uncomfortable elevator ride in which they were all suffocated by Porsche’s rotten, angry scent until finally the entered a large open area that looked like a medical bay. There were a few guards outside but once Porsche went through the sliding doors there was a single doctor and a nurse. They appeared to be waiting for him.

“Khun Porsche,” the doctor quickly greeted him and waited for Kinn to enter before speaking, “Khun Kinn,” the way people were waiting for Kinn to give the okay or to tell him what was going on was pissing Porsche off.

“My brother,” Porsche growled out.

“Khun Kim brought Khun Porchay here from the club. It appears another alpha had scented Khun Porchay against his will and after removing his omega from the situation Khun Kim then scented him and it triggered a heat.” The doctor explained, “When they arrived, Khun Porchay was still in relative control of his rational mind, he asked to be sedated. I however was not yet in the med bay and a nurse made the comment that ‘the omega just present and get over it’. Khun Kim then attacked the man; it took several guards to separate them. The nurse has been removed from the premises and is being dealt with. I was able to give Khun Porchay a sedative, he is currently resting. Khun Kim, however, will not leave his side and has barred anyone from entering the room. It seems his rut has been triggered but his focus is on caring for and protecting his omega. We do have a camera in the room so that we can monitor the-”

“You left Kim in there? My nong is sedated and in heat and you left an alpha in a rut in his room? Are you insane!” Porsche hollered, trying to bolt for the door but finding himself thwarted by two strong arms wrapped around his torso.

“Khun Porsche! I promise, your brother is safe!”

“Safe? He isn’t safe! I need- I need to- f*ck let me go Kinn!” Porsche was wrestling against the alpha.

“Porsche, love, I promise you Chay’s okay. The docs have tranquilizer guns and they’ll put Kim down if they need too.” Kinn tries to reason with the increasingly angry omega in his arms.

“It’s true Khun Porsche, we’re under strict instructions.” The doctor agreed taking a tablet from the nurse and showing him the screen. Porchay was sleeping in the hospital bed and next to him sat Kim who was currently putting a cool washcloth on Porchay’s brow to help with the fever.

Feeling Porsche finally relax Kinn loosened his hold and let down his guard. Wrong move. He was elbowed so hard in the stomach he nearly threw up. Porsche darted out of arms reach and turned to face him.

“And you! Why are you not surprised by this at all? Hmmm?” Porsche snarled at his alpha.

“Porsche, it’s not what you think.” Kinn responded once he was able to stand upright again.

“Oh, it isn’t, is it? Because it seems like you knew your brother was sniffing around mine and you didn’t even say anything to me!” The way the alpha blanched told Porsche he was right on the money.

“Finally, you’re here!” Another man entered the room, he wore silver, completely unnecessary sunglasses, and a billowing pink chiffon robe with fur lined hems. “This was not the way I wanted to meet my brother-in-law’s.”

“In-law’s? Plural. As in more than one?” It seemed like everyone was aware of this except him.

“Of course! You must be Kinn’s mate Porsche, I’ve heard so many delightful things about you. I only wish I could meet Kimmie’s mate right now too. But I guess a heat can’t be helped.” The newcomer lifted his shades and dabbed at his eyes as if he were crying, Porsche gathered this must be Kinn’s older brother Tankhun, Kinn had described him as eccentric.

“Kimmie’s mate?” Porsche questioned, looking over at Kinn who refused to meet his eye. The bastard.

“Oh, I know they aren’t bonded yet, courting and all that has to be finished first, but they are fated so what’s the harm?” The older omega was expecting the silence in the room after he spoke, Porsche could tell that much was clear. Once again, the glasses were lifted, and he squinted at both Porsche and Kinn before throwing the shades on the ground and putting his hands on his hips. “What is the matter with you both? I’m trying to live out my dreams of having such a connection with my new brother-in-law that we become besties on site!” Tankhun stomped his foot, growing frustrated that Kinn had clearly done something to mess up his moment.

“Well apparently I’m the only one who didn’t know that they were courting!” Porsche yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

“Wait, what?” Tankhun paused, frozen entirely for a good few second before turning to look at his younger with a glare and then shaking his head, “That can’t be true, Kinn. It really can’t because I know that I raised you and Kimmie better than that.”

“Phi-” Kinn whined a little, it appeared he would be taking the brunt of both omega’s anger today. f*cking little brothers.

“Hush! When Arm told me about Kimmie’s omega and we realized that it was Porsche’s younger brother and I came to you with my discovery, what did you tell me?” Tankhun now had his arms folded and was impatiently tapping his right foot, but Kinn knew better than to try and answer.

“Wait how long have you known about this?” Porsche demanded.

“About a week.” Kinn sighed, damn Kim for putting him in this situation.

“A week? A f*ckING WEEK! And you said nothing to me? What the f*ck Kinn?” Another face popped into his head at that moment. “And Park? Why the hell didn’t he ever say anything to me?” The list of people he wanted to kill just kept growing.

“Because it involved Kim he came to me first, but I had ever intention of telling you.” Kinn was trying very hard to stay very calm.

“He went to you first,” Porsche crossed his arms biting his lip and looking for all the world like he was trying to understand, “but you told me that as your mate I was the Head Omega of this pack. Now granted I’ve never had a pack bigger than four, and for a long time I’ve been in a pack of just two, but when a member of the pack is supposed to report everything to the Head Omega, that means everything does it not?” He seemed calm but there was bite behind every word.

“Yes. Yes, they should. That’s how it works.” Tankhun supplied only too happy to assist his new brother-in-law in verbally beating Kinn’s ass. Kinn for his part was holding back a growl meant for his noisy older brother.

“Porsche it’s not that he- I told him to avoid telling you things that would upset you.” As soon as the words fell out of his mouth, Kinn regretted them. “No- I mean-”

“You told him. You told him.” Porsches arms fell to his sides as he nodded looking off to the side, hysterical laughter bubbling up.

“Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun.” Kinn visibly flinched. Tankhun yelled a lot. From as far back as Kinn can remember, his older brother had been a loud person. Even in normal conversation he was loath to control the volume of his voice. But this wasn’t a yell, this was controlled rage. An omegan rage which promised justice. Kinn had only heard Tankhun use this tone a handful of times and none of them ever ended well. Usually, bodies dropped. “I know mama impressed upon you and Kim from birth that omegas were not, despite what some assholes think, lesser than alphas. I know, cause I remember, teaching you and Kim all about courting, about the appropriate way to approach an omega that you like, about how f*cking lucky you would be to meet your fated mate.” Tankhun growled out, stepping a little closer to Kinn with every sentence.

“Phi-” Kinn tried in a placating tone.

“Don’t you, ‘Phi’ me.” Tankhun mocked with a whiny tone. “Porsche is your fated mate. Now considering how everything went down, it’s understandable that you weren’t able to court him first, but after a reminder, you starting courting him. But this? Kinn, the disrespect. You just underminded Porsche’s authority in this pack. And as for this bullsh*t with Kim, you both know he should have informed Porsche, the eldest omega of his Chay’s pack, of his intent. The fact that you went along with whatever million step convoluted plan he came up with to win over Chay,” Tankhun took a deep breath and pointed an accusatory finger at Kinn, “you are a dumbass of the highest order, and I am officially banning you from my site! And Kim as soon as he comes out of that room.”

“You can’t-”

“BANNED!” Tankhun shouted as soon as Kinn tried speaking.

“Porsche…” Kinn looked over at his mate who had been watching Tankhun with a raised brow.

“Porsche, my beloved brother-in-law, Head Omega of this pack, I suggest all these idiotic alphas be banned from our presence until they get their sh*t together.” Tankhun turned to Porsche with a swish of his robe and deferentially tilted his head to the side exposing his neck to his pack’s new Head Omega.

Porsche looked between both Theerapanyakun’s, the older one had brought up some really good points just now and not seeing Kinn for a while sounded great to him. Almost as great as getting Kim as far away from Chay as he possibly could as soon as possible.

“I agree.” Porsche didn’t really know how to answer such a request, there was probably some kind of protocol, but Tankhun took his words and ran with them. Shoving the alpha out and demanding his guards to bring all sorts of things down to them in the waiting area.

“Arm give me my phone!” Tankhun threw out his arm and snapped his fingers impatiently. “Omegas must stick together.” He said to Porsche while waiting for whoever he was calling to answer, the phone was on speaker.

“Hm- Hello?” A sleepy voice answered.

“Pete! Oi Pete! Wake up! This is an emergency!” Tankhun shouted at the phone.

“What? What’s going on?” Pete replied suddenly more alert.

A second voice could be heard, more muffled and irate, “Why the f*ck is he calling right now? Hang up.”

“He said it’s an emergency,” Pete spoke to his bedmate, Porsche was getting slightly curious as to what Tankhun was hoping to accomplish.

“It’s Tankhun, that means it could literally be that his latest drama crush died.”

“Oi Pete! Ignore that disgusting cousin of mine and get over here. Porsche AND Porchay are here, and we are banning all Theerapanyakun alphas from our sight.”

“What’s going on? Wait what does this have to do with me?” Poor Pete sounded so confused.

“Us omegas are righteously angry at the idiotic alphas in this family. That means you are also angry with Vegas. So, get over here now!” Tankhun was losing patience.


“What the f*ck did he say? No, you’re- he’s not going anywhere. End of discussion. Hang up.” The second voice, now identified as Vegas, growled in the background.

“Khun I’m not going to be upset with Vegas just because-”

“Did you know that your dear Vegas cloned your phone?” There wasn’t anything that happened in this family without Tankhun knowing. That included the happenings of the minor household.


For a moment Porsche thought the call dropped, but wow what the f*ck was with these guys?

“Pete,” Despite being muffled Porsche could hear the pleading tone in Vegas’s voice, “I promise I-” A loud thud followed by a crash and some pretty creative curse words ended the phone call.

Tankhun’s phone buzzed.

Pete: Be there in 10.


And that was how Porsche met Pete, in the wee hours of the morning outside Chay’s heat room in the compound. Porsche didn’t know what he was expecting but Pete was not it. He’d assumed that much like what is shown in the media every day that a wealthy alpha would prefer a dainty, sweet omega. Someone more feminine. Pete, however, was not that. He showed up in a white muscle tank and baggy blue basketball shorts. While he was certainly cute, his body type was similar to Porsche’s, lean but strong, he had broad shoulders. When Tankhun explained that Pete had first been his head bodyguard, Porsche was shocked. An omega, not only as a bodyguard but a head bodyguard? The amount of respect Porsche had for this new person tripled. But then Tankhun launched into a rant about how his bastard cousin Vegas swooped in out of nowhere and stole Pete from him.

“Khun, that’s not what happened, and you know it.” Pete looked over at Porsche and rolled his eyes, but his smile was gentle. “What I really want to know Khun, is when did Vegas clone my phone?” Pete finally dropped his athletic bag (likely filled with clothes, Porsche thought) on the ground and put his hands on his hips.

“I told you he’s an absolute ass, an idiotic psycho but nooooo you just had to-” Tankhun was gesticulating wildly.

“Khun.” Pete’s brow creased as he folded his arms over his chest. “Just tell me please.”

“It was in the beginning, after that brief mission you helped out with.” Tankhun admitted.

“That- that was months ago! Why-” Pete dropped his arms, very confused about the whole thing now.

“The psycho wanted to know your every move and make sure no one else was close to you. Then he used it to make sure he could run into whenever you weren’t here and to gather information about what kind of things you liked. Honestly Pete you deserve so much better.” Tankhun shook his head, looking for all the world like he was the wisest omega man to have ever lived.

“How long have you known about this?” Pete’s volume ticked up and Porsche continued to watch the entire thing from his chair by the door to his brother’s room.

“Not that long. Vegas kept it pretty well under wraps, but you know how it is, get the right person drunk and you’ll learn all sorts of things.” Tankhun waved away Pete’s anger with a single hand as if it were no more than an annoying fly.

“But you still wait to tell me until it benefits you the most.” Pete grumbles.

“I won’t dignify that accusation with a response.” Tankhun flicked open a fan he produced from seemingly nowhere. “However, you both must agree that the alphas of this family are stupid and deserve to suffer.” Pete looked over at Porsche once again and walked toward him.

“I’m Pete by the way, although I’m sure you knew that by now.” He stretched out a hand and Porsche stood and shook it.

“Porsche.” He sat back down.

“What exactly have Kinn and Kim done that they need to suffer for?” Pete asked, looking between them both.

Porsche was surprised when Tankhun gestured for him to explain it all, even though he did cut in couple times to emphasize the jackassery. Pete agreed that Kinn had f*cked up and that Kim was unsurprisingly being a little sh*t. He explained to Porsche that his three years with the family and close position with Tankhun meant that Pete knew quite a bit about the personalities of the Theerapanyakun alphas. The f*ck ups were pretty on brand for both alphas.

“I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him.” Porsche mumbled rubbing a hand over his face.

“It’s true that they f*ck up, but I also know that Kinn is responsible and kind. I’m not saying that you should just forget it and forgive him, but I also hope you don’t give up on him. As for Kim, a little sh*t he may be, but he’s a good man and a good alpha. I think the fact that he isn’t doing anything to Porchay but caring for him right now is a pretty good indicator of his character and the fact that he’d never do anything to hurt Porchay.” Pete replied, “You probably weren’t aware, but even though Vegas and I are together, we still haven’t bonded. I could walk away from him right now if I felt like that was the right thing to do and from what you’ve heard tonight er, this morning, you probably think that I should leave,” Pete let out a heavy sigh, “Cloning someone’s phone is definitely crossing a boundary, but knowing what I know about Vegas, and how I feel about him, I’m going to let myself cool down for a day or two and then we’re going to talk about it. But I’m not going to leave him because even though we haven’t bonded yet, he feels like home to me.”

Porsche kind of understood what Pete was trying to say to him. Yes, Kinn had f*cked up, but he couldn’t deny the growing feelings he was having for the alpha. Not just on a base instinctual level, an omega attached to their alpha, but real feelings. Earlier tonight when they were overlooking the water, eating their cheap but incredibly delicious street food, and Kinn’s open vulnerability…would he really be able to walk away from the alpha at this point? A stubborn voice that was tied to his fear of fully trusting another person said yes, but his heart, that stupid foolish organ, was saying no.

In truth it was best that Porchay’s heat would last a few more days, it would give Porsche more time to work out exactly what he wanted to do and also time to calm down before talking with Chay. His little Chay that he had let down in a million different ways, his little Chay that he hadn’t seen for days on end due to his own fears and overprotective tendencies. Porsche needed to be able to listen when Chay came out of the room and hold back the urge to grab Chay and hide him away from the rest of the world. What really matters is what Chay wants and if he wants this alpha, this Kim, then…ugh. He just wants to hold his little brother, his pup. That’s all he really wants right now. Porsche lays his head in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. All he can do right now is wait.

But if he has to wait, at least he isn't waiting alone.

Chapter 13


Kinn and Vegas try to problem solve, Porsche bonds with his fellow pack omegas, and Chay wakes up. Porsche and Chay also talk.

TW: Implied almost SA of a child, not graphic but please take care when reading. You can skip from "I wanted to run around with them and pretend that, just for a moment, nothing had changed, nothing had happened.” to “No, no Hia.”


Oh my goodness my lovely readers! Life has been crazy and I know I promised regular updates last time and then disappear again but things are much better now. Under control, and I think I'll be able to update at least every two weeks if not every week. I will not abandon this, I am determined to see it through to the end! So please stick with me and keep commenting and interacting with me!

Chapter Text

It was six in the morning and Kinn was already having a sh*tty day. Having been banned last night from being in his omega’s presence left him unable to sleep at all. In fact, he even dragged some of the night duty guards into the ring just to get some of his rage out. Last night had been going so well until his stupid little brother had to ruin it. Porsche had opened up to him beautifully, and in more ways than one. Having his omega writhing underneath him on the couch, leaving bruises and marks on each other as made passionate love…just thinking about it made him hard. Porsche was so wet and warm and perfect for him; they certainly were made for each other. The only thing keeping him from snapping completely was the fact that he had thoroughly scented Porsche last night by rubbing his spend all over his torso and that Porsche most likely hadn’t taken a shower yet. Whatever lust Kinn had was killed the moment his cousin came marching into his office, all but kicking open the door and shoving bodyguards away.

“What the f*ck did you do?” Vegas growled once he reached Kinn’s desk.

“What are you talking about?” Kinn was honestly confused by his cousin’s rage, there was nothing business related that had happened to make him act like this.

“What am I…” Vegas let out a distressing laugh, “Last night Pete got a call from Tankhun who demanded he come here, and when I said no, he f*cking torpedoed me with old sh*t getting Pete all upset to the point where he left! He actually packed a bag and came here!” Vegas shouted arms thrown about wildly, “So I ask, what the f*ck did you do?”

“I see.” Kinn let out a heavy sigh and his confused expression morphed into one of commiseration. “This was not my doing, at least not entirely, Kim started it.”

“Kim?” Vegas’s face scrunched up as he tried to make sense of how Kim could be responsible.
Kinn launched into the events of the previous night, halfway through Vegas calmed enough to sit down across from Kinn. There was a heavy silence after, as Vegas tried to figure out what exactly was so wrong with Kinn’s actions. They seem perfectly reasonable to him. He also didn’t understand how what Kim did was wrong either. There was an obstacle in his way to obtaining his mate, one that he couldn’t get rid of, so Kim’s workaround was really the only option. However, something must be wrong with his thinking because all the pack omegas were pissed, and all the alphas were being punished. Well, not all, just the two of them, three once Kim came out of that damn room. Vegas shook his head as he refocused on the most important question right now.

“How do we fix this?” Vegas asked more of himself than Kinn.

“Your guess is as good as mine, especially since Tankhun is going to be glued to their sides,” Kinn admitted gazing off into the distance.

“f*ck your annoying brother, always such a f*cking instigator,” Vegas grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.


Porsche liked Pete. The man was simple, straightforward, and incredibly kind with end patience (clear by how he took all of Tankhun’s demands and outbursts while they were camped out in this ridiculous place). They were basically camping too. Tankhun had ordered the goon squad to bring down three lounge chairs that were excessively large and tons of blankets and pillows. A TV was also brought down, and Porsche learned more about Korean dramas than he thought possible or would ever really want to know. But Tankhun was seemingly with them and just had to share a series that ‘perfectly encapsulated the revenge they needed to take on their dumbass alphas’. If nothing else, it was a way to pass the time and helped him try to ignore all the passersby who wanted a peek at him.

“You’re the Head Omega, of course, their curious about you,” Pete replied when Porsche complained about it after the sixth person was caught peering around the doorway while they ate the breakfast Tankhun ordered, it was creepy.

“Yes, yes, very curious! They’ve all witnessed Kinn’s trail of twinks for the past few years and yet none of them had Kinn whipped like you.”

“Trail of twinks?” Porsche felt the foreign hot rush of jealousy running through his veins at the information.

“Khun is exaggerating,” Pete responded in a whisper as Tankhun launched into reciting the monologue of the male lead in the show they were watching.

Honestly, it wasn’t like Porsche had any right to be jealous over Kinn’s sexual history. It wasn’t like he didn’t have a past too. He knew he’d punch Kinn right in the face if he ever made a big deal out of his past so really it shouldn’t bother him. Besides he was Kinn’s mate, no one from Kinn’s past would ever have that type of connection. While debating this in his head, Arm and Pol, Tankhun’s two bodyguards who were actually pretty funny, brought in four of those fancy-ass dining carts he’d only see in movies. The ones with the white tablecloth and the silver platters with matching covers.

“Khun Porsche,” Arm waved his arm with a flourish, gesturing to the cart that stopped before him. “Khun Kinn has informed our chefs of your favorite dishes and the type of cuisine you like. The kitchen provides you with this meal in hopes of pleasing the new Head Omega of our pack.” With that he lifted the three silver domes, revealing a bevy of Porsche's favorite comfort foods (although they looked like they belonged in a five-star restaurant), perhaps his alpha was listening when he talked. The smell alone was absolutely mouthwatering.

“Now Khun Pete,” Pol began having settled his cart in front of Pete with a wink. Pete stifled a laugh as Pol tried to outdo Arm, not only gesturing the cart with a flourish but also…jazz hands? “Khun Vegas went shopping himself and, much to the annoyance of everyone in the kitchen, cooked your meal entirely alone. Recreating the southern Thai dishes from your childhood that you crave.” The domes were lifted, and Pete was immediately hit by the spice, it had his eyes watering already. Vegas knew him so well.

“Oi! What about me? Or did the stupid alphas of this family forget their Khun?” Tankhun was sitting cross-legged in his seat, arms folded over his chest with an enormous pout on his face.

“Of course not Khun Tankhun!” Pol declared while he and Arm rolled a third cart in front of the moody omega. “Both Khun Kinn and Khun Vegas would like to extend their gratitude for your endless patience and dedication to this pack.”

“And the great care you’ve shown towards Khun Porsche and Khun Pete!” Pol added, not forgetting his lines.

“To show their thankfulness they had the chefs not only make your favorite but also bought pastries from a number of bakeries for you to try.” Arm gestured toward the fourth cart that sat a little off to the side of Tankhun. “They made sure to get enough show that you could share with Khun Porsche and Khun Pete too, if you would like to.”

“Well, it’s good to know that they’re aware I do so much for this pack. Although it wouldn’t hurt them to show me their gratitude more often.” Tankhun sat stiffly, turning his head to the left and putting his nose up a little, it was clear however from his scent that he was quite pleased. He graciously accepted the gift like the diva he was.

They all sat in silence for a moment. Porsche who had returned to drooling over his food, after taking a quick peek at the other omegas meals, felt like he was being watched. Slowing looking up, he realized everyone in the room was staring at him. Waiting. For what though he had no idea. Looking cluelessly at each one in turn he took in their smiling faces and pointed looks at his food.

“Uhh,” he cleared his throat, “thanks?” This just got him looks of confusion until he saw a look of dawning realization on Pete’s face.

“Porsche, you’re the Head Omega of our pack, we have to wait until you take your first bite before digging in ourselves.” Pete informed and he must have looked a little displeased or confused because Pete continued, “The Theerapanyakun pack is old and big, they tend to be traditional, with specific rules about hierarchy. As Head Omega you eat first, then everyone else.”

“Oh okay.” Porsche’s face felt hot, as he went back to looking at the food in front of him. Grabbed a spoon and took a sip of the yellow curry in front of him. The taste was perfect. He was still mad at Kinn, but he had to admit this was a damn good way to reach out and try to butter him up. Looking at Pete on his left and Tankhun on his right, both of the other omegas were digging into their food. A sudden thought occurred to him, “Wait did you guys do that this morning too? During breakfast?”

“Yeah, you didn’t notice?” Pete replied in between bites. Porsche also noticed that while chewing Pete was doing a little dance in his chair, clearly enjoying his food.

“I guess I didn’t think about it. Wait does that include Kinn?” Porsche thought back to the times he met up with Kinn and realized that Kinn always let him eat first.

“You’re damn right that includes Kinn!” Tankhun’s looked like he was ready to murder someone. “If he isn’t you need to tell me right now so I can straighten him out.”

“No, he has. Is it that big of a deal if he doesn’t?” Porsche wasn’t used to this kind of attention and the idea of all these rules had him feeling a bit of a tension headache.

“Of course it is! A good alpha always makes sure their omega eats first and in an established pack the Head Alpha always makes sure to show deference towards their Head Omega.” Tankhun seemed taken aback that Porsche wasn’t aware of these rules or whatever they wanted to call them.

“Hmm…” Porsche went back to his meal. “This food is amazing.”

“Mine too.” Pete grinned. “Vegas is quite the cook.”

“Ugh don’t tell me the two of you are going to roll belly up that quickly?” Tankhun rolled his eyes and mimed throwing up.

“No one said anything about rolling over, Khun,” Pete responded as he stuffed his mouth.


As the day progressed, both Pete and Porsche continued to receive random gifts. After their meal and a few sweets from Tankhun’s dessert table, another delivery was made. In the bag given to Porsche, there was a dark grey shirt, a pair of black jeans, socks, and a pair of underwear which made him red in the face. Everything was just his size too. Judging by how incredibly soft everything was Porsche didn’t even want to think about how much Kinn had spent on these clothes. Ridiculous Alpha. Although his inner omega was practically purring at the idea that their alpha was providing for him.

“It’s about time he sent you some clothes, seriously.” Tankhun rolled his eyes. “I mean I know you’re a mated pair, but for the love of Gucci, and my darlings, Sebastian and Elizabeth, please shower and change after scent-marking like that.”

“Wait, what?” Porsche was confused. “Scent… Oh god.” For the first time since he left the house, he realized why his shirt was sticking to his abdomen. Kinn had finished on his stomach and rubbed it…all over. He closed his eyes and let out a low growl of frustration, that damn alpha! He’d been talking to people, and he’d seen people, people who would have been able to tell just by taking a whiff of him. The only reason he didn’t notice the smell himself was just how content his omega was being covered in the alpha's scent in such a primal way. By now everyone in this f*cking…castle, mansion, thing…would know that he had shown up smelling so strongly of his alpha, (and that wouldn’t be a problem if Kinn had just scent-marked him normally) and that this strong of a smell was only achieved by an alpha rubbing their cum into their omegas skin. It was primal as hell. Why then hell had he let him do that? Oh, right, because his inner omega loved it. He probably would have noticed the smell earlier too if didn’t make him so content.

Stupid f*cking alpha.

“I’m going to kill him,” Porsche muttered under his breath as he followed Pete.

Pete, who was trying very hard not to giggle (not to be mean but only because he understood only too well how the other omega was feeling), said nothing as they walked down the hallway and into a shower room for medical staff. Nodding to Porsche as he left him there to get sorted, Pete thought about his alphas gift.

It was one of those plush octopuses that you could turn inside out, one side had a cute smile the other an angry frown. Pete had shown Vegas a funny TikTok that involved one and mentioned in passing that he’d wanted one. The happy side was tie-dye green and blue while the angry side was a mix of orange and red. His favorite color combos. It was occasionally annoying just how well Vegas knew him sometimes, but it also warmed his heart and made his omega purr at the idea that Vegas paid so much attention to him, to his likes and dislikes, his wants and needs. Pete let out a heavy sigh, he wouldn’t be able to stay made a Vegas for long. He was never really able to but if nothing else he had to pretend if only to establish boundaries with the morally grey alpha.

“Khun-” Pete tried to start when he re-entered the room.

Tankhun threw up a hand, “Don’t even say it Pete, the word subtle isn’t in my vocabulary.”

“He’s really embarrassed.” That much was obvious with how much Porsche had started to resemble a tomato.

“Yes, and I’ve had to smell that in this enclosed space for the last 12 hours.”


“TWELVE! Pete. I’ll never be able to wipe that smell from my memory. It will haunt me for the rest of my days.” Tankhun shuddered. “Anyway, what did my annoying cousin give you? Hmm? Anything less than Tiffany’s is unacceptable.”

“He got me something I actually wanted.” Pete rolled his eyes as he reached into the bag and pulled out his little octopus and demonstrated how it worked to the older omega.

“Boring and very much last year.” Tankhun sighed, but the way his gaze turned critical, examining Pete’s face, and then softened just a bit before changing the topic once more let Pete know that his Khun was happy for him.


Much to the disappointment of both Kinn and Vegas the stalemate remained for the entirety of the youngest omegas heat. Three long days. Three days without their mates. They sent food, clothing, jewelry, stuffed animals, flowers, sweets, notes, concert tickets, and plane tickets (for Pete and Vegas to go see Pete’s grandmother), some were rejected, some were received but there was still no contact beyond notes passed by Arm and/or Pol. It led to a very frustrated Kinn and Vegas which meant in turn that everyone around them was walking on eggshells hoping to avoid being the person who pushed them over the edge.

Pete was overall having a nice time, Tankhun was rapidly growing more obsessed with his latest K-drama (he had Pol and Arm bring in a 52inch flat screen tv because he just couldn’t see anything on the 40inch) and Porsche grew more and more restless with each passing hour. He was honestly most nervous about talking to Chay again, it had been not just days but weeks since they had spoken face to face. Week’s since they stood in the same room together. Hopefully, when they did speak Porsche would be able to keep his temper in check and really try to listen to Chay.


His limbs felt very heavy and warm. Maybe a little too warm but it was like his arms and legs didn’t want to listen, or his eyelids. It felt like hours before the lids finally peeled open, revealing a plain white ceiling, with no water stains. So, he wasn’t in his bed. But he was in a bed. It was pretty comfortable too. Maybe that’s why he couldn’t move his body, he just felt so tired, and the bed was so comfy. His eyes closed once more without permission. Taking in a deep breath in an attempt to focus on making his body move, Chay found himself inhaling what had to be the best scent he’d ever smelled. He liked the scent so much his head lolled to the side the scent was strongest on. It was soothing and, was someone running their fingers through his hair? Oh, he liked that. He liked it a lot. So much so that he fell asleep once more.

The next time Chay woke his body was still a little sluggish but more readily obeyed his commands. Where was he? What happened? He sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Letting his hands fall into his lap with a yawn he opened his eyes. A hospital room. He was in the hospital?

“You’re not in the hospital angel.” A deep voice sounded off next to him, causing Chay to jolt and turn so fast he nearly fell out of the bed.

“P’Kim?” Chay looked at the alpha next to him, took in the dark circles under his eyes, his messy hair which looked a little greasy, and his clothes were very rumpled. It was like he’d been up for days getting very little sleep, but that couldn’t be right. Could it?

“Angel, do you remember what happened?” Kim asked after a beat.

“What happened?” Chay repeated, confused, if only for a moment before the memories came crashing into him like a freight train. The outfit, the club, the dancing, an alpha that wouldn’t leave him alone, P’Kim rescuing him, and then…and then P’Kim scenting him in the parking lot, and then it felt like a damn burst in his body. But wasn’t holding back water, it was holding back fire, he was burning up from the inside out and he could smell his own slick. Oh sh*t, he went into heat. He went into heat in front of P’Kim! Chay turned beat red and pulled the white bed sheet up over his face.

“It’s okay Angel, there’s nothing to feel embarrassed about. We didn’t do anything, remember I asked what you wanted and brought you here to my family’s home. We have a medical wing and the doctor said he could sedate you through the heat. Remember? I’ve been by your side keeping you safe and taking care of you this entire time Chay.” Kim couldn’t help but smile at his baby’s shyness. It was adorable.

“But why did I…oh yeah,” Chay asked but then remembered P’Kim had said it happened cause they’re fated. P’Kim is his fated mate. That soothing and reassuring scent clouding the room was P’Kim’s. “I remember,” Chay said through the blanket still not wanting to lower it. How amazing was his alpha though? Chay went into heat and P’Kim still asked what he wanted to do, and then he honored Chay’s decision. Only a really good, dedicated alpha would do that. The self-control alone! He squeezed his eyes shut as tightly as he could and held in the happy scream.

Kim couldn’t help sitting up a little straighter and puffing out his chest as Chay’s scent went from sour hesitance and nervousness to the sweetness of happiness. Clearly, he pleased his omega. He had successfully avoided repeating the disastrous bonding of his older brother and was that much closer to having his sweet angel permanently by his side.

Taking a deep breath, Porchay lowers the blanket just enough to peek over the edge. He finds his gorgeous alpha staring right back at him with a crooked smile on his face. Oh, the man is so beautiful, it's just not fair! How was he supposed to speak, form words, and create logical sentences when P’Kim was looking at him with so much…affection? Chay could feel his heart stuttering when he realized that gentle look on P’Kim’s face was just for him.

“Umm Phi?” Chay cleared his throat before speaking but his voice still cracked under that gaze.

“Yes, Angel?” Kim responded giving his Chay an encouraging look. All the omega had to do was ask and Kim would get him the moon and all the stars.

“Can- can you…” Chay bit his lip, his shyness battling with his instinct, “Can you um, hold me?”

“Of course,” P’Kim slowly stood up and sat next to Chay on the bed before laying down himself and pulling Chay onto his chest. “Chay, whenever you want something, all you have to do is ask, okay Angel? Whatever you want or need I will do my utmost to give it to you.”

Chay nodded as he buried his reddened cheeks into P’Kim’s chest, such words from his -future mate! – made his heart pound unreasonably fast. P'Kim's muscular arms wrapped around him felt so good. So safe and comfortable. He had met P’Kim so suddenly, so randomly. It had to be fate, there was no other explanation as to how he was able to meet such a wonderful, kind, gentle alpha. An alpha that put Chay’s needs above his own. P’Kim was just perfect. So perfect that even Porsche would have to approve of him!


Chay’s eyes widened, and his heart started beating fast for an entirely different reason. Porsche was going to kill him. He must be worried out of his mind! Chay shot up out of the comforting embrace of his P’Kim and nearly fell out of bed in his rush to get up. He had to find Hia, had to let him know he was okay. They hadn’t spoken in so long and now, now Chay had gone missing, and Ace had to have called Porsche.

“Chay, Chay? Angel, calm down. Talk to me.” Kim had felt Chay tense before he pulled out of his arms and while his instinct was to pull the omega in tighter to roll them over and lay on top of him so he couldn’t run away, he let go. Now he was trying to get his omega to focus on him again, but Chay seemed entirely in his own mind. Worry leeched into his Angels scent, so Kim pushed out more soothing pheromones and crowded the omega’s space, placing a crooked finger under his chin to lift his face.

“Chay, I need you to focus on me and tell me what’s wrong.” Kim had to bite back the command dying to come out as his alpha was starting to feel desperate to calm his omega.

“P’Kim, Hia. I- I need to find Hia. He must be out of his mind, P’Kim. I’m- I need-” Chay had started to ramble.

“He’s here, Chay. Your brother is here. He was notified the minute I brought you here, the doctor explained everything and if my brother’s texts are to be trusted he’s been waiting just outside that door the entire time.” Kim interrupted, assuming that Chay’s rambling would have gone on for far too long and upset him further.

“Hia’s here? He- he’s been here the entire time?” The worry dropped from his shoulders, but another splash of red took over his face as he put his hands over his eyes and leaned into Kim’s chest. “He knows. He knows I had my heat and that you were here the whole time. He- ugh this is so embarrassing!” A whine escaped Chay’s lips and Kim was quick to wrap his arms around the omega and let out a little chuckle.

“Would you like to see him?” Kim asked after a beat.

“Yeah,” Chay mumbled, “But can I get dressed first?” He appeared to be wearing scrubs.

“Of course,” Kim released him and grabbed the clothes he had Arm bring down, they were his own and saturated in his scent. He felt immensely pleased when he handed over the clothes and Chay immediately buried his face in him, taking in Kim’s scent and letting out a pleased little purr. The purr seemed to stun Chay a little as he jolted, does eyes looking impossibly big and then turned red again.

“Umm, P’Kim can you go outside?” Chay refused to look up from the floor.

“Yes, Angel.” Kim closed the distance between them and left a kiss on the crown of his Chay’s head before leaving the room. Things were going very well.


At least things had been going well before he walked out of the room and shut the door only to be faced with three omegas. Porsche stood in the middle and looked absolutely murderous (not at all surprising), Tankhun had his arms folded over his chest and a determined glint in his eye (alarming), and Pete, well Pete was just standing there taking it all in.

“What the hell did you do to my pup?” Porsche growled out.

“All we’ve done is talk. I haven’t done anything disrespectful toward him.” Kim put his hands up in the air, really not wanting to get attacked by Chay’s brother right outside his heat room. Fighting with Porsche would likely upset Chay and thus was a no go but he’d heard enough about the older omega to know it wouldn’t take much to get him swinging when it came to Chay.

“Kimmy you’re banned! All alphas are banned from the vicinity! That means Kinn, Vegas, and YOU need to stay away from here. Now.” Tankhun hollered getting in his youngest brother's face.

“Khun, you can’t just-” Kim started but Tankhun was two steps ahead.

“Porsche declared it, as this pack's Head Omega. Are you going to refuse an order from your Head Omega?” Tankhun tilted his head about five different times while talking, getting closer every time, and making Kim take a step back.

Kim looked between his brother and Porsche and let out a frustrated sigh. If he refused to leave, he was flagrantly disobeying his Head Omega which would lead to severe punishment. In the Theerapanyakun pack such an offense was not to be suffered, while many would believe that the Head Alpha held the most power (and in some packs it was true) in theirs the Head Omega was the true power. Disobeying would also mean upsetting the head of his mate’s family. His only family in fact. f*ck. This was probably all Kinn’s fault. Kim gave a jerk of his head, baring his neck to the Head Omega in a sign of submission and respect before stomping away. He was going to kick Kinn’s ass, Head Alpha or not.

In the silence, a door opening was easily heard and caught the attention of all three omegas who turned toward the door to the heat room once more, having all watched Kim leave.

“Hia?” Chay had poked his head out of the room and immediately locked eyes with Porsche. A sudden bubble of emotion came up and brought tears to his eyes as his chin began to wobble.

“Nong.” Porsche hurried to Chay, pushing his way into the room and shutting the door behind him. He wrapped the pup in his arms and began scenting him as he cried. “It’s okay Chay, it's okay. I promise. Hia’s here. You’re safe.”

Neither knew how long it took exactly but eventually Chay calmed down enough to tell Porsche what had happened. Well, some of what had happened. Some things were probably best left unsaid. He was surprised at how Porsche remained silent and just listened to everything he had to say without interrupting and throwing a fit, but he could see the way Porsche clenched his jaw at certain parts. When he finished, however, Porsche continued to remain silent and Chay felt like he was going to suffocate in that silence. Maybe the yelling would have been better.

“Hia? Hia please say something.” He begged, grabbing one of Porsche’s hands with both of his.

“I am glad that you are okay,” Porsche struggled to say with his eyes closed, trying to bury the rage in his heart, “but I also hope you realize how dangerous that was. What could have happened to you, Porchay.”

“I know. I do know.” Chay agreed it had all been terrifying.

“Do you? Do you really understand Porchay?” He turned a piercing gaze on his little brother. “Has it finally gotten through to you just how dangerous the world is out there? How you can’t trust anyone out there. Will you come home now and stop fighting me when it comes to your safety?”

“Hia, there’s no way anyone could have predicted that that would happen, and I could trust someone, I could trust P’Kim. I do trust P’Kim.” Chay pulled away.

“He won’t always be there, and neither will I. Then what Chay? Hmm? Then what?” Porsche pressed.

“Just because it happened once doesn’t mean it will happen again Hia!” Chay shouted back.

“It’s not just once Chay. It’s never just once.” Porsche countered.

“Hia!” Chay paused and looked at Porsche, really looked, beyond the anger there was pain and…guilt in his eyes? “Hia what happened?”

“What do you mean?” Porsche looked away from Chay and set his jaw.

“I know there’s something you’re not telling me. You always get this way but never tell me why and before you say it, it’s not just because of what you’ve heard or whatever. Hia, you look…you look guilty.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.” Porsche went to get up and turn away, but Chay caught his arm.

“I’m not leaving this room until you tell me Hia.” He tightened his grip when he felt Porsche try to tug himself free, “Tell me. Tell me what happened. Did, did someone…hurt you? Or maybe one of your friends?”

“Chay.” Porsche’s voice was quiet and filled with a plea.

“Or was it, was it something you saw when you were out working? What happened Hia, you can tell me. Please tell me, it isn’t fair to try to keep me safe by suffocating me.” A thought occurred to Chay, Porsche wasn’t always this overprotective. “It happened when we were young, didn’t it? After Mae and Pa passed?” Chay was shocked when a sob wracked Porsches body after that last question. “Porsche, something happened to you, didn’t it? You can tell me, you don’t have to tell me everything but just a little bit, please? I’m here for you just like you’ve always been there for me.”

“That’s a lie,” Porsche whispered out but before Chay could argue that he was, “I haven’t always been there for you. After Mae and Pa died, you followed me around everywhere Chay, and I promised them that I would always keep you safe. I would always protect you. But, but I just- I just wanted to hang out with my friends again. I wanted to run around with them and pretend that, just for a moment, nothing had changed, nothing had happened.”

“I don’t understand,” Chay mumbled confused and despite having his back to him, Chay could hear the tears pouring down his brother’s face.

“It was- it was 6 months after they passed and I- you followed me outside and I- I yelled at you to go back home, alone. But we were so far from the house, I should have- I wanted to play with my friends. I just- I came home for dinner and you weren’t there. Uncle Arthee hadn’t seen you all day, he thought you were with me. We went out looking for you. I asked everyone if they saw you and no one- I found your teddy in an alley. You must have walked the wrong way, gone the opposite way from home or, or I don’t know.”

“Hia?” Chay had no idea what Porsche was talking about, he didn’t remember this. He put a hand over his mouth to keep from making any noise, not willing to interrupt, and was surprised to find his face wet again. He was crying. Why was he crying? He watched as Porsche crumpled to the floor.

“We kept walking, and then. Uncle Arthee said we were in an area where- where people go missing a lot. Especially young people and kids. I didn’t understand what he meant. I picked up your scent though, you were scared. So, freaking scared. We went into a building, and it reeked of fear, and- you were in a room with a man. He was holding your torn shirt in his hands; you were crying so hard and asking to go home. Uncle Arthee grabbed a pipe and hit the guy and I- I ran in and grabbed you and then we ran. We ran all the way back. When got home you were out and the next day we took you to a doctor and they said there was no sign of- you hadn’t been-” Porsche couldn’t say it. The number of nightmares he had after that day of being too late, it was then and there that Porsche decided he couldn’t be a kid anymore. That part of his life was over, he nearly failed his parents and Chay, he needed to grow up and be a man to protect his nong as he promised.

“I don’t remember any of that.” Chay wiped his tears with P’Kim’s long sleeve shirt.

“The doctor said you probably wouldn’t. That you’d block it out and forget it. You were just a pup and I- I almost lost you, Chay, forever. I failed you, I failed Mae and Pa.” Porsche let out another heart-wrenching sob.

“No, no Hia.” Chay scrambled to the floor and wrapped himself around Porsche. “You were just a kid, Hia, and nothing happened right? I- I’m fine, see.” Chay pulled back just enough for Porsche to get a good look at his face before launching himself in his brother’s arms again.

“You’re my Nong, I’m your Hia. I’m supposed to protect you, I promised them I’d keep you safe. I promised, and I almost got you-”

“No! Porsche Kittisawat that was not your fault. None of it. I don’t blame you and neither would they.” Chay squeezed Porsche as hard as he could. “That man, people who do that, they are the ones at fault. No one else and you did protect me Hia. You did. You found me and you got me out of there. You did keep me safe; you always have.” He could feel and hear Porsche's sobs quieting. “I know you want to continue keeping me safe, but Hia you have to let me breathe, okay? You have to trust me now. I’m not seven anymore and yes the other night was scary but I think if we communicate. Really talk and you trust me, things like that won’t happen. I mean we can’t control the world but maybe we can find a middle ground where I’m still safe and I can also be myself and do the things I want to do. Okay?”

“Okay.” Porsche’s voice was rough, and his throat felt incredibly raw. He leaned heavily into his Nong planting his face in Chay’s scent gland and breathing in his strawberry coconut scent, letting it lull him as he felt so very weary.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14


The omegas make up with their alphas, and a threat looms over them.


Life got in the way and then Pete and Vegas gave me a lot of trouble. They just really wanted to go crazy but that wasn't supposed to happen. It was a long negotiation. As always comments are appreciated and adored they really help me push through when I feel like giving up. As do kudos. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You realize I’m going to keep seeing him, right?” Chay spoke after a long silence, nose still buried in his Hia’s scent glad.

“Ugh, yeah I know.” Porsche grumbled letting out a defeated sigh. Silence fell on them once more after Chay’s chuckles quieted. Until Porsche took in a sudden sharp breath and pulled away from Chay, holding his upper arms. “No funny business until you’re married.”

“Hia!” Chay let out an embarrassed whine, his face heating up.

“I’m serious Chay. Spend time getting to know each other for like 15 years and then he can ask my permission to court you for a few years and then you can get married when you’re 55.” Porsche couldn’t believe his little brother had found his mate, and while he understood that Chay was a grown up…every time he looked at him, he still saw that little boy who followed him like a shadow.

“Hia,” Chay grabbed Porsche’s face squishing his cheeks and making resemble a fish, “P’Kim are going to go at our own pace and you my dear Hia are not going to interfere.” Porsche pulled Chay’s hands away from his face and grimaced but nodded his assent.

“It was worth a try. If he does something, anything you don’t like, tell me and they will never find his body.” Porsche squeezed Chay’s hands.

“Okay Hia.” Chay squeezed back. “I’m glad you’re my Hia. I love you.”

“Love you too Nong.” The brothers sat smiling for a moment longer until a knock on the door reminded them that they were not alone nor where they at home. “Come on, I’ll introduce you too your P’Kim’s oldest brother Tankhun and Pete whose with their cousin Vegas.” Porsche led his little brother out by the hand.

“Tankhun, this is my Nong Porchay. Porchay this is the eldest Theerapanyakun brother.” Porsche introduced him first as said omega was standing immediately outside of the door.

“Oh my…” Tankhun lowered his very unnecessary shades and looked Chay up and down. “You are just too cute. Big doe eyes, adorable smile, and so delicate. This is going to be so much fun!”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Porchay had given a more traditional greeting to the elder omega, a big smile on his face as he took in Tankhun.

“Sweetheart you are such a little doll I can’t wait to dress you up. Can you do heels? Never mind, it doesn’t matter I can teach you.” Tankhun’s face took on a gleeful look that had Porsche feeling a little nervous for Chay, but better Chay then him.

“Tankhun let them walk out of the doorway at least.” Pete’s calm voice came from a few feet behind them.

“Oi Pete! I’m just too excited! Look at my brothers-in-law, they are both so handsome and adorable! I have so many plans for them.” Tankhun swirled around and went to Pete tugging on his arm.

“Porchay, this is Pete. He’s…with Kinn’s cousin Vegas and used to work as Tankhun’s bodyguard. Pete, my Nong.” Porsche and Chay were able to walk into the room more thanks to Pete. The two omegas greeted one another, and then Pete suggested they all take a seat.

“Okay so sweet baby Chay I already had a team get some rooms ready for you, they’re pretty basic right now but we can go shopping and get you anything and everything you desire. My treat. Porsche I’ll have someone fetch Kinns card while you go take a look at his rooms and you can come shopping too! I’ve wanted to redo Kinn’s rooms for a while now and this is the perfect time.” Tankhun hardly took a breath the entire time he spoke. “Pete go tell Arm to get Kinn’s card.”

“Tankhun, Porchay just had a heat. I doubt he wants to go shopping.” Pete spoke up placing a gentle hand on Tankhun’s arm.


“I’d actually like to go home.” Chay’s voice was soft and a little nervous. He didn’t want to upset Tankhun but all he really wanted was to go home, crawl into his nest, and pig out on some comfort food. Since he was out for the entirety of his heat, he wasn’t too badly affected but he was still tired, and especially so after the emotional conversation with Hia. Chay just really wanted to be in his own room, in his own nest, and hopefully be able to take something with his alphas scent on to add to his nest.

“Of course, we’ll go now.” Porsche was quick to answer instinct to care for his pup kicking into high gear, standing up and helping Chay up.

“Wait, Porsche you should probably talk to Kinn first before leaving.” Pete stood as well.

“He’s banned!” Tankhun shouted arms crossed and looking at the far wall, pouting that Chay and Porsche were leaving so soon. His stupid younger brothers. If they had just done things the right way, the way Tankhun had told them too, then Porsche and Chay would already be living here and Tankhun would be living his best life.

As for Porsche, he was kind of hoping to be able to get the hell out of there without facing his alpha. Or really anyone else in this place. With the number of curious onlookers trying to get a sneak peek at him the past few days he can only imagine what it’s going to be like walking around. Everyone staring at him. He wondered what they would think of him. Surely by now they were all aware of who he was, to Kinn and to this pack. They probably think he’s strange for not immediately moving in with Kinn and when they get a good look at him, they’ll likely talk about how he doesn’t look like an omega. It’s probably gotten around the state that he showed up here in too. If it hadn’t been an emergency, he never would have left the house reeking of Kinn’s spend like that. However, as irritated, and mad as he was at the alpha, Porsche had to admit he had started missing him a little bit. It was surprisingly hard knowing that Kinn was in the same place but not physically with him.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to try to leave without saying anything to him, and honestly you know he’s just going to follow you.” Pete pointed out after watching the warring emotions on Porsche’s face.

Pete was right of course. Kinn would just follow him, and it’d probably start another fight and Porsche just didn’t want to deal with that right now. He was also feeling pretty drained from his talk with Chay.

“Fine, I’ll go talk to him. Chay, do you mind staying here and waiting for me?”

“I don’t mind Hia.” Chay sat back down in one of the big comfortable chairs that smelled like his Hia.

“I’ll make it quick.” Porsche said, heading to the door before pausing and turning back to Pete. “Uh, were will I find him?”

“He’s probably in his office, I’ll take you there.” Pete walked up to Porsche and opened the door gesturing for him to exit first.


“So, we’re banned? What did you guys do?” Kim asked as soon as he opened to door to his brother’s office, spotting Vegas occupying one of the chairs.

“It’s not what we did, it’s what you did.” Vegas all but growled at him, immediately setting Kim’s inner alpha on edge.

“Porsche found out about Porchay going into heat and being brought here and he was very upset.” Kinn explained. “When we got here-”

“Your Firestarter oldest brother got Porsche to ban us.” Interrupted Vegas, getting a growl from Kinn. The past few days had been difficult for both alphas, being unable to see their omegas and knowing that they had upset them, they had become increasingly testy so much so that no one wanted to go near them.

“I admit sending Chay into a heat and revealing that we’re fated this early was not the plan-” Kim started.

“You better have a good f*cking reason for it then, cause you pissed off Porsche, which pissed off Tankhun, who pissed off Pete.” Vegas accused.

“Another alpha was bothering him and even scented him against his will. After dealing with the alpha and removing Chay from the situation, that stench was still on him. I asked to scent him, and he said yes.” Kim explained, seeing the understanding cross both his brother and his cousin’s faces. Any alpha would have done the same if it were their omega. “I figured Porsche would be upset but if you had a better relationship with your omega, you wouldn’t have gotten banned.”

“Excuse me?” Kinn stood up from his seat, glaring at Kim.

“Porchay went into heat. I gave him a choice; I showed my respect for him. Porsche went into heat, and you just lost your f*cking head.” Kim crossed his arms over his chest. It was the truth. Kinn had very little impulse control and was known for making sh*tty decisions when his dick was involved. The biggest example being Tawan. That f*cking nightmare.

“Those two situations were very different. You knew Porchay prior to his heat, when I met Porsche, he was already in heat, and he initiated the chase! You can’t tell me you would’ve been able to avoid mating Porchay under the same circ*mstances.” Kinn walked around his desk and stood only a few feet away from Kim.

“You’re both f*cking annoying.” Vegas mumbled under his breath, not seeing why he needed to be pulled into his bullsh*t.

“Oh f*ck you-” Kim began.

“Vegas shut-” Kinn started.

Both were interrupted by a solid knock on the door.

“What?” Kinn snapped.

“Khun Porsche if here to see you, Khun Kinn.” Big’s voice sounded through the door an edge to it no doubt due to the angry smells the three alphas were putting off.

Before Kinn could say anything, the door was opened but not by Big. Pete gestured for Porsche to go in and then walked in him.

“Porsche,” Kinn’s face lit up and it was as if there had never been any tension in the room.

“Pete, baby.” Vegas stood up looking hopeful, but he quickly took in the tight line his lips were drawn into and felt a little worried.

“Kim, I believe Porchay would likely appreciate a token from you with your scent to add to his nest. You should go get him something.” Pete firmly suggested, Kim nodded and left. Turing to Vegas he pointed at the man and then crooked his finger and walk out. He didn’t need to wait as Vegas was jogging after him as soon as he turned.

“Pete wait.” Vegas called out as he exited the room.

“Thank you.” Big whispered looking up as he shut the door after Vegas left and took a deep breath feeling his own nerves starting to relax. If the omegas had taken any longer getting here the room would have been a bloodbath.

Kinn took a deep breath, letting Porsches warm brown sugar and vanilla scent wash over him. He could feel the stress being swept away by that scent. Getting a good look at his Porsche, Kinn could see he looked exhausted. His inner alpha felt disgraceful, his mate should never look anything but happy and content. At least he knew that the gifts he sent were all well received, his guards updating him the minute they left the room after dropping off gifts. Porsche was looking around his office rather than meeting his eye, but Kinn gave him a moment, knowing it would do him no good to push Porsche right now.

“So, this is your office?” Porsche asked, the room was big with floor to ceiling windows that presented an amazing view overlooking the city. Judging by what he’d seen so far Porsche wasn’t sure he’d actually fit in, in this pack let alone be the Head Omega. In fact, going by everything he’d seen and been given in the last few days, this life wasn’t meant for someone like him but there was nothing he could really do about it now. Not when this stupid alpha was slowly but surely worming his way into Porsche’s heart. He couldn’t walk away from Kinn now and he needed to come to terms with that. Come to terms with the fact that he…needs Kinn.

“Yes, it is, come have a seat.” Kinn walked over to a sleek black couch along the inner wall, gesturing for Porsche to follow him. Instead, his omega crossed his arms over his chest and remained where he was, not a good sign, Kinn let out a heavy sigh.

“Kinn,” Porsche paused unsure what to actually say now that he was here and facing the alpha, “Chay’s…better so I’m going to take him home and I don’t want you coming around for a few a little while.”

“Porsche-” Kinn’s face fell, brows furrowed, and eyes pleading.

“Chay and I want to go home. It’s where our nests are. It’s where we feel safe and where we belong.” Porsche looked away from the alpha as he felt his inner omega wanting to reach out and sooth the alpha. Right now, however, he needs to ignore those feelings because he just needs to focus on getting Chay and going back to where they belong. Just for a little while.

“You belong here Porsche, I’m sorry for not telling you that Kim was interested in Chay. It won’t happen again. I’ll never undermine you like that again; I will never have bodyguards keep anything from you. I promise Porsche.” Kinn got up and approached Porsche with both hands up like one would a wild animal. “Please don’t push me away.”

“I’m not- I- I just need some time, okay? This is all” Porsche gestures at the room they’re in, “a lot. You, your brothers, this place, the pack…” The let out an overwhelmed sign, then he pointed at Kinn with an accusing finger, “And as for keeping things from me…if you value your life, you will never keep anything from me again.” Porsche raised a finger and poked the alpha in the chest several times. “I mean it Kinn. If I’m your mate then- then that means trust and being honest. Pull something like that again and I’ll beat the sh*t out of you. Are we clear?”

“Yes. Yes, we are clear.” Kinn gives in, immediately because how could he not? His omega, his sweet, beautiful omega was accepting him. He was leaving but only because he needed a little more time and Kinn could give him that. They have plenty of time, all the time. They’d spend the rest of their days together. Kinn took Porsche’s hand that he was holding and pulled it to his lips placing a gentle kiss and inhaling his scent before wrapping his other hand around it as well. What he wouldn’t do to keep Porsche here with him. It must have shown on his face as Porsche replied.

“I’m not moving in yet, Kinn.” Porsche’s eyes wandered around the room before finally meeting Kinn’s again, just a glimpse of the crestfallen look on his alphas face had Porsche’s inner omega wanting to reach out and comfort him. “We’re- I’m not- Not yet.” It was the best he could do for right now. He watched as a smile grew on Kinn’s face. “Shut up.”


“Pete. Pete stop.” Vegas grabbed his omega by the arm to stop him in an empty side hall. Pete let himself be pulled back toward his alpha, making sure his face stayed empty of emotion.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” Pete pulled his arm away and crossed them.

“Pete, I’ve apologized. I know you liked the gifts, and you accepted them.” Vegas crowded Pete against the wall, leaning in taken deep inhales of his omega’s scent. However, he couldn’t get his nose directly on Pete’s scent gland as his omega was refusing to bare his neck.

For the moment Pete refused to show his neck and he knew Vegas was getting irritated. While Vegas was typically considered a hot head, a bit of a loose cannon, he was incredibly predictable, at least to Pete. “Not all of them.” He pointed out. Despite how well Vegas knows him, two of the gifts he sent were really not what Pete wanted. The first was the key to a ridiculously expensive car that he definitely did not need and the second was Vegas’s black card. He understood the intention behind it, Porsche had even told him about how Kinn had given a similar gift and reaction, the truth was Pete didn’t need the card to know Vegas would provide for him. He already had, was, and would continue to do so. Pete knew this.

“Pete.” Vegas growled low, eyes fixated on Pete’s face, watching. Waiting.

“Vegas.” Pete glared back.

“Omega.” Vegas’s growl hit a lower pitch, one that would resonate with Pete on a more primal level.

“Alpha.” Pete’s glare faltered and a little smirk began to make its way across his face. There was a slight pause, between one breath and another. Then Vegas was grabbing Pete’s chin roughly and forcing his head to the side while his other hand clutches at his crossed arms and pins him to the wall. As soon as Pete’s scent gland was exposed Vegas rubbed his entire face against it, scenting Pete furiously. Only a few days had passed and yet his scent was hardly on Pete.

“You ever going to do something like that again?” Pete questioned, trying not to laugh when Vegas nibbled on that one spot on his neck.

“Never.” Vegas breath out against his skin.

“Liar.” Pete couldn’t hold back a moan as Vegas nibbled harder on Pete’s scent gland. He knew to Vegas that boundary lines were more like guidelines.

They’d been together for seven months now and had known each other for over three years. He knew from the beginning that Vegas was his alpha, however due to the concoction of medication Khun Gun had been secretly feeding Vegas’s senses were dulled to the point that while he would gravitate toward and tease Pete, he wasn’t able to make the connection that Pete was him mate. With the death of Khun Gun eight months ago, in a very tragic, tragic accident, Vegas was no longer getting dosed and as he regained his senses…there might have been a brief kidnapping. The sudden onset of a rut and Pete’s heat complicated matters and while Vegas had tried to mate Pete, the omega quickly let the alpha know that was not happening. Not yet. The truth was Pete’s inner omega was less understanding than Pete who knew there was a legitimate reason as to why Vegas hadn’t known they were mates. His omega side, while happy at finally being together, didn’t trust the alpha. Vegas was understandably upset, but his rage wasn’t directed at Pete, no that all fell on a dead man. Pete told him he needed time, and reassurance. He also sent numerous boundaries in order to make the transition from Tankhun’s bodyguard to Khun Vegas’s mate a little easier for himself.

At first Vegas had had a difficult time trying to respect Pete’s boundaries. That first month alone Pete was a little worried he might actually kill his alpha. Pete had asked for no gifts at first, just until he explained the situation to people, mainly to Tankhun. Before he could though a 3-million-dollar car, twenty bouquets of red roses, and a key to the minor family estate was delivered to the main family home. In front of everyone. Vegas of course had hand delivered the key, looking supremely pleased with himself, while Tankhun threw a fit of epic proportions. That was not unfortunately the last time Vegas had bulldozed his way over a boundary, but Pete had to admit the boundaries he didn’t cross were the most important. Like when Pete said no sex or sex adjacent touching for at least 2 months Vegas complied. Honestly Vegas was a good alpha. He tended to Pete’s needs, lavished him with attention and affection, and made sure he felt safe and protected at all times. They still weren’t officially mated yet, despite having spent three heats together. Pete had a feeling though that his next heat, which was due in two months, would likely end with a bite on his scent gland.

Pete also knew that the time period in which Vegas had monitored his cell activity was during that month the drugs were clearing out of his system. It was something the ‘Vegas before Pete’ did. But hearing about it from Tankhun in the middle of the night like that it triggered his inner omega in the moment, made him feel like his alpha didn’t believe they were mates or that his alpha didn’t trust him not to sleep around even though he already knew Vegas was his mate. Vegas had more than made up for it, and Pete knew that the ‘Vegas after Pete’ wouldn’t pull such as asinine move on him. He just needed a little space to cool down and remember that.

“Alpha?” Pete called pulling on Vegas’s hair, wanting to look him in the eyes. It took a moment but then those deep brown eyes were once again entirely focused on Pete’s. “Take me home.”


With Porsche and Porchay leaving, Kinn and Kim were both tense and grumbly making everyone else in the house apprehensive. Watching and waiting to see if their Head omega and fellow pack omega would really be leaving.

“Why don’t they stay? Shouldn’t our Head Omega live here?” One soft confused voice murmured.

“I think he needs more time. It has to feel really overwhelming to suddenly be in charge of such a large pack.” Someone answered.

“But wouldn’t everything be better if he stayed with Khun Kinn? I mean I don’t know how much longer I can take his frustration in the ring.” A third voice reached them.

Porsche couldn’t help but feel himself heating up with every pair of watchful eyes and murmured thoughts that reached his ears. He was determined to ignore it all for right now, however he could tell Kinn was very much paying attention to it all and was displeased if his smoky scent was to be believed. Porsche felt a minor pull inside him to turn and face the alpha to bare his neck and let him scent him until he could be appeased. He wouldn’t though. Instead, he tightened his grip on Chay’s hand and continued to walk forward. To the entrance, presumably that was where this guard person was leading him.

Eventually they did reach outside, but Porsche made it not but a few steps before he felt Kinn’s hand on his shoulder stopping him.

“Porsche wait,” Kinn paused until his omega turned to face him, “at least let me drive you both home.”

“If you take us home, you’ll never leave.” Porsche pointed out, watching both alphas look off to the side as if they’d been caught.

“At least take my car.” Kim held out a set of keys to Chay.

“No, let one of my men take you home.” Kinn took another step forward.

“We are capable of getting home ourselves. I’ll just call a taxi and we’ll wait outside the gate.” Porsche informed him, taking in the loo of the two alphas before him, he nearly laughed they both looked like little boys who had been told no cookies before dinner.

“Hia…” Chay pulled at his arm, “don’t tease them.”

“Okay, okay. I’m not exactly sure where we are, so pick one person to drive us home.” Porsche said even holding up one finger to emphasize to Kinn that only one person would be bringing them home. Not an army.

“Big,” Kinn called and a man who had to be around their age and whom Porsche recognized as standing outside of Kinn’s office appeared at his side as if out of thin air. “You will escort my mate and my brother’s mate back to their family home.” Kinn gave the order in a firm tone.

“Yes Khun Kinn.” Big gave a slight bow and then went to retrieve the car.


With his mate gone, Kinn’s mood took a downward turn. The only thing preventing him from becoming difficult for the staff was Big informing him that Porsche sent along his thanks and that he would be calling Kinn later that night. The impending phone call thought wouldn’t happen for several hours and thus he would need to fill the time with work. Staring at the papers and files before him, he took a deep breath and got started.

It was nearly time for dinner when there was a knock on his door.

“Enter.” He called, continuing to answer an email from a prospective new partner in Spain.

Big entered the room and shut the door behind him. He waited for Kinn’s acknowledgment before approaching.

“What is it Big?” Kinn sent the email and sat back in his chair, his mood improving with every hour meaning he was that much closer to hearing from Porsche.

“Khun Kinn, this was just delivered…” The way Big refused to look Kinn in the eye as he handed over the manila envelope created a cold pit in Kinn’s gut.

Opening the file, the first image caused that cold pit in his gut to take over his entire form. The picture was an image of him and Porsche on the boat, Porsche’s face had been scratched out. The next was a picture of Porsche at the store, again his face was scratched out. Again, and again and again Porsche’s face was scratched out, with increased rage as well as the scratches began to tear through the photographs until eventually a jagged whole was all that was left of his face. Words were written across the images as well. Vile names and, ostensibly, things the author would wish to happen to Porsche. Kinn set the images down and let out a growl.

“Big, I thought I told you to take care of this.” His gaze snapped to the beta who had yet to raise his head.

“I did Khun- or at least I thought-”

“Thought? You thought? Big, Porsche is my mate, your Head Omega and someone out there is making threats. I want them taken care of.” Kinn stood and smacked Big in the chest with the envelope and pictures.

“I did trace the initial threat back to a mid-level thug but that was where it ended, Khun Kinn. There was nothing to suggest anyone else was possibly responsible.” Big looked up at his Head Alpha and luckily it was the truth, any hint of a lie and he’d be thrown off the balcony.

“Eliminate the threat, Big.” Kinn demanded.

“Yes, Khun Kinn.” Big bowed low and quickly made his way out of the room.

Kinn let out another growl as he ran a hand through his hair and paced around his desk. Who the hell would have the balls to threaten his mate? How did they even know that Porsche was his mate? They hadn’t exactly shared the news. He paused briefly. Why did that writing look so familiar?


Also, buckle up sh*ts about to get a little intense next chapter.

Chapter 15: Chapter 15


Dates, phone calls, and invasion.


I'm so sorry I fell off the map and disappeared for quite a while. But like I said last time this story will be finished. Come hell or high water. Things have also been pretty crazy in my personal life but I feel like it's gotten a little better now. I do hope to get back to updating far more frequently not several months in between. I'm incredibly grateful for everyone's interest and enjoyment of this story. I've come back several times to read over your comments and it really is helpful in me getting the drive back to write and want to finish this story. Please comment/give kudos, I'd love to see if anyone is still interested in this story. I love you guys!

Chapter Text

Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.

“Hello?” Porsche grabbed his phone and answered without looking at the caller ID.

“Hello?” Silence. Erie silence, again. Like he had dropped into one of those American teen horror movies. Minus the heavy breathing. At least the prank callers did him that courtesy.

“This is getting really old guys. Grow up.” Porsche growled out before hanging up.

This had been happening for a while now. The prank calls. At first, it was every few days, then every other day, then every day, and now for the past three days it has been happening a few times a day. Porsche had blocked every single number they had used but they never seemed to run out. The little jerks had probably found a program online that lets them call from a different number each time. He called them little jerks because Porsche firmly believed it was probably some young teens who thought they were being hilarious. Porchay on the other hand…

“Hia again? That’s the third time today! This is really getting out of hand; you should change your number.” Porchay suggested and not for the first time.

“I’m not changing my number just because of a group of stupid teenagers.” Porsche firmly rejected it. The real reason was because it had been their father’s cellphone number.

“Well, you could always mention it to P’Kinn.” Another suggestion Porchay had started giving once the phone calls started coming every other day.

“No. I don’t need him…being all alpha about it. They’ll give up soon enough once they find some other more interesting delinquent activity.” Porsche could just imagine how Kinn might react if he thought someone, didn’t matter who was bothering his omega. An image of Kinn, posturing, having a brutal stare down with the little old woman at the market that always overcharges for her fruits when she won’t give Porsche the price he wants. Trying to fight off a laugh at the image, he waves off Porchay’s concerns once again.

When he left Kinn’s… (place? Estate? Compound?) whatever you want to call it a week ago, Porsche had thought it was exactly what he needed. For things to get back to how they used to be, Porchay and him together in their own home, with no stupid alphas hanging around bothering them. Except it didn’t seem like they would ever be able to get back to ‘normal’. For example, one big change that irritated the hell out of him was Kinn’s younger brother Kim who came to the house every damn day. It was clear the young alpha was looking for an acknowledgment from Porsche, as the head of the Kittisawat pack the young alpha needed to seek out the approval of his future mate’s family to begin officially courting, per tradition. Of course, the Theerapanyakun pack was all about tradition if his interactions with Kinn were anything to go by. As of right now though, Porsche mostly glared at Kim and answered any attempts at conversations with scoffs. He wouldn’t begrudge Porchay for his happiness, he didn’t prevent them from dating, he just wasn’t ready for Chay to be courting. Maybe after he was settled with his alpha.

Another thing that kept Porsche from returning to normalcy was the big dumb alpha himself, Kinn. Although the alpha had agreed to less goon squad guards following him around on a daily basis, it was not for nothing, in return Porsche had to send the alpha frequent selfies throughout the day, specifically when he left the house and was out and about. No matter what it was for. The vast majority of these pictures consisted of Porsche flipping Kinn the bird but for some reason, the dumb alpha would just call him ‘cute’ and ‘adorable’. Of course, their courting was still ongoing, Kinn took Porsche out for lunch the past two days and they had plans for dinner on Friday. What Porsche found to be the most annoying since returning from Kinn’s was that he couldn’t stop thinking about the man. Porsche wasn’t much from daydreaming since his parents die but damn it if he didn’t get distracted at least 20 times a day thinking about his big dumb alpha. He craved Kinn’s sent and reluctantly asked the man for a few items scented by the alpha for his nest at lunch yesterday. The alpha's face lit up almost comically so, and Porsche barely suppressed the urge to gut-punch him. He can’t make that cutesy face at Porsche if he’s too busy throwing up his lunch now, can he?

He knew he was fighting a losing battle, but he just wasn’t ready to jump headlong into being mates and being a head omega. What if he f*cked up? What if he couldn’t handle being a head omega? He had no idea what would even be expected of him, it wasn’t something he had ever imagined becoming. What if he causes riffs within the pack? What if he accidentally started a war with another pack? So many people would be depending on him and what if he just failed at it all? Kinn had promised it was okay if they never had a pup but what about 5 years from now? 10 years from now? If Porsche turned out to be a sh*tty head omega, being able to provide the pack with future heirs would be his only saving grace but what if he couldn’t even do that? Of course, the more he thought about everything the more sure he was that he’d f*ck everything up and end up locked away in a dungeon (he’s pretty sure Kinn has one of those because, well, it just tracks) for being a sh*tty barren head omega. Oh sh*t, what if he was so horrible, he jeopardized Porchay’s position in the pack as well?

It was almost a little over a month and a half since Porsche had bonded with Kinn and while he could demand more time and space, realistically he knew the bonding instinct was going to keep driving him to crave his alpha. Eventually, he was going to go into heat again as well (although his cycle is pretty messed up from the strong suppressant, so when he called the doctor, she told him it was anyone’s guess as to when he’d go into heat again). He just needed to stop being a chicken sh*t and make the final jump. He knew how badly Kinn wanted him to move in and take his rightful place as his mate. To live in the same house. To sleep in the same bed. For Porsche to build his nest in Kinn’s den. Their den.

Kinn did have a very nice den. The one time Porsche had briefly been there he had felt so safe and secure, and that bed was huge. It would be a perfect space to build his nest. His nest for him, his alpha, and their future pups, the omega shouted at full volume in his head. Kinn would also make sure he had all the materials he needed, soft sheets, fuzzy blankets, giant pillows, and maybe even those curtains you could hang from the ceiling or whatever. Then his nest would be darkened, and a little more hidden. It would be perfect. Porsche shook off those thoughts and tried to calm his overexcited heart. Just a little longer. He needed just a little longer before…doing all that. Maybe another week or two? Or several?


Two months. It had been two months since Kinn had met and mated his fated omega and they still weren’t living together. It was getting more and more difficult with each passing day, his pheromones were getting increasingly difficult to control. It didn’t help that they were back to not having sex again. (Not that he was surprised given Porsche’s anger of the whole Chay and Kim thing and the omega was also still a bit pissed off about Kinn scent marking him like that.) It had been several times now he had cleared out entire floors of the compound when in a foul mood, unable to keep his angry pheromones under wraps. It had gotten to the point that his father had started avoiding him. The elder alpha had such great control of himself and typically was unphased by the pheromones of other alphas.

Tonight, Kinn would be taking Porsche out for dinner, and he was struggling with how to ask Porsche for a timeline of when they’d be taking that next step together. Moving in. Oh, how badly he wanted Porsche in his den, where he belonged. It was understandable that Porsche was nervous about becoming a head omega, but Kinn could handle everything until Porsche was ready.

“Khun Kinn?” Big called out to the alpha.

“Yes, come in. Do you have a status update on our little issue?” Kinn rolled his shoulders back and struggled to rein in the emotions that came up when thinking about whoever was taking pictures and threatening his Porsche.

“I’ve chased down three different possible links, but they’ve led to dead ends. Whoever is behind this I’d say has quite the reach and connections. Based on the leads they’re connected to the Russians.” Big informed.

“Russians?” Kinn sat back and thought about what Russians could have issue with him. “And let me guess any contacts you’ve reached out to don’t know anything.”

“Exactly sir.” Big was incredibly frustrated regarding this entire thing, it was the first time he couldn’t solve a problem for his alpha and what was worse was the fact that this problem was threatening their head omega. Big felt like a failure, he didn’t deserve to be Kinn’s head guard.

Kinn picked up his second secure phone and swiped through the contacts until he reached the one Russian, he had a pretty good relationship with. “Alexi, it’s been a while.” This had to be a delicate and careful conversation as no one in the outside world was aware of Porsche's existence. Except for whoever was threatening him.


“Hey, what’s going on Angel?” Kim reached over the table to take Chay’s hand. The crease in his omega’s forehead signaled his worry.

“It’s just, that Porsche keeps getting those prank calls and they’re getting more and more frequent,” Chay admitted, unlike his older brother he never felt the need to hide things from Kim.

“Are they? I looked into the numbers like you asked but Porsche was right whoever it is they’re using an app that spoofs phone numbers.” Kim shared, “But it could just be a group of stupid teens like Porsche said.” Not that he believed that but, anything to lessen his omegas worry.

“Did you tell Kinn?” Porchay wondered, although he asked Kim not to, he’d understand if he did after all Kinn is his head alpha and older brother.

“I didn’t and I do understand why Porsche is reluctant to tell Kinn. Based on what I know of him, he’s independent and used to handling things on his own. When it comes to being protective, Kinn tends to act as a bulldozer.” Kim rubbed his thumb soothingly over the top of Chay’s hand, he had plenty of experience with overprotective Kinn while growing up.

“You’re not wrong. About Porsche I mean, I don’t know much about Kinn…well actually he did send an awful lot of guards to follow Porsche around when they first…started up.” Chay let out a little laugh at the memory of how furious Porsche had been.

“There’s that smile I’ve been waiting for.” Kim could feel his heart skip a beat just from a simple smile from the little omega, he squeezed Chay’s hand a few times, getting Chay to smile a little wider. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll pass it on to someone who’s a much better hacker than myself and see what they can find.”

“Thank you P’Kim.” Chay gave a little sigh of relief, his P’Kim was such a wonderful alpha, he was always too focused on making Chay feel safe and happy. “In return, I promise to work on Hia a bit more, so he’ll do a little more than just acknowledge you. Maybe get a little closer to him given you permission to, uh, court me.” Chay’s cheeks reddened, and his voice got a little quieter toward the end.

Kim loved seeing those rosy cheeks on his adorable little omega, his shyness would be forever endearing. With a smooth conversation transition, the alpha could refocus Chay’s thoughts on more pleasant topics. He was indeed getting a little frustrated with Porsche refusing to do much more than grunt or glare at him. He needed the older omega’s permission to court his Chay. It’s not as if their courting period would be short, Kim wanted to ensure Porchay felt well and truly swept off his feet before bonding. Would he like to quickly court and mate Chay? Of course. However, his beautiful, sweet mate deserved all the best in life, and he would not let Chay feel cheated or disappointed in their courting. Another aspect was helping Chay get used to Kim so that when they got more intimate the little omega would feel comfortable and loved.


“You look beautiful darling,” Kinn stated as soon as Porsche walked out onto his front porch where the alpha was waiting.

“Shut up. I’m just wearing a T-shirt and jeans.” Porsche rolled his eyes, ignoring the way his body heated up as Kinn’s eyes traveled up and down his body.

“Have you decided where we’re going tonight?” Kinn asked following Porsche to his car, licking his lips as his eyes were glued to his omega’s thick ass.

“Yeah, so hurry up horndog,” Porsche responded when he turned and caught the alpha staring like he was going to take a bite out of him.

Ever since Porsche expressed his interest in choosing where they went on their dates, Kinn made sure they took turns deciding. Tonight, Porsche wanted to get a bite at his favorite night market and then try out an escape room. What the alpha didn’t know was that they wouldn’t be completely alone tonight he invited Chay and, ugh, Kim to join them. Chay had been bugging Porsche about being more welcoming and friendly with the younger alpha, so this seemed like a good opportunity. Also, Porsche was wearing pretty thin and was about one stupid smirk on his alpha's stupid face from jumping him and just giving in. But he couldn’t. Not yet. That independent part of him was still viciously fighting against his inner omega.

“Kim?” “Kinn?” The alpha brothers were confused seeing each other while on dates with the respective omegas but one look at the omegas told them this was planned.

“This is a double date, isn’t it?” Kinn raised an eyebrow at Porsche, looking about as thrilled as Porsche thought he’d be.

“Well Porchay and I have been talking about me spending more time with Kim and getting to know him, so I thought…what better way than…this.” Porsche gestured between the two couples.

“Great.” Kinn put on a smile that he typically saved for business, him and his little brother both.

“Let's go! I’m so excited! I’ve always wanted to try one of these!” Chay’s enthusiasm broke the awkward silence pulling everyone’s attention to him as he bounced on his feet.

The goal of the escape room was to figure their way out of an abandoned insane asylum. A few jump-scare actors were wandering around as well. Chay was the only one who’d jump, neither alpha was ever taken by surprise and Porsche to the shock of no one nearly punched a few. The actors were saved only by Kinn’s quick reactions in restraining the omega, catching his arms before his fists could make an impact. After the third time Kinn suggested they talk to their coworkers and no longer attempt to scare Porsche. The riddles were pretty good though, the main issue was Porsche and Kim fighting over who was right and where to go or look next. At first, Chay was a bit worried about the arguing but then he noticed both were genuinely having fun and that maybe being sarcastic, and a little mean was just how Porsche and Kim were going to build their familial bond.

In the end, both couples made it out of the escape room alive and had a good time. Chay wanted to go for ice cream after as a group and of course, neither Hia nor Kim could refuse those big brown eyes. They separated to drive back to Porsche and Chay’s home.

“That was more fun than I thought it’d be,” Porsche admitted.

“What do you mean? I thought this was your idea?” Kinn responded looking over at the omega.

“It was…I just didn’t think we’d have that good of a time.” Porsche shrugged.

“I was hoping to have a little more alone time,” Kinn tossed a pointed look at Porsche. Several times tonight Kinn had tried getting close to Porsche and tried to separate them from Chay and Kim while looking for clues, but Porsche seemed to be avoiding him.

“We have enough alone time,” Porsche replied trying to be nonchalant but couldn’t stop his suddenly bouncing leg.

“Are you worried about being alone with me Porsche?” Kinn knew Porsche was being affected by their bond just as he was. As much as Porsche would never admit it himself, Kinn was sure the omega was struggling with desire as well. “Worried you won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself?”

“No!” Porsche’s face heated up at being called out. “Horndog,” Porsche grumbled, crossing his arms, and looking out the window as Kinn chuckled to himself.

As soon as Kinn stopped in front of Porsche's house, the omega tried to hurry out of the car only for Kinn to tug him back in with a firm grip on his left arm, and then turn Porsche’s face toward him. The moment their lips touched it was as if live wire lit them both up. It quickly went from a gentle but firm kiss to full-blown aggressive making out full of hands pulling hair, tongues fighting, and the biting of lips. Porsche whimpered when Kinn pulled away and began trailing kisses along his jaw and down the side of his throat to his marked scent gland. Each lick, nibble, and suck had Porsche moaning uncontrollably. He had one hand fisted in Kinn’s hair while the other clung to the alpha's shoulder, nails digging in.

“Kinn-” Porsche began with a whine but was cut off by someone loudly knocking on the passenger window.

“f*ck.” Kinn mumbled out pulling away from a somewhat wrecked Porsche who was quickly exiting the car again.

“Hia did you forget we were driving right behind you?” Chay teased his older brother, the pheromones rolling out of the car once he opened the door spoke to just how desperate both became in those few short moments they’d been parked in front of the house.

“Ehem.” Porsche cleared his throat, trying to subtly take deep breaths to calm himself and trying to ignore the wet patch in his underwear. Damn Kinn. “We should head in, bye.” Porsche grabbed Chay’s wrist and pulled him toward the house.

“Wait, Porsche!” Kinn called out hurrying after. Kim followed as well, not happy to be around the now stinky couple but also not ready to part from Chay who mentioned watching a movie when they reached the house.

Once in the door, Porsche took a deep breath and immediately paused, causing Chay to run into his back. This scent. This was not a familiar scent. It was wrong and angry and strong, very strong. What the f*ck. Porsche let out a snarl. Someone had been in his home.

As soon as Porsche snarled, both alphas were on high alert, scanning the terrain around them and taking out their guns. Porchay went on his tiptoes to lean over his brother’s shoulder and sniff the air. As soon as Kim was close enough, he pulled Chay back and put him against the solid wall of the house taking up a defensive stance in front of him.

“Porsche?” Once Kinn was close enough he too could smell the angry rancid scent permeating the air within the Kittisawat home. He attempted to pull Porsche back, but the omega wouldn’t budge instead he walked in, and Kinn followed quickly.

“Who the f*ck…” Porsche wandered around the main floor noting that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He turned to go upstairs but Kinn quickly moved in front of him and went first, nudging doors open with his foot, gun out in front, ready. When they looked into Chay’s room they realized his nest had been torn off his bed and ruined. Kinn hoped that was the worst it was going to be when he got to Porsche’s room but upon opening the door his face fell, and a deep rage started to build within him. The omega was trying to push him out of the way, but Kinn turned and tried to keep him from going in.

“Porsche don’t.” Porsche shoved past and promptly stopped breathing.

That nasty scent and the smell of blood coming from his room were strong and now he knew why. There was a dead rat that had been ripped apart in his pulled apart nest and the stench coming from the wet fabrics meant someone had pissed all over his nest. Porsche growled, low and deadly. He’d kill whoever did this. Nests were sacred to destroy and piss all over an omegas nest was the greatest disrespect, it was foul, while the eviscerated rat was an old-school warning. It was a threat not only to the omega whose nest it was but also a threat to the omega’s family. Specifically, their pups. Porsche felt Kinn put a hand on his shoulder, but he couldn’t hear what he was saying over the ringing in his ears.

“Hia?” Porchay called as he hurried up the stairs, Kim had only let up when he heard Kinn shout ‘all clear’. While they were outside four guards materialized out of nowhere and took up positions. Once upstairs, Chay put a hand over his mouth and nose, the gross smell making him want to puke. He paused briefly when he noticed the door open to his room. He gasped seeing his nest destroyed. Tears built in his eyes. Who would do such a thing? Kim wrapped an arm around him and pulled him from the room.

“It’s going to be okay Chay.” He whispered in the omega’s ear, his voice comforting but firm in a way that Chay knew whoever did this wasn’t going to get away with it.

Hearing his brother growling Chay ran to Hia, but promptly wished he hadn’t when he approached the pair and saw what they were looking at. A small scream escaped him as he turned away, thankfully Kim was right behind him and pulled Chay into his arms burying the omega's face in his chest.

Chay’s scream snapped Porsche out of it, he stopped growling and turned to his pup, reaching out to put a hand on his head. “Get him out of here.” He told Kim. The younger alpha moved immediately, lifting the stunned, scared little omega into his arms.

“Porsche,” Kinn called out to his mate, putting out a hand for him to take, hoping he’d take it and let Kinn support him.

“Kinn,” Porsche took his alpha's hand and let himself be pulled into his embrace.

After a moment Kinn pulled back and put a hand on either side of Porsche’s face and made an oath, “I promise you, Porsche, that I will find whoever did this, tear them apart, and gift you, their head.” He placed a kiss on Porsche’s forehead before pulling him out of the room.

“I want to know how the hell someone got in this house when you lot are supposed to be watching it.” Kim was holding back from shouting at the guards while he held a still-shaking Chay in his arms.

“There must have been a blind spot that we overlooked when setting up security.” One responded bravely.

“Blindspot?” Kim growled out.

“Kim. Not here.” Kinn stated as soon as he guided Porsche out of the house. “Take Chay to the estate, call Khun, and tell him code grey. You four, call for cleaner but collect evidence first. Go through every inch. I’ll send a relief team and then report to Chan.” Kinn barked out commands before shepherding Porsche into his car. Once he got him in Kinn pulled out his phone, “Arm we have code grey. I need all surveillance around the Kittisawat house so we can get our hands on it. Now.” He got in the car and started driving to the compound. “Porsche, I know you wanted more time, but you can’t stay there anymore, the house is compromised. I don’t want you to feel like I’m not listening to your wishes but-”

“No Kinn, you’re right. The house isn’t safe. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been so damn stubborn and moved us into your place.” Porsche cut him off, “f*ck. This is my fault.” Porsche hit the car door and then put his head in his hands.

“Porsche this isn’t your fault. It’s mine, as your alpha I should have made sure there were no gaps in your security. I’ve let you down, Porsche.” Kinn admitted the words were like poison on his tongue. How could he be so careless?

“No, Kinn. I- I’ve been getting these prank calls. For like over two weeks, at first, it wasn’t that often but lately it’s been several times a day.” Porsche’s throat felt like a boa constrictor wrapped around it. “Chay told me to tell you and I didn’t. If I had-”

“f*ck. You’re going to be very angry with me, but I’ve received photos of you twice now. Surveillance photos. I should have told you, but I thought I could handle it without anyone getting to you. I said I wouldn’t keep anything from you, and I did. Porsche, I’m-” Kinn felt like such a sh*t alpha.

“Don’t. Don’t say you're sorry, we both kept secrets after saying we wouldn’t. We both f*cked up.” Porsche looked up at the roof of the car, hoping gravity would pull the tears back into his body.

“Porsche?” Kinn could smell how Porsche’s scent went from pure anger to upset and…afraid. “Porsche, look at me, darling.” He looked over and noted his omega was trying hard not to cry. “Porsche tell me what you need, please? Porsche?” He took hold of Porsche's hand in his.

A million thoughts were running through his head, he f*cked up. He didn’t trust his alpha, which it seems like that made his alpha not trust him, he’d been fighting his instincts, he was such a f*cking idiot. He put Chay in danger again. His home, his territory had been invaded. His nest and his pup’s nest had both been destroyed. They hadn’t even looked in his parents’ room, had the person ripped apart his parents’ nest as well? He couldn’t imagine they’d leave it alone. He felt like a boulder was sitting on his chest, he was being crushed. His inner omega was coming to the surface more and he was feeling everything too much. It was too much. Kinn was talking to him, what was he saying? What did Porsche need? What did he need?

“Den, I- alpha’s den. I- I need to be in Alpha’s den. It’s safe.” Porsche took a deep breath trying to order his thoughts. “Need blankets, pillows, soft things, need to nest in alphas den.” He closed his eyes and let instinct take over. “Pup?”

“Chay is with Kim, they’re coming to the compound as well.” Kinn saw Porsche nod at that. Then he made another phone call to alert the staff he needed all the nesting materials. Everything they had.

Chapter 16: Chapter 16


Porsche and Porchay finally 'move' in. Porsche and Kinn connect. Tankhun knows all.


It's a later update than I wanted but never fear the story is still going! As always comments are a life-giving source. I also love hearing from you all! Let me know what you think about the latest update and what you think is going to happen next.

Chapter Text

Once they pulled into the garage, Porsche immediately jumped out and waited for Kim to pull in behind them. He stood outside the passenger side door waiting for the door to unlock. As Chay opened the door Porsche reached out and grabbed hold of him, pulling him for a crushing hug.

“Pup I’m so sorry, this is all my fault.” He said while furiously trying to scent Chay.

“No, it’s not Hia.” Chay cried while scenting him back.

“Porsche, let’s get inside.” Kinn coaxed the omega into releasing his younger brother from the tight hug although the omegas remained firmly attached to one another.

The group entered with the two omegas in the middle and their alphas at their sides. After guiding them onto the elevator, Kinn and Kim gave each other a grim nod. They weren’t sure what would happen next. Porsche wanted to make a nest in Kinn’s den which was very pleasing to the alpha, despite the circ*mstances. However, would he want Porchay with him? Kim wasn’t going to be leaving Porchay’s side and having the younger alpha in his den might prove to be…difficult. No one was allowed inside Kinn’s den other than a select few beta cleaning staffers. He had never brought his prior flings into the space, nor his own brothers. Alphas were notoriously territorial when it came to their dens. Even though Kim is his little brother, he’s another alpha. But if that was what Porsche needed…Kinn could bear it. For Porsche, he could bear anything.

“Porsche? Do you want Porchay to be in your nest?” Kinn asked as the elevator slowly moved upward.

“Hia, I need to make my nest too,” Porchay spoke looking worriedly at Porsche.

“I know. I know Chay.” Although his inner omega recognized Chay as his own pup, it also recognized that Chay was presented and would crave his own nest. “But our nests have always just been down the hall.” Porsche looked down at Porchay with a worried gaze. He remembered how Tankhun had told him how in the ‘family wing’ – a ridiculous string of words- all three brothers had their own floors, as did their father which meant Chay wouldn’t be down the hall anymore.

“Hia?” Chay’s grip tightened, looking up at his brother in slight confusion, he then looked over his shoulder at P’Kim.

“There are empty guest rooms on Kinn’s floor, he can still be just down the hall.” Kim supplied. He wanted to have Chay nest on his floor, near his den but that’s not what Chay needed. He needed to reassure Chay that he’d never try to separate him and Porsche, he’d always make sure that his omega had everything he needed and wanted.

“Of course,” Kinn replied after some quick eye contact with Kim.

With both omegas reassured, the mild acrid scent of panic mellowed back into the stagnant bitter scent of distress that had surrounded them both since they had discovered their contaminated torn-apart nests. Kinn was pushing out calming pheromones, but it did little to cover up the stench, Kim for his part couldn’t risk taking off his own scent blockers around Chay yet. He longed to be able to soothe his omega with his scent, but he could through Chay into a false heat.

The elevator doors dinged, startling the omegas who were still holding onto one another.

“This is our floor, Porsche,” Kinn stated before stepping out, instinct demanding he make sure the area was clear before his distressed mate exited the elevator. They continued to walk down the hallway in the same formation, Kinn in the front, Porsche and Chay in the middle, and Kim at the rear.

Kinn stopped outside of a set of doors that when opened revealed a simple but large guest room. Very much a blank slate and a room that Kinn hoped would one day be claimed by one of their future children.

“This will be your room for now, Porchay. Our room is just two doors down.” Kinn informed them. It wouldn’t be so hard to have Kim a few doors down from his den, where his omega would be nesting. Kinn was still in amazement over it.

“Staff has gathered nesting materials that will be placed outside of the room when you’re ready,” Kim spoke up after a quick series of texts with Khun who had prepped everything prior to their arrival.

“Okay. Um, they can bring it now I guess?” Porchay responded letting go of Porsche's hand and venturing further into the room, Porsche followed after but both alphas remained at the doors.

“You’ll be okay?” Porsche asked, watching as Chay took in his new surroundings. Both of their scents had returned to a more neutral tone, to the relief of both alphas.

“Yeah, I think so. I mean you’re still close by, and we’ll trade scented items-”

“Of course.” Porsche readily agreed.

“And P’Kim will be…close.” Porchay looked at his future alpha lingering in the doorway.

Kim noted the protective glint in Porsche’s eyes as he whirled around to look at him. “I will be staying right here. Outside this door, all night. If you need anything you can shout it out or text me.” He looked directly at Porsche now, “I will not enter his room, or go anywhere near his nest. I respect Chay’s privacy.”

“You better respect him,” Porsche growled before letting out a huff and walking over to Chay scenting him good before leaving to tend to his own nesting instincts.


“These are our rooms.” Kinn opened another set of double doors which opened to a living space.

Nesting materials had been carefully piled on the carpeted ground next to a door Porsche assumed led to Kinn’s den. Hardly sparing much a glance at the rest of the space, he quickly strode over to the door, grabbed an armful of material, and opened the door. The big bed and floor-to-ceiling windows were just how he remembered. This nest had to be perfect. Perfect for him, alpha, and pups. Porsche froze for a second at that thought. Pups. He didn’t even know if he could have any and someone out there was already threatening them. Shaking it off, Porsche focused on the task at hand, letting his omegan side take over.

Kinn slowly followed Porsche in after checking the perimeter outside of their den, then he checked the inside as well. Satisfied he went out and grabbed the rest of the nesting materials, which took a few trips. As he brought in the last of the blankets, he noted Porsche testing out the firmness of the pillows. He must be picking out the ones that would serve as the walls of their nest. Porsche had pulled off the bed’s comforter as well. Kinn simply stood by the doorway naturally taking up the position of guarding alpha, back to Porsche. He was blocking the entrance of their den while his omega built their nest. It was instinct, buried deep in their DNA.

Porsche for his part paid the alpha no mind. Slowly the nest came together. Large tick body pillows for the walls, lining the outside of the bed, sheets wrapped around them to keep them together and in place. Then softer fluffier pillows were placed on the inside, entwined with soft but heavy blankets that also rested on the walls of the nest. Additional soft blankets covered the bottom of the nest and Kinn’s comforter was laid on top. As soon as Porsche was satisfied, he climbed into his new nest rolling and rubbing against the fabrics to get his scent on them.

“Alpha,” Porsche poked his head up from where he was buried beneath the blankets. Kinn turned back around and stood at attention, ready to fulfill any of his omega's needs. “Come here,” Porsche demanded.

Kinn didn’t need to be told twice. All but launching himself into the nest. Finally, his omega was in his den and had nested. The satisfaction was bone-deep. This was right. This felt-.

“It’s not right,” Porsche mumbled with a restless whine at the end. “I need pup’s scent.” Porsche looked up at Kinn.

“I’ll get it. Right now. Do you have something for him?” Porsche was shoving a blanket in his face before he even finished his sentence. He took the blanket and left to fulfill his task. Kim was also holding a blanket that Porchay had scented for Porsche. The alpha brothers nodded to one another and traded items.

When Kinn returned and presented the scented blanket to Porsche the pleased look on his face had Kinn’s alpha preening. Porsche took the blanket, resituated himself, and then gestured for Kinn to join him once again. Porsche pulled him in close, rubbing his face against that alphas scent gland. Both pushed out their scents until the entire room smelt of warm melted brown sugar, vanilla, and spiced whiskey mixed with thunderstorms. Perfect.

Kinn had thought perhaps Porsche would fall asleep once settled but both were wide awake. They were both much more relaxed than they had been in weeks, instincts finally fulfilled but there was an edge. It was likely the obvious impending threat hanging over them, however, to speak of it in their nest felt like a sin. Or could it be…

Suddenly Porsche rolled over to face him without disturbing Kinns’ arms wrapped around him. They stared into one another’s eyes a heat building between them without words, without action.

“Alpha,” Porsche’s voice was hoarse, “I want you to f*ck me in our nest.”

Kinn was nothing if not dedicated to fulfilling his omegas every wish. Their lips collided in a fierce kiss as they tore at each other’s clothes. Pulling back to slip off Porsche’s underwear, Kinn then grabbed an ankle in each hand and yanked the omega towards him while simultaneously pulling his legs apart, salivating as he took in the omegas half hard co*ck and the sweet scent of his slick. Porsche was a whole f*cking meal and dessert. Once he had him where he wanted, Kinn forced both of Porsche's legs to bend his heels nearly touching the backs of his thighs.

“f*ck, Porsche. Look at you,” Kinn took in the caramel skin of his lover, pink tongue poking out to wet his lips, the rapid rise and fall of his toned chest, his muscular thighs bent apart, co*ck and slit both leaking.

Kinn,” Porsche whined, using only his alpha's name to beg.

Unable to linger or tease anymore, Kinn dove in. Ignoring Porsches co*ck, his tongue nimbly playing with his omega’s puss*. Drinking in his sweet, decadent, tasting slick. Porsche's moans were just serving to rile him up to the point where he was f*cking Porsche with just his tongue until he was crying out, writhing on the bed as his first org*sm of the night washed over him. Porsche started hitting his head and trying to wiggle away when the overstimulation became too much.

“f*ck, f*ck Kinn I want your co*ck. In me. Now.” Porsche hauled the alpha up by his neck and kissed him, tasting his slick on the alpha’s tongue. Kinn went to take his co*ck in hand and guide it into his omega when Porsche shoved the unsuspecting alpha off and climbed on top of him. Taking Kinn’s co*ck in his hand fisted it a few times coating it with his own precum, then he guided the alpha into his dripping puss*.

Kinn looked up in wonder as Porsche slowly took all of him in, the slide slow and slick. He watched the emotions flashing across the omega's face, eyes closed brows furrowed at first and then melting into ecstasy, mouth dropping into an ‘o’ as little pants came out. Once seated he let out a delirious moan, grinding Kinn's dick against that sweet spot inside of him. Kinn was trying so hard not to cum too early which his omega was making increasingly difficult. Porsche looked so f*cking sexy. If he wanted to take the lead, Kinn was more than happy to let him. Kinn's hands had been resting on the omegas hips but now he ran them up and down his sides, then began playing with his nipples. Flicking and twisting, the teasing was working judging by the new wave of slick dripping down around his co*ck.

Finally, Porsche braced himself on Kinn’s chest and started to rise and fall on his alpha's thick co*ck. His pace increased as his confidence grew. Kinn was struggling to hold back but when one of Porsche's hands turned into a claw on his chest, a deliciously wrecked moan escaping his open mouth, he snapped. Grabbing Porsche's hips in a bruising grip he ground his feet into the bed and started f*cking up into Porsche, who lost his rhythm and could only hold himself up on his knees as Kinn ruined him. Kinn knew he was close, too close, so he wrapped a hand around Porsches previously neglected dripping co*ck. Rapidly stroking while f*cking up into his omegas tight hole. It was too much. Porsche’s org*sm stole his breath, splattering against Kinn's chest while the alpha tugged him down hard one final time, knot successfully forcing its way in before painting Porsche’s insides. The knot wasn’t as big as it was during his rut but enough that it stretched Porsche’s insides and would take some uncomfortable tugging to pull it out. Porsche’s arms failed him, and he landed on Kinn’s chest, nose seeking out and finding Kinn’s scent gland.

Once his breathing returned somewhat to normal, he weakly lifted a hand and smacked Kinn's shoulder that he wasn’t laying on.

“I didn’t say you could knot me.” He grumbled from his spot. It wasn’t typical for an alpha to knot outside of a rut but there were a few theories as to why. For example, there was some evidence that it could happen if the pair weren’t mating frequently or if deeper instincts were triggered during times of stress.

Kinn laughed.

“You asked your alpha to f*ck you in your nest in our den.” His hips involuntarily snapped upward pulling a squeak out of Porsche, “You knew you’d get knotted.”

“Shut up.” He smacked Kinn’s shoulder again. “Stupid alpha.” Kinn grinned at the affectionate tone. Lifting his head to kiss and nibble whatever parts of Porsche he could. His omega playfully nipped at him a few times in return before settling down and falling asleep.


“Let me see if I have this right,” Tankhun was lounging like a God among mortals on a chaise, propped up on one arm, fingers of the other resting on the bridge of his nose, “someone has been sending you disturbed surveillance photos of Porsche and so far, Big has basically just been cutting heads off of a hydra, but you didn’t tell Porsche. Porsche has been receiving creepy ass phone calls with increasing frequency and didn’t tell Kinn, but dear little Porchay told Kimmie and Kimmie looked into the numbers which was of course a bust. So, no one knows what’s going or who wants Porsche dead?” Tankhun let out the dramatic sigh of a long-suffering eldest child. “This family is sh*t at communication.” No one disagreed from their spots around the room. Kinn, Porsche, and Porchay sat on the plush sofa with Kim standing with crossed arms next to Chay. Vegas was across the room leaning against the wall with Pete on the opposite end of the room in an overstuffed chair. Arm sat on the floor using a coffee table to hold up his laptop, Pol was behind the bar, and Big stood next to the windows.

Standing up he crossed the room, his long red satin robe dragging on the ground rubbing his temples. He’d been woken up at the ass crack of dawn for this nonsense. Honestly, what would they do without him? The entire family sans Papa (who was currently overseas receiving treatment) was in his main living room. If they had to wake him early the least they could do was meet in his quarters. Hopping on a comfortable bar stool and grabbing the Bloody Mary Pol had just finished making for him he took a long sip.

“First of all, Porsche and Porchay, we’re all very happy that you’re here and I want you both to know that none of this is your fault in any way. You’re both doing amazing. Keep it up.” Tankhun raised his glass to his new brothers-in-law who were finally where they belonged. “Pete sweetie you could do better.” He shook his head in mock disappointment at his former head bodyguard.

“Khun.” Pete let out a halfhearted chuckle. Giving a little smile to Vega you were rolling his eyes and grumbling to himself.

“Second, Kinn you utter knothead, I want you to think reallllly realllly hard about who could possibly want your mate dead.” Tankhun stared at his younger brother who sat across the room with raised eyebrows, taking another long sip. Kinn for his part looked utterly confused. He had checked the usual places, competitors on both the legal and illegal sides of business, existing and even former enemies of the pack. They had chased the people involved, at those they could check but there was nothing, not a single hint as to who could be pulling the strings.

“Ancestors give me strength,” Tankhun stage whispered to the ceiling, “Kinn, honey. Focus. Who in your life would be so pissed off about you mating someone else that they literally commit a hate crime?” He gestured with one hand to encourage the thought process and finally there it was, a look of understanding dawning across Kinns’ face.

“But that was years ago. Why would he-” Kinn started still in mild disbelief.

“The crazy twunk tried to set you up for his fake murder when you broke up while screwing that thing over there.” He gestured to Vegas. “I mean it’s not really a stretch that he’d go after your mate even if it’s been a few years.” Tankhun placed the empty glass on the counter behind him and stood up once more.

“Wait you slept with-” Porsche started looking over at the alpha who looked like he’d rather be getting run over by a train.

“It wasn’t a proud moment for me, it happened before the major and minor families reunified or whatever you want to call it.” Vegas growled out in a huff.

“Still a dick move.” Pete raised an eyebrow at his alpha.

“I know, but Kinn and I have already hashed all that out. So, let’s move on, shall we?” Said alpha was starting to regret answering the phone this morning. He could’ve made Pete breakfast in bed and then had Pete for his breakfast.

“Okay but what about the Russians?” Kim asked, not surprised at all by who Tankhun suggested was behind it.

“My dear dear Kimmie, when a gold digger fails to get what they want from one money bag they hop on the dick of the nearest finance guy they can find, and back then he was always trying to make Kinn jealous by hanging around that gross Russian beta who was trying to set up a Ponzi scheme.”

“That makes sense, that guy didn’t have ties to Alexi or his family which is why he had no info when you called,” Vegas spoke up, having moved even closer to the door, ready to leave.

“sh*t,” Kim looked at his oldest brother, a little floored by his succinct assessment of the situation. Sometimes he and Kinn forgot that before the 2004 incident, Tankhun was being groomed to be the next head of the family. Not for the first time Kim wondered if his not occasional mental instability was simply a mask keeping people from taking too hard of a look at him.

“So, this guy is Kinn’s ex-boyfriend? Who is he? I mean what’s his name?” Porchay asked, finding himself more than a little enamored with the eldest Theerapanyakun.

“Tawan. The bitch’s name is Tawan.” Tankhun supplied. “Now, it is still way too early for me to be awake. Can I trust that you’ll find a way to solve this infestation amongst yourselves?” He stood near the entrance of his bedroom, “Yes? Wonderful.”

Kinn for his part had gotten a little irritated with his elder brother, “Since you seem to know everything and I’m an idiot what do you think we should do?” He stood up, putting his hands on his hips. He wasn’t really irritated that Tankhun was treating him like an idiot, Tankhun did that often. To everyone. He was bothered every time he caught a glimpse of the big brother he used to have. A big brother who was, until those fateful few days in March 2004, the heir apparent. In their family being an omega didn’t exclude anyone from being the head of the family. There had been omegas as the head of the family in the past. He remembered when Tankhun was brought back home how he was a shell of his former self, after two years of attempted therapy etc. it was decided that Kinn would become the heir. He never wanted this position; he stepped up for his family but underneath it all he was a bit resentful. Not toward Tankhun really but the people who did that to him.

Over the past few years, Kinn had seen moments of that older brother who was being raised as the heir. Moments that more than hinted at Tankhun’s near-full recovery. Kinn regularly questioned the outrageous behavior, wondering if Tankhun was just hiding behind it now.

“Ugh, I don’t know Kinn time travel back to when you first introduced me to the little cretin and dump his ass like I told you to.” Tankhun replied rolling his eyes and turning back around to enter his bedroom.

“Let’s all take a moment and reconvene in my office.” Kinn stood pursing his lips and letting out a heavy sigh. That would be a fight for another time.

Chapter 17: Chapter 17


Guess who! It's good to be vulnerable. Plans are made.


Hello everyone! I'm back and ready to go! I've got a great outline, and the next chapter is partially written. Hopefully you guys haven't given up on this story. Please leave comments and let me know what you think about the latest drama! Comments are literally what keeps me coming back and refusing to just give up.

Chapter Text

“f*cking whor*!” A phone is thrown across a dimly lit hotel suite. It shatters upon impact. “He brought that bitch to the compound, probably let him into his den.” Tawan was fuming. He should be there it should be him in Kinn’s den! Not that wanna be alpha street urchin! He began tossing things around the room, breaking a lamp. Shattering a mirror. He didn’t stop even as the door opened.

“I see you’ve heard the news?” A calm voice spoke from behind him, stopping his rampage.

“He’s taken that grimy street whor* into his den!” Tawan shouted back, just about shaking with rage.

“Of course he did,” Tawan spun around wide-eyed, “oh come now, you can’t tell me you thought he’d abandon the omega just because of your little stunt?”

“Maybe I did!” Tawan crosses his arms and stomps his foot.

“Save the dramatics. This isn’t the end of it. I told you if you went after that omega this would happen.” The other remained completely calm in the face of the others’ disbelief.

“So, what! I’m tired of waiting and I don’t see you taking any action, so far, you’ve been all talk!”

The other meanders slowly over to Tawan and stares at him for a moment before striking him across the face, hard enough to give Tawan a split lip. Then he grabs the omega by the hair and yanks him back up using the hand that struck him prior to gently rub the cheek he struck. Soothing the sting.

“Be patient, we will both get what we want soon enough.”

The walk back to Kinn’s office was silent. Kinn was once again berating himself internally for ever trusting Tawan. For being such a foolish kid. Porsche was trying his best to not focus on the fact that Kinn had been in a serious relationship before him.

But the idea that Kinn had possibly been in love with someone before him hurt worse than Kinn sleeping with an endless number of escorts. He supposed it could be because while he’d had his fair share of sex partners, he’d never dated. Never cared for anyone else romantically. Never thought he would.

Once enclosed in the office Kinn went to lean against his desk, arms supporting his weight. He looked up to see Porsche standing awkwardly in the middle of the room staring at the floor.

“Did you….” Porsche looked up at him only to grimace and look away again,” Why did you end it? With him? I mean besides the fact that he’s crazy.” He let out an awkward chuckle in an attempt to seem nonchalant.

“He betrayed me. Didn’t trust me or the pack when it mattered.” He answered honestly not want to hide anything from Porsche.

“If he hadn’t, would you have…” Damn it, he was really struggling to find the end of his sentences, but does he really want to know the answer?

Would Kinn have mated Tawan? Bit him, married him, and had pups with him? What if they had met after that? He knew that answer, he’d be alone. He couldn’t look at Kinn right now. Couldn’t see it on his face that he would have mated with someone else. His inner omega was whining, wanting to be comforted by its alpha, not like this depressive spiral at all. He must have been stinking up the place with his bitter upset scent as a moment later he inhaled the subtle notes of whiskey.

“Porsche-” Kinn had stood and began approaching.

“Never mind I don’t want to know.” Porsche turned away from Kinn, trying to get his pheromones under control again. It had been difficult lately to control his scent ever since he had stopped taking those suppressants.

“I was very young and stupid, but I never felt for him the way I feel about you. It was dumb puppy love. That’s it.” Kinn responded anyway, it was the truth too. He could hardly put into words the way he felt about Porsche. He wrapped his arms around the omega so that they were back to chest.

“I’m being stupid.” Porsche whispered out embarrassed.

“No, you’re not. I don’t even want to think about how I’d feel is the roles were reversed.” Kinn rested his chest on the omega’s shoulder.

“You said he didn’t trust you…” The question hung in the air. It was not secret that Porsche had and was still having a hard time trusting Kinn, let alone his pack. It wasn’t something that came natural to him, or maybe it did once a upon time, but life had cruelly beaten that out of him well before he was 20. Now he worried if his reluctance to trust would put their bond in jeopardy.”

“When it all went down, we’d known each other from years. We had been in a relationship for four years. It wasn’t as if we’d had a life altering night together and only knew each other a few short months.” Kinn replied. All of this was still so new to his omega. He was well aware of the time and dedication it would take to get Porsche to trust him but there already wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Porsche would ever betray him or their pack.

“Well, it doesn’t matter now.” Porsche straightened and pushed out of Kinns arms, turning to face the alpha. “What does matter is figuring out a way to kick this psycho’s ass because I am not going to let him torment my family any longer.” He let out a growl.

“Of course, darling.” Kinn couldn’t help but smile at his beautifully furious mate.

“Also prior to me you had some pretty sh*tty taste in men.” Porsche pointed out.


“Why are we here again?” Vegas let out a huff as he followed Pete to the omega’s old dorm room. They both knew Tankhun kept it just the way Pete left it in hopes that he’d come back.

“The Head Omega of our pack has been threatened, it’s all hands-on deck to put a stop to it.” Pete stopped and turned to face his disgruntled alpha, knowing without a doubt that Vegas wasn’t really irritated. Old habits just died hard. “Besides isn’t he technically your ex too?”

“What? No!” Vegas immediately defended himself. “That was one stupid night meant to bother Kinn at the time. I had and currently have no feelings towards him other than disgust.”

“I know. I know.” Pete chuckled, watching his grumpy alpha roll his eyes. “Anyway, I need to make sure my mate can help keep our pack safe. Especially if I want to eventually have a pup or two with them.: Pete stated with an innocent tone of voice, looking at his alpha from the corner of his eye. Hs words had their desired effect- Vegas’ head snapped in his direction, sole focus on the omega intently listening on how to please the omega and convince him to take his bite.

Vegas had wanted to become official mates with Pete since they had begun sleeping together but in the last few months that urge to claim had grown into a large ravenous bear. Pete, however, was still holding off. He loves Vegas, knows that the alpha is the only person he wants to spend his life with. It was just that he wanted to make his alpha work for it a little more after all he had had to put up with in the years before.

They hadn’t crossed paths much in the first few years Pete had worked for the family. It didn’t help that Vegas was still under his father’s thumb as well. A man who felt that mates didn’t matter and whoever Vegas married had to be able to give them more power. Pete, of course, being a bodyguard was not what Gun wanted for his son. A potential true mate that was a threat to his plans would be killed if revealed. Vegas was aware of this and therefore fought against the pull he felt toward his cousin’s bodyguard- it was a combination of self-preservation and protecting the omega. What this translated to was vicious words and snarls, as well as flaunting sexual partners when they crossed paths, if Vegas chose to acknowledge him at all. By the time Pete was certain of the potential between them he was also certain that Vegas hated him- was trying to reject him. Pete suffered in silence for years, going through false heats triggered by the cruel alpha. He was not aware that his alpha was, in fact, trying to protect him, albeit in a very unhealthy way. But fate and the universe can only be held off for so long.

Everything came to a head about a year ago. It was a rare mission for Pete, out with both Kinn and Vegas, a meeting with the Italians went sideways within five minutes. Vegas was supposed to use the gunfire to take out Kinn (nonfatally although preferably he wouldn’t be able to fully recover from his injuries). Everything was set. Vegas had the shot, and while a part of him didn’t want to hurt Kinn, he was also very aware of the consequences that awaited him should he fail and yet. Pete caught a bullet in the shoulder and Vegas’ inner alpha took over. The rest of that night is a blur, but Vegas can clearly remember a moment in which he was holding his omega and looking at his own hands covered in his omegas blood. He decided then and there that he would never allow Pete to be hurt again. Since that moment Vegas had focused on Pete with a single-minded intensity that overthrew any loyalty or fear he had toward his father.

It wasn’t as easy as Vegas had first thought it would be though. Pete didn’t jump into his arms and declare his undying love. The years of cruelty had made Pete deeply insecure and mistrustful of Vegas. For the first time in his life Vegas had to be honest and vulnerable with someone. It took time and he’s still not great at it but he would do anything for Pete. His sweet, shy, wild little masoch*st.

“My big strong alpha will protect the pack, won’t he?” Pete turned toward Vegas, wrapping his arms around the alphas neck.

Vegas let out a growl as his pupils blew, his hands automatically gripping Pete’s waist, squeezing hard enough to leave bruises.

“Vegas,” Pete moaned at the pressure and that was all it took for Vegas to attack his lips.


“Now that we know who is behind the threats and property damage- what should our plan of action be?” Arm asked, poised at his laptop ready to do some damage of his own.

“As psychotic as he is, he’s been incredibly careful not to leave a paper trail. First, I want to know the name of the Russian whose bank rolling this mess.” Kinn stated. Now that they knew who the enemy was it would be much easier to plan their attack.

“Right, financials first. Get him cut off and his ability to f*ck things up will greatly diminish. Once you get that name Arm send it to me.” Vegas approached the beta who never looked up but nodded, nonetheless.

“I’m sure you’ll have a very convincing chat with his backer.” Kinn commented, catching his cousin’s eye and seeing a hint of well contained bloodlust. “If you find him disagreeable, I should think a private conversation in a more controlled setting would be valid.” Should they kill the guy if he doesn’t cooperate? No, but torture isn’t out of the question- Kinn was making that clear to Vegas. This is a needs must situation. If Vegas finds it necessary, then he doesn’t need to ask Kinn prior too.

“Are we sure this Russian is his only backer?” Kim spoke up. “So far, he’s imitated a hydra and he knows to some extent, how we operate. I don’t think he’d put all his eggs in one basket.”

“You’re right. Arm look into all his recent contacts and identify those who have resources, connections, or a combination of both. Also look for any contacts that have issues with our pack.” Kinn ordered.

“Got it.” Arm continued typing furiously. “This could take some time however if I do it by myself.”

“Get me a list of potentials and I’ll narrow it down; from there you can check bank records.” Kinn offered.

“I also want info on potential hideouts. He’s done a good job of staying off the grid but the quicker we get eyes on him the better. Give a list to Big,” Kinn told Arm before looking at his bodyguard, “Big I want you to start taking a look around at the places on the list, try asking Tankhun if he’ll look at the list as well.” Big made a slightly curious expression at that last part but Kinn was aware that Tankhun had studied hot to escape and hide all around the city, it was part of how he coped with the trauma of being kidnapped. Before he hadn’t known what to do or where to go if he managed to escape. Now you could drop him anywhere in the city and he could get to a safe house within 10minutes.

“Once we’ve got him trapped, we’ll toss him in a cell and then,” Kinn looked over at his mate, “Porsche, darling, it’s your call what you want to do.”

“Wait what do you mean a cell? Are you going to hand him over to the police?” Chay asked.

“No honey, although we can do that if Porsche wants. Until then Kinn meant the cells in the basem*nt.” Kim replied honestly.

“You have…cells…in the basem*nt?” Chay just looked more confused for a moment.

“Cells- you have a f*cking dungeon don’t you!” Porsche accused, shocked.

“I mean I wouldn’t call it a dungeon.” Kinn replied.

“Not a-” Porsche took a deep breath and lowered his voice “does it have stone walls?”

“Yes.” Kinn assented.

“Does it have metal bars?” Porsche put his hands on his hips.

“Yes. Obviously.”

“Does it have chains that connect to the wall?”


“If someone was in a ‘cell’, would there be a guard watching them?”

“Of course.”

“Then it’s a motherf*cking dungeon Kinn!”

“Pretty lame one if you ask me.” Vegas muttered. There were no torture racks and a pretty limited set of torture devices. Honestly last time Vegas brought his own from home because they didn’t have what he needed.

“Well, I vote we beat the sh*t out of him. Enough that he must be hospitalized with like his jaw wired shut so he can’t talk. Then while he’s hospitalized, we continue to visit him and tell him all the ways we want to break his bones. And when he can finally leave the hospital, we tell him that one day we’ll get him, and he can pay for the other half of revenge that he owes us. But he’ll never know when, so he’ll live in a constant state of terror for the rest of his miserable life.” Chay was zoned out as he spoke, eyes glazed over, imagining.

“Chay…What the f*ck?” Porsche said what everyone else was thinking into the dead silence that had followed the youngest’s idea. Chay’s eyes blinked rapidly as he came back to reality and realized everyone was staring at him.

“Or something like that?” He mumbled sheepishly. Kinn and Pete were shocked. Porsche looked worried. Vegas looks impressed, and Kim? Well, he looked like he was about to propose.

Wayward Omegas and Overbearing Alphas - crazylittlething16 (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.