Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (2024)


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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (3) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (4)byavauinc Sat Aug 19, 2017 4:24 pm

Debunk all you want, ALL IS WELL! Go TDA!!!!!!!!!!!! :yes:

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (8) C

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (9)byRmaddox Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:10 am

C-031000040 not working


Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (12) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (13)byPurpleskyz Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:20 am

I ask respectfully... can you provide even one single valid receipt that you can prove was paid via a TDA account? Then show next month that it indeed cleared such as on a utility billing statement?
Can anyone?

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (18) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (19)byRamblerNash Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:14 pm

avauinc wrote:Debunk all you want, ALL IS WELL! Go TDA!!!!!!!!!!!! :yes:

Here's a news article for you avauinc.


YouTube video tricking consumers on how to pay bills using Social Security numbers

Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press Personal Finance Columnist Published 10:00 a.m. ET Aug. 20, 2017 | Updated 10:01 a.m. ET Aug. 20, 2017

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (20)

People who make resolutions on money matters tend to feel better about the state of their finances, said Ken Hevert, senior vice president of Retirement at Fidelity. Newslook

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (21)

(Photo: amanalang, Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Here's some sorry news this summer: There's no secret cash stash out there to pay your utility bills or your oldoutstanding debts with the state.

Consumers are getting swept into some scams across the country that promise a way to use special bank routing numbers supposedly from the United States government to cover their bills.

In some cases, they're watching a You Tube video published by "Money Boy Filmz" called "I paid my bills using my Social Security number." Another is titled: "Believe you can pay bills with your Social Security."
One web site notes: "Pay all bills now with your no-longer secret Social Security Trust Account."

Ron Leix, a spokesperson for theMichigan Department of Treasury, said the state collections department spotted a patternof payments in the past month that seemed strange.

By re-examining the account numbers being used to pay bills, staff members noticed that individuals had been trying to pay old state debts by using routing numbers from two U.S. Department of Treasury bureaus -- the Financial Management Service and the Bureau of Public Debt.

"Individuals are using these federal routing numbers with their Social Security Number as the checking account number and listing the bank as either FMS or the BPD," the state treasury department said.

A form of tax protest

Leix said the strategy seems to be one promoted by tax protest groups and others.

Reportedly groups are holding seminars throughout the United States to fraudulently teach consumers how to use these tricks to resolve their outstanding government debts.

"It just won't work," Leix said. "It's just not a valid method of payment for any outstanding debt."
A similar type of alert went out byAlabama Powerthis summer.

Ike Pigott, a communications specialist for Alabama Power, saidmore than 140Alabama Powercustomers since early July have followed the unusual payment advice onwebsites and videos that promise to pay your bills somehow viaBureau of Public Debt.

Somehow, people are being told that your Social Security number is all that you need to unlock payment from a “corporate account” that was established by the government in your name.

Since mid-July,DTE Energy has seen about 1,000 payments that have been returned as a result of customers attempting to use the Federal Reserve routing number.

"These payments initially came back to us as a “returned payment, which is similar to a NSF (non-sufficient funds)," said Jill M. Wilmot, manager of corporate communications for DTE Energy.

She said that when the utility discovered the reason for the returned payments, DTE implemented a safeguard with its payment processing partners that results in a real-time payment rejection when the customer tries to submit a payment using the Federal Reserve routing number.

DTE also contacted its internal security group and its financial institution to make them aware of possible fraud issues.

"Any customer who tries to use this routing number will receive a rejected payment notification, and is still expected to submit payment with a legitimate payment method," Wilmot said.

Not paying the bill can result in a shut-off notification followed by termination of service.

Not a way out of trouble

The idea that anyone might fall for this could sound laughable, if some people weren't naturally hopeful to find an easy way out of their troubles.

"Any video, text, email, phone call, flyer or website that describes how to pay bills using a Federal Reserve routing number or using an account at the Federal Reserve Bank is a scam," according to a statement by the Federal Reserve Banks.

TheFederal Reserve Bank of Atlantaissued an alert this summer stating that the Fed has receive a "number of unauthorized transactions in which consumers have tried to use the Fed's routing numbers and their Social Security numbers to pay their bills."

The Fed went so far to state the obvious: "It is important for consumers to know that when making online or e-check bill payments, they cannot use Federal Reserve routing numbers."

The Fed's routing numbers are used to sort and process payments between banks.

Consumers run into trouble when they panic about their bills orthey try such crazy bill paying strategies.
If you try to use a Fed routing number that you find online to pay a bill, it might look like it was approved initially in some cases. But ultimately the utility, state treasury or other entity is going to reject the payment and return it as unpaid. And you could be subject to late fees or other penalties.

Consumers Energy said it hasn't seen its customers attempting to use federal routing numbers to resolve outstanding bills.

But Consumers Energy is aware of another scam. Callers can pretend to be from Consumers Energy and demandimmediate payment using a gift card or prepaid debit card.

"We’re aware of over 1,300 reports of such scam attempts this year, with customers paying out over $45,000 to scammers," said Brian Wheeler, senior public information director for Consumers Energy.

Other scam alerts

1) Don't fall for the "federal grant to pay your utility bill" scam.
Con artists are telling consumers that all they needto do to get a grant to pay their bills for one month is call a particular phone number, provide some information and their current monthly gas or electric bills will be credited in full. No real cash would need to be handed over.
The problem, of course, is that you might have just handed over your Social Security number or other ID to a con artist who then sells the data on the black market or uses your ID to file a tax return in your name to claim a refund and create headaches for you later down the line.
And there is no such grant -- so you still haven't paid off your utility bill.
2) Don't "verify" your Social Security number over the phone.
Consumer watchdogs say callers are posing as Social Security employees and asking to verify your "Social Security" number over the phone.
The Office of Inspector General Social Security Administration has stated thatfraudsters who pretend to be from Social Securitygenerally ask for your Social Security number, date of birth, your mother's maiden name, or your bank account number.
The scam artist pretending to be from Social Security might even state that "the Social Security computers are down" and they need this information now.
The impersonator may state that "the SSA computers are down" or may refer to enrollment in the Medicare prescription drug program
You can call Social Security directly at 800-772-1213 before handing over your information. If you initiated contact with a Social Security office, it's possible you would get a call but you should verify any call before handing over personal ID information.

Contact Susan Tompor:stompor@freepress.comor 313-222-8876. Follow Susan on Twitter @Tompor.


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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (26) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (27)byRed Panda Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:50 pm

avauinc wrote:Debunk all you want, ALL IS WELL! Go TDA!!!!!!!!

From the recent articles I have seen, the only places you will go if you attempt this are to court and to jail !! Otherwise you will just end up paying NSF fees on top of all your bills.


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Red Panda
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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (32) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (33)byRamblerNash Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:39 pm

Federal Trade Commission says - No secret bank accounts to pay your bills

Another day, another scam.

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (34)

Case in point: the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reports that scammers are telling people they can pay their bills using so-called “secret accounts” or “Social Security trust accounts” and routing numbers at Federal Reserve Banks. In exchange for personal information, like Social Security numbers, people get what they think is a bank account number at a Federal Reserve Bank. But this really is just a way to get your personal information, which scammers can then sell or use to commit fraud, like identity theft.

It’s good to keep in mind that people do not have accounts at Federal Reserve Banks. Only banks can bank at the Federal Reserve. But what happens if you try to use this “secret” account? Well, the Federal Reserve Bank will deny the payment, since you don’t really have an account there. Once the payment is rejected, you’ll be notified that you still owe the money – which is about when you might figure out that this was a scam. At that point, you may owe a late fee or penalty to the company you thought you were paying. You also may owe fees to your bank for returned or rejected payments.

If you see a video, text, email, phone call, flyer, or website that describes how you can pay bills using a Federal Reserve Bank routing number or account, report it to the FTC. It’s a scam. And remember: never give your credit card, bank account, or Social Security number to anyone who calls or emails and asks for it – no matter who they say they are.

LINK to REPORT to https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/#&panel1-1

August 17, 2017
Colleen Tressler

Consumer Education Specialist, FTC



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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (39) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (40)byPurpleskyz Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:37 pm

thanks Nash!

:tup: :tup:

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (45) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (46)byroxy22222222 Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:47 pm

avauinc wrote:Debunk all you want, ALL IS WELL! Go TDA!!!!!!!!!!!! :yes:

Well guess you'll be in court very soon! :yes:

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (51) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (52)byavauinc Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:30 pm

Still alive and well! Sending you love and light, and transmuting all those negative vibrations that do not serve me, humanity and the highest good to the Light of our Creator. ALL Is Well!
Go TDA! Go NESARA! :juggle: :juggle: :juggle:

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (56) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (57)byLanky Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:23 am

What if you're not using it to pay bills and you just buy something off amazon or you're online shopping for like books ? Can you still get caught up or in trouble ?


Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (60) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (61)bySsmith Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:36 am

Lanky wrote:What if you're not using it to pay bills and you just buy something off amazon or you're online shopping for like books ? Can you still get caught up or in trouble ?

Yes. The payment will not go through using these fraudulent accounts. If the order gets shipped prior to that happening, it will be sent to collections.

Consumer Scam Alert: Do Not Use Federal Reserve Routing Account Numbers to Pay Bills; Could Face Late Fees, Other Charges

For immediate release: July 12, 2017

Recently, the Federal Reserve Banks have received a number of unauthorized transactions in which consumers have tried to use the Fed's routing numbers and their Social Security numbers to pay their bills.

It is important for consumers to know that when making online or e-check bill payments, they cannot use Federal Reserve routing numbers. Federal Reserve routing numbers are used for sorting and processing payments between banks. Any video, text, email, phone call, flyer, or website that describes how to pay bills using a Federal Reserve Bank routing number or using an account at the Federal Reserve Bank is a scam.

The Federal Reserve provides banking services only for banks. Individuals do not have accounts at the Federal Reserve.

The bill payments being attempted using the Fed's routing numbers are being rejected and returned unpaid. Consumers who have attempted to use the Fed's routing numbers to pay their bills may be subject to penalty fees from the company they were attempting to pay.


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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (66) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (67)byRamblerNash Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:39 am

avauinc wrote:Still alive and well! Sending you love and light, and transmuting all those negative vibrations that do not serve me, humanity and the highest good to the Light of our Creator. ALL Is Well!
Go TDA! Go NESARA! :juggle: :juggle: :juggle:

Hello avauinc,

Is everything still going well for you?

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (72) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (73)byPurpleskyz Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:38 am

still waiting for anyone to prove they have had success ...

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (79) Proof

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (80)byJmiles Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:21 pm

Progressive bill paid in full is the only on and that was done 9/22/2017 stil paid in full though.


Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (83) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (84)byPurpleskyz Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:29 pm

proof of receipts or official verification please Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (85)

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (90) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (91)bySsmith Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:14 pm

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (98) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (99)byPonee Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:01 pm

Jmiles, make sure you have money set aside to cover that bill if (when) it gets reversed so you are not sitting on a double bill. Let us know how it turns out. I would love to hear 1 story that says paid and not reversed.

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (104) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (105)byRamblerNash Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:29 pm

Jmiles wrote:Progressive bill paid in full is the only on and that was done 9/22/2017 stil paid in full though.

Keep an eye on ALL of the ones you have done, but better yet...PAY them before it causes you more trouble than it's worth.

So far, no one has been able to pay their bills with this method and several others like it.

If you don't have a statement from the accounts your using, then how in the heck do you know the balance? That treasury bond calculator is not for your bond, if you used your SSN. If you need proof, did you see the balance go down when you submitted your payment?

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (110) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (111)byRamblerNash Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:17 pm

I don't know if anyone is looking in to the Dinar Daily chat:


Auggie64 and REMO are promoting the TDA, in a way, but are putting out quite a bit of wild goose chases. LOL

One of the comments that strikes me, for those guys who seem to have their TDA, is that if you have your TDA, you wouldn't be in CHAT.

Yet...There they are! In CHAT.

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (116) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (117)byRamblerNash Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:43 pm

Chat was having issues. I have it captured here for those who missed what Auggie64 and REMO had to say.

I hope the boys will be able to provide the links to some of the questions I've asked, but if they don't exist, then they are misrepresenting themselves and the whole TDA nonsense!

How many people claim that they know what they are talking about, but fall short? LOL


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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (122) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (123)byTerbo56 Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:57 am

What part of 'GOING TO PRISON' don't these people understand? Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (124) Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (125)

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (130) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (131)byKevind53 Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:22 pm

The were right, you really can fool some of the people all of the time.

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (136) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (137)byRamblerNash Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:00 am

U.S. Attorneys»Eastern District of Tennessee»News


Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney’s Office
Eastern District of Tennessee

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Federal Jury Convicts Knoxville Man and Former Washington State Prosecutor Turned Leader of Sovereign Citizen Movement of Wire Fraud and Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering

KNOXVILLE, Tenn.-Following an eight-day trial before the Honorable Thomas A. Varlan, Chief U.S. District Court Judge, a jury found Randall Keith Beane, 50, of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, 45, of Pierce County, Washington, guilty of conspiracy to commit money laundering. The jury also found Beane guilty of six additional counts of wire and bank fraud.

Sentencing is set for Beane on June 12, 2018, and Tucci-Jarraf on June 26, 2018 in U.S. District Court. Tucci-Jarraf faces a sentence of up to 20 years. Beane faces up to 30 years on the charges. There is no parole in the federal system.

Evidence presented at trial showed that Tucci-Jarraf acted as an unlicensed attorney for Beane in a scheme to defraud United Services Automobile Association (USAA) Bank, of more than 31 million dollars. In court filings, Tucci-Jarraf and Beane claim the government was foreclosed upon and has no jurisdiction over them. The defendants asserted at trial that the United States hides individuals’ secret accounts in the Federal Reserve Bank, a common ideology among sovereign citizen groups. Tucci-Jarraf was a former prosecutor in Pierce County, Washington.

"When wrongdoers attempt to stand behind an anti-governmentmovement to hide or justify fraudulent criminal activity, they will fail. This jury sent the message that the American judicial system will not shield them, and these two defendants now know they will be punished, whether or not they acknowledge the authority of the Court to do so," said U.S.Attorney J. Douglas Overbey.

The United States is also forfeiting a motor home worth over $500,000 that Beane purchased with the proceeds of the bank and wire fraud offenses. The loss to victim USAA bank totaled over $550,000.

Beane was arrested by FBI Special Agents in July 2017 as he attempted to flee in a half-million dollar motor coach purchased with stolen funds. He resisted arrest and fought the agents during the incident. Tucci-Jarraf was arrested in Washington, D.C., after attempting to meet with President Trump at the White House.

“Americans are free to believe as they choose about their government,” said Renae McDermott, special agent in charge of the FBI Knoxville Field Office. “When those beliefs turn into criminal actions, law enforcement must act.”

The FBI’s white collar crime squad and cyber task force conducted the investigation.Assistant U.S. Attorneys Cynthia Davidson and Anne-Marie Svolto represented the United States.


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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (142) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (143)byKevind53 Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:43 am

Yep TDAs worked out real well for those two ....

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (148) What are current proofs this is legal?

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (149)byjustwondering123 Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:31 pm

All of this is so interesting and definitley has me curious. What is the validity of it and how can one be sure they won’t be prosecuted for robbing a bank? I understand these accounts have our Strawman names on them but how can we be sure that we are Authorized users of them. Some say we are but reports of those who got caught state that the courts said they are not authorized. Including the US treasury. treasury.gov under fraud alerts they explicitly warm against trying to obtain this money, even for debt. The laws under the New Deal and the openning of the Federal reserve and issuing birth certificates and SSN was aparently nullified? Anyway could you clarify any of this?


Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (152) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (153)byEthel Biscuit Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:22 pm

As many of the posts in this thread will show - it's all nonsense, illegal, and hasn't ended well for anyone.

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (158) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (159)byEthel Biscuit Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:24 pm

Please read this link : https://www.fbi.gov/scams-and-safety/common-fraud-schemes/redemption-strawman-bond-fraud

Tips for Avoiding Redemption/Strawman/Bond Fraud:

Be wary of individuals or groups selling kits that they claim will inform you how to access secret bank accounts.
Be wary of individuals or groups proclaiming that paying federal and/or state income tax is not necessary.
Do not believe that the U.S. Treasury controls bank accounts for all citizens.
Be skeptical of individuals advocating that speeding tickets, summons, bills, tax notifications, or similar documents can be resolved by writing “acceptance for value” on them.
If you know of anyone advocating the use of property liens to coerce acceptance of this scheme, contact your local FBI office.

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Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (164) Re: Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts - Page 2 (165)byDirect account Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:38 pm


Direct account

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