The Paducah Sun-Democrat from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

FErUARY IG, 1932, THE SUN-DEMOCRAT, PADUCAH, KY. PAGE NINE You'll Go For Him In A Big Way! COLUMBIA LIMIT ON INTER-SCHOLASTIC Radio Program TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 (Central Standard Time) P. M. unleaa indicated. Programs and station list subject to obanaa.

Starts W1niaff a Iff sr i f'V a tT I i Carole- fiomm ttiaaSo No Playing WINNIE LIGHTNER in "MANHATTAN PARADE" fSt 1113 Vita cos ft sssss sssSS Fri. Saturday Ed (TV -w i i i LAST LAST DAY I Blcifori Roht. Armstrong in "PANAMA FLO" Phut He can sell ice to Eskimos, corsets to chorus girls and the Brooklyn Bridge to a Broadway columnist. What a linel What a otmi We, are glad to announce the coming engagement of "PLATINUM BLONDE" with Robt. Williams Jaan Harlow liCfeTr-IEATElCT TO KEEP POLLS OPENJS MADE Humphreys of Mayfield Leads Fight In Senate to Estab- lish 4 P.

M. Closing FRANKFORT, KY Feb. 16 VP) The long-deferred fight over whether the polls shall close at 4. pin. or 4:30 p.m.

in Kentucky came up the Senate floor Mon day and resulted in a victory for Senator Robert Humphreys of Mayfield 'and Democratic Sena tors favoring the 4 o'clock closing. Leading the opposition was Sen ator Brock of Harlan, vet, eran Republican member and coauthor of the Brock-Gilbert "honest elections" law. Under the Brook-Gilbert law it Is within the discretion of election officials to keep the polls open thirty minutes after the official closing time if there remain In line persons who have not yet Brock advocated this clause In the law as a means of preventing election officers from "stalling" In order to keep persons unfavorable to them from having an opportunity to vote by 4 pjn. Would Set Definite Time The original bill to change the Brock-Gilbert law to set a defin ite closing time with no leeway was Introduced by Senator Arch Hamilton, Lexington Democrat, was abandoned after having been the subject of considerable discussion-several times -last week. In its place Hamilton agreed to the provisions of Humphries meas ure.

The definite closing time In Humphreys' bill was inserted by an amendment. The original bill merely would have provided for penalties for election officers who tampered with ballot boxes and would require them to make affidavits, on turning the boxes over they. had not been molested. "The polls should close at some definite time," Humphreys said in offering his amendment. "I cant understand the Justness of such an amendment," Brock replied.

"I want to see every man and woman in Kentucky who is eligible to vote, and they have a right to vote If they come to the polls. Under this amendment, persons In line at 4 pjn. would be deprived of this right through election officers delaying by writing ballots slowly, making numerous unnecessary challenges, and one subterfuge or another." "If they can delay until 4 p.m., why can't they delay until Senator E. Moore, Casey county Democrat, asked. Brock replied that the tendency to delay would not be so great if some leeway In time were granted.

Conditions to Lexington were cited by Senator Hamilton In his argument in favor of the amendment. He said "floaters hold out" and "wait until the last minute' before After the time amendment had been adopted, Brock supported the general bill of the Mayfield Sen ator, terming it "an excellent bill' but expressing dissatisfaction with the amendment. The vote on the amended bill was 31 to 0. Another election bill to provide a definite form for all ballots and make several changes In the present law In this regard was passed the same time. It also was spon sored by Humphreys.

PRESSURE its vast horde of suckers taken from every walk of life; the rich 1 and the poor, the wise and the gullible alike. Without doubt the Powell fans will universally applaud the choice-of such a vehicle for their favcr' ite, a drama that will make audiences gasp with excitement and surprise. The production has been richly and accurately dressed as to setting, and the Powell support Is superb. Eveyn Brent, Evalyn Knappt George SidneyrJHuy-Klb bee, Harry Beresford, John Wray, Luis Alberni, Charles Judels, young Ben Alexander, Allison Sklpwarth, Harold Waldridge, Bobby Watson and Frank McHugh stand out in the cast. Besides, a wealth of beauty is provided by the Misses Brent and Knapp, Polly Walters, Lilian Bond, -Marion Byron and several other Hollywood peaches.

Try Lydia E. Pinkhim's VagetaWs Compound Son Made her Nerve saw Mother you owe it to the children to relieve those excruciating pains that make you nervous. Take Lydia Pinkhim's Vegetable Compound Tablets. Starts Sunday Mississippi Is On Stand at Hickman I HICKMAN, Feb. 18 (Spe- cialJ--With the Mississippi river on a 1 stand here residents of this section were casting an anxious eye at the sky In hopes that it would clear after 24 hours of steady rain and allow the river fall.

The river rose slightly in the business section here over Sunday and Invaded one store on the of Clinton street, forcing Albert Capp's grocery to move out. The water was In the gutter all Clinton street, covering the the street almost to the post office, and it Is so deep around the, N. C. St. L.

railway station and yards that trains are 7 HOURS IN BED AND HOT 7 SLEEP The Toll Acidity Takes! When you go to bed dog-tired and can't sleep and you rise in the morning more tired than when you went to bed, "it's a sign you're "acid." Acidity causes acid-indigestion with gas, sourness and burning and sets up intestinal- faction which saps our vitality and wears our nerves. Magnesia Oxoids, developed in Germany by the world's foremost pharmaceutical house, correct acidity in the right way. Upon contact with the acid in the stomach, Magnesia Oxoids nascent, or active oxygen, which does the three thinga necessary to cor- rect acidity stimulates the alkaline gastric mucus, checks intestinal faction, promotes bowel action. Get a package of Magnesia Oxoids today and take two after each meal. See how much better you feel.

If not more than surprised with the results, your money or tat oy ust Wrufc an other good drnmtfat. being made up on the city levee in West Hickman. Reports here Indicated the river would be falling today and would continue to fall slowly unless heavy and widespread rains started it up again. The local Red Cross reported today there was no refugee problem as yet, and that only a few calls for individual aid had been received. The river has been rough here with a north wind blowing heavy over the river bank and doing some damage to exposed buildings now surrounded by Bith -Introduced- In State Assembly FRANKFORT, Feb.

16 VP Among the bills introduced Mon day were: 3. Robards, to reduce the state tax on real estate from 30 to 20 cents; E. C. Den- nlngton, to permit graduates of Western Kentucky Industrial College, Paducah, to be awarded licenses to teach in Negro schools without examination: Abram Renick, to keep fiscal courts from sitting continuously and to require the county Judge to state the reason when calling the court into ses sion; R. V.

Yandell, to require the marking of a white line four inches wide along the center of a black-surfaced road; J. B. Klefot, to extend the Jurisdiction of the county civil service board in coun ties containing first class olties to Include in the classified service all -chief: probation officers, book' keepers and other employes connected with the probation office and now appointed by the county court; L. G. Horn, to amend the automobile guest law to provide that a guest In a car have no cause for action In event of an accident unless It resulted from an Intentional act of the operator.

scalp clean and 7m CONTESTS TO BE HELD MS WEEK High Schools of County to Take Part In Events At Heath, Lone Oak, Reidland McCracken county public schools will hold their annual lnter-schol-astlc contests, Thursday evening of this week, according to an nouncement by Frank Irwin, chairman of the lnter-scholastio con tests. Plans have been perfected for the contest and the largest at tendance in the history of the event is expected by the chairman and directors of the various de partments. It is estimated that there will be approximately 800 children on the program and equally as many parents In attendanoe. The county board of education will give 10 medals in declama tion, oration and scholarship. The Heath high school will give the medal in all-round senior high school scholarship.

The Lone Oak high school will give cup to the school making the greatest num ber of points music, ana Beia-land high "school will give a cup to the school making the greatest number of points in public speak- All gold medals given by either the board of education or by high schools will be given tp individ uals. The program Is as follows: At Heath Thursday evening, 7 to 10 p. m. Senior high school vocal music. At Lone Oak Friday, 8 a.

m. to 5 p. m. Academic contest, elementary declamations, stringed Instruments, elementary vocal music. At Reidland Friday evening 6 to 10 p.

m. Senior high school orations, senior high school declamations. Junior high school orations and junior high school declamations. Medals will be given as follows: All-round, scholarship, senior high; all-round scholarship, Junior high; senior high orations; Junior high orations, senior high declamations, Junior high declamations; elementary declamations and soloists in the Junior and senior high groups, boys and girls. The officers of the contest are Principal Frank Irwin, county chairman and director of the academic contest; Principal Woodfin Hutson, director of music; Principal O.

W. Barker, director of public speaking. The public is invited to all events. Admission is free. Tom Mix Marries Circus Aerialist CALEXICO, CAL, Feb.

16 (IP) Tom Mix, motion picture cowboy, and Mabel Hubbell Ward, circus aerialist, were married at Mexicali, across the border, late Monday. Yuma, Ariz, where most of the celebrities of the Hollywood film colony have gone of late to tie their wedding knots, lost out to Mexicali because It was too far away. The cowboy film star, after driving with his bride and a party to Palm Springs, Calif, yesterday with the announced intention of going to Yuma, decided to stop here and go across the border for the wedding. Three Members Of Band Die in Crash EVANSVILLE, IND, Feb. 16 VP) Three men were killed and another Injured when their automobile was struck by a Big Four gasoline train at Daylight, 12 miles northeast of here Monday afternoon.

The dead are Joe Tindeck, 28, and Frank Wurtz, 27, St. Louis, and Edwin Young, 24, of near this city. v. -J. I I filll, tftf, OI.

UUUiO, If no tu- Jured. The men were members of the Oklahoma Cowboys orchestra that has been playing In smaller towns of Southern Indiana and western Ky. for several weeks. Three Governors To Attend Dinner LEXINGTON, KY, Feb. 16 VP Gov.

O. M. Gardner, of North Carolina, and Harry F. Byrd, former governor of Virginia, have accepted invitations from the University of Kentucky to be guests of honor at a dinner and reception Friday night at the University Commons. The public has been Invited to attend the dinner and reception.

Both Gov. Gardner and former Gov. Byrd will speak. Gov. Ruby Laffoon also will attend.

Former Gov. Byrd will address the members of the Kentucky legislature Thursday, Feb. 18, and Gov. Gardner will address the legislat ors Friday, Feb. 19.

They will come to after Gov. Gardner's address at Frankfort Friday. Former Gov. Byrd has been mentioned as a candidate for the Democratic nomination far president. Medical science finds that tack of a certain gland secretion it a great cause oi obesity.

Food that should create energy goes to excess fat. People alow down and gain weight. Now doctors the world over supply tint lacking factor. Jnitead oi starving people, they combat the cause of fat. Abnormal figures, in late years, have been ditappeanng fast.

That modern method i the basis of Kiarmoia prescription tablets. People nave used them for 24 yean millions of boxes of them. Ndw almost everyone ha friends who know and show the delightful effect of Marmola. If you overweigh, jo try Marmola. All droggiita supply it, and a book in each best tells you all about it.

Start Marmola now tod witch How Doctors Fight FAT (By Tht AttoeiaM frm) 4S4.3 WEAF-NBC 80 (too Hymn Sin a Also wjdx koa i Lanln Oroh, Alio wtant wmaj wow wdaf :30 Alioe Joy Alao wtatn wdaf wiba wtmj kstp webo wday woal wky kfyr Ooldberga Alao wtam wwj wenr; Stabblna Boya Only kyw woo who wow wdaf wtml katp whaa warn too wab wamb wbap kpro woal wky koa 7:00 Sandaraon and Crumlt Alao wtam wwj kyw kad woo who wow wdaf kstp wabc 7:30 Mary and Bob Alao wtam wwj kyw ksd woo who wow wdaf 8:00 Musical Magazine Also wtanr wwj wis kbo woo who wow wdaf wtml webo wday kfyr whaa warn wmo wamb wjdx kths' kvoo kpro woal wky koa kal 8:30 Voorhaea' Orch. Alao wtam wwj kyw ksd woo who wow wdaf wtml kstp webo wsb wbap woal wky koa kal 9:00 Dance Hour Alao wtam wwj wenr ksd woo who wdaf katp wfaa wtmj webo wday kfyr wtba whaa wsm wmc wab wapi wamb wjdx kpro woal wky koa kal 10:00 Marlon Harrle Alao wtam wwj kad 10:15 Alice Joy (Repeat) Only wenr ksd woo who wow whaa warn wmc wab wapl wsmb wjdx kths wfaa kpro koa kglr kghl 10:30 Denny Oroh. Also kths wtam wwj wenr koa wcky kad wiba kfyr. 1.f:TO Ralph Klrbaryr Vallaa Oroh. Alao wwj kad woo who wow warn wdaf wtmj kfyr wab kths koa 11i30 Simon's Oroh.

Also wwj wenr ksd webo warn wsb wiba koa. 348.6 WABC-CBS 860 Bins 1 Croaby Also wxya ktbs wtaq krid kgrs waco wceo 6:30 H. V. Kaltenborn Alao wxya wfbm wbbm woco kmox krabc wjsb; Southern Orch. Only wgat wdod wnox wbro wodx; David Qroach Only kscj wnax kfh kf jf ktsa kvor kdyl Morton Downey Also wgat wxya wlap wdod wreo wlao wnox wbro wdau wlsn wfbm wmbd wcco kacj wmt kmox kmbo klra wnax wlbw kfh kfjf krid ktrh ktsa waco 7:00 The Club Also wxys wbcm wdsu wlsn wfbm wgn wooo kmox kmbc; Florlto'a Orch.

Only wdsu ksoj wnax wlbw kfh kfjf krid ktsa waco kvor kdyl 7:15 Lyman's Band Also wgst wxya wreo wdsu wfbm wgn wcco kmox kmbc kfjf 7:30 Kate Smith Also wxya wbcm wlap wlsn wfbm wgn wcco kmox kmbc; Colonel and Budd Only wgat wflw wreo wlao wnox wbro wodx wdsu 7:45 Broadway's Thrills Also wxys wowo wfbm wgn kmox kmbc; Dictators Only wgst wflw wlao wnox wbrc wodx 8:00 Ben Bernle Also wxyx wlac wbrc wdsu wowo wgn wcco kmbc wnax kfh kmj kdyl kla 8:30 Crlma-Chife- Also wxya-wowo wgn kmox kmbc; Mardi Qraa Only Johnson to Object To New Motor Tax FRANKFORT. Feb. 18 UP) Ben Johnson, chairman of the state highway commission, wiu appear before the senate committee on motor vehicles and transportation Wednesday afternoon to express the commission's objection to a bill to reduce the price of automobile licenses 25 percent. The bill, Introduced by Senator Gates iV Young of Owensboro, Democrat, was to have been discussed this afternoon but action was postponed to enable the highway commission chairman to be present. Eugene Stewart, secretary of the Louisville automobile club, also is to appear before the committee.

"Automobile owners in Kentucky already are bearing more than their own Just burden of taxation," Senator Young told the committee today. Good for Hoboes, Bad on Piggies RALEIGH, N. Feb. 16 (UP) Officials report that the unemployment situation is seriously affecting the welfare of hogs at the state prison farm. L.

H. Harris, N. C. state college steward, explained that at each mealtime from 10 to SO hoboes gather at the kitchen door of the college dining hall for "handouts," consisting of food left on the dining tables by students. "This has seriously cut down on the quantity of swill which can be hauled dally to the hogs of the state prison camp," he said.

wgat wflw wreo wlao wnox wbro wodx wdsu; Saloneeque Only kacj wnax wlbw kfh kfjf kvor kdyl kla 9:00 To Be Announced wabo chain 9:30 Shllkret Orch Alao wgat wxya wbcm wapd wlap wflw wdod wree wlao wnox wbro wdsu wlsn wkbh wowo wfbm wbbm wcoo kacj wmt kmox kmbo klra wnax wlbw kfh kfjf krid ktrh ktsa waco kvor kdyl kla 9:4 Jaok Miller Alao wgat wflw wree wlac wnox wbro wdau; Myrt and Marge Only wxya wlap wbbm wcoo kmbo kdyl kli 10:00 Blnsj Croaby (Repeat) Only wgat wbcm wlap wdod wreo wlao wnox wbro wdsu wlsn wowo wfbm wgn wcco kscj wmt kmox kmbo klra wnax wlbw kfh kfjf ktrh ktsa kdyl kla 10:15 Barlow Symphony Only wgat wxys wbcm wlap wflw wree wlao wnox wbro wdau wlan wowo wmbd wcoo kscj wmt kmbo wnax wlbw kfjf ktaa waco kvor kdyl kla 10:30 Olaen Orch. Alao wgst wflw wreo wlao wnox wbro wdsu; Morton Downey (Repeat) Only wowo wgn kdyl kla 10:45 Olaen Oreh. Alao wgst wxys wbcm wapd wlap wflw wreo wlac wnox wbrc wdsu wlsn wgl wfbm wmbd kscj wmt kmbo wnax wlbw kfh kfjf kvor kdyl kla 11:00 Arnhelm Orch Alao wlap wlsn wgl wmbd wcco kscj wmt kmbo wnax wlbw kfjf kvor kdyl kla 11:30 Sissle Oreh. Alao wlap wlsn wgl wfbm wmbd wcco kscj wmt kmbc wnax wlbw kvor kdyl kla 394.8 WJZ-NBC 760 8:15 Jutt Willie Also wlw wenr kwk wren koll Sylvia Frooa Also wjr wenr koll wsmb koa ertS-Back of the News Also wcky wren koll 7:00 Voters' Service Also wcky wis kwk wren koll wis wjdx wsmb wbap koa ksl kglr kghl Harmonies Also wis wren koll koa ksl 7:45 Sistsrs of the Skillet Also wis kwk wren koll wtmj kstp webo wday wiba kfyr kvoo wbap kpro woal wky 8:00 Radio Muaio Drama Also wjr wmaq kwk wren 8:30 Great Personalities Also wjr wlw wenr kwk wren koll 9:00 Ruaa Columbo Also wjr wcky kwk wren koll 9:15 Bavarian Band Also wjr 9:30 Clara, Lu and Em Alao wjr wcky kyw kwk wren koll 9:45 Paris Night Life Also wcky kyw wren koll 10:00 Amoa n' Andy Only wmaq wenr kwk wren wdaf koll wtmj wiba kstp webo whas wsm wmo wsb wsmb wjdx kths wfaa kpro woal wky koa ksl (15m.) 10:30 Dream Pictures Also wenr wren koll whas wsm wfaa kprc 11:00 Piano Moods Also wren wenr koil 11:15 Agnew Orch. Also wgar kyw wren koll TELEVISION WXAQ-B2000ke (WIBO-5S0ke) Audlovlslon (15m.) Fieldon Scott Is Best Speller MURRAY, Feb.

15 (Special) Flelden Scott was declared Calto' way county's champion -speller the second time when he spelled "positions' after Virginia Miller had failed to spell It correctly, and then spelled "zinc" that clinched the contest in his favor. Scott won the championship of this county last year. Eleven students of the rural and city schools entered the contest that was held in the court' house. The boy is 13, and the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Burnett Scott, Almo. He Is a student of Miss Eve lyn Phillips and is in the eighth grade. Miss Phillips will accom pany the winner to the state spell' lng contest held in Louisville. Miss Miller is 12, Is In the sev enth grade, and is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs.

E. W. Miller. She Is a student of Mrs. Charlie Den- ham, Hazel.

About 150 people were present during the contest which lasted from 1:30 till 3 o'clock. Turkey Raisers Of State to Meet LEXINGTON, KY, Feb. 1.8 VP) a meeting oi persons lnieresteu raising turkeys will be held at the Experiment Station here March 9, Marketing, disease control, breed lng and feeding will be discussed. Prof. F.

E. Mussehl of Nebraska will discuss the general subject of turkey raising in the morning and the control of ano other diseases in the afternoon. Whether It has paid to hold tur ky ntt TTiRnkaglvlrig market and. the trend In prices will be the topic of Prof. Dana G.

Card. Robert White, of Bourbon county, will tell how he raises 500 to 800 turkeys a year, and Dr. J. Holmes Martin will discuss the possibilities in the production and sale of good breeding stock. Good looks aren't umuju iMvlt Sparkling eyeg and a smooth complexion depend on good health.

The beautiful woman guards gainst' constipation. She knows this condition can cause headaches, sallow skin, dull eyes, pimples, premature aging. Protect yourself from constipa Hon by eating a delicious cereaL Tests show Kellogg's All-Bran provides "bulk" to exercise the intestines, and Vitamin to tone the intestinal tract. In addition, All-Bram furnishes blood-building iron. The "bulk" in All-Bkan is similar to that of lettuce.

Within the body, it forms a soft mass, which gently clears the intestines of wastes. How much safer than pills and drugs- so often habit-forming. Two tableipoonfuls daily In serious cases, with every meal-will correct most types of constipation. If your trouble is not relieved in this way, see your doctor. r5Tl Serve as a cereal, I AIIF ia wooing.

ff At all grocers. In the red -and -green package. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. HILPS ICfSP YOU FIT lover! ilium HIGH TODAY COLUMBIA Rupert Hughes In "No One Man" with Carole Lombard and Paul Lukas. "Queenle of Hollywood" and Hodge-Podge.

Feature starts 1:00, 2:40, 4:20, 6: 0, 7:40 and 9:20. ARCADE "Panama Flo" with Chas. Bickford and Robt. Armstrong. Andy Clyde in "Half Holiday" and Paramount Sound News.

Feature starts: 1:00, 2:44, 4:28, 6:02, 7:46 and 9:30. LOMBARD TODAY IN RUPERT HUGHES' STOEY No one, sketching through the highlights of Carole Lombard's meteoric career, can say without a blush at having falsified, that Cinderella stories do not come true. Miss Lombard, featured in "No One Man," a story done in the modern manner by Rupert Hughes and to be offered as a screen headllner at the Columbia today, was born at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Seven years later, having miraculously escaped all the pitfalls of child-prodigy, which fate easily might have been hers in view of her youthful magnetism, she arrived with her mother and two elder brothers ia Hollywood. Ensuing years found her time divided between school, apprenticeships In Mack Sennett' comedies, ingenueshlps for Fox and Pathe, and fine generalship in mapping her campaign of battle for future and bigger stardom.

"HIGH PRESSURE" OPENS AT ARCADE WEDNESDAY A brand new William Powell a smooth and delightful comedian-is revealed in "High Pressure," the Warner Bros, production which opens next Wednesday at the Arcade theater. It is a story of slick stock promoters and their fast-stepping ladles and presents Powell In the most dynamic characterization of his career. He has some of the attributes of a Ponzl and of Get-Rlch-Quick-Walllngford, but Is more of an Irrepressible and Irresponsible nature, boyish, loving fun, pleasure and luxury, and altogether lovable himself, despite his many delinquencies. It Is a role that reveals the poised and heretofore villainous Powell as a high class comedian. The story deals with characters who are generous and good hearted, but so Irresponsible and so anxious to get rich quickly that they scale prettv close to the border line of the law.

The fast and furious sequences of "High Pressure" are laid in Manhattan In gorgeous skyscraper offices In Harlem night clubs Turkish baths speakeasies thronging streets and the pier of a great ocean liner. Credit for the breath-taking tempo of "High Pressure" goes to Director Mervyn LeRoy, who recently did "Little Caesar," "Local Boy Makes Good" and "Five Star Final." The picture Is realistic in the extreme, being a slice of life taken from the heart of Manhattan with Its luxury loving promoters, and GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO LIKE COFFEE "I like a good cup of coffee with every meal but I used to suffer when I drank it," says Edward J. Owens, well-known salesman of 88 Falmouth Street, Boston, Mass. "I would have sick headaches; would, belch, leaving a sour taste in mv i- a ffM-rng CHILDREN HEED CUTICUM To keep skin and healthy and to lay the foundation for skin health, in later life. The Soap protests as well as cleanses, the Ointment soothes and heals rashes, itchings and irritations.

Soap 25c. Ointment 2So and 50c Proprietors: Potter Drug A Chemical Maiden, Mass. who art run-down or suffer I Druqqlits I JIHETEEH Is not much money, bift it will buy lots of grocer ies at White's. Quaker Oats, 1 Large 25c Size Xe7C N. B.

C. Crackers, 1 2 lb. box -AllS? Tomatoes, 1 3 Cans LU Carnation Milk, 6 Small Cans or iau Country Gentlemen Corn, Cans 19c Navy Beans, 1 6 lbs. jLVk, Lima Beans, 1 3 lbs. 18 Fresh Country 1 Egga 17C Delmonte Peaches, 1Q.

Melba Halves JLVK, No. 2H Can. Rice, 1 4 lbs. l7l Post Toasties, 1 3 Pkgs. LUK, Dried Apples, "I 2 lbs.

Brooms, 25c value X7C Oleo, "I 2 lbs. LOK Pure Hog Lard, Sliced Bacon, -t Wt lbs. LUK, Pure Pork Sau- "I wjeJbajleU Hamburger, "IQ, 2 lbs. JLJl Pork Chops, "I IV. lbs.

JLiL WHITE FOOD STOP I LI Li mJ knew what mouth, gas on my stomach, and terrible indigestion. "I tried many things before my druggist persuaded me to take some PapVs Diapepsin. -I have a better appetite. Now, I can drink coffee even late at night, eat lobsters, pork or anything I want and sleep like a baby." Get a package of these candy-like tablets from your druggist. They stop heartburn, gas on stomach, belching, nausea, headaches or any other symptom of indigestion soon ss the trouble starts eV Vita-Fresh meant until you try Maxwell House Coffee.

Oxygen-removed, Oxygen-excluded, this fine coffee gives more cups per pound. GOOD TO THI LAST DROP! Of GNEIAl woes coirotATwai.

The Paducah Sun-Democrat from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.