Activate Refills Using Patient Portal (2024)

Reduced Outpatient Ancillary Services

IACH will havereduced availability for outpatient ancillary services, including pharmacy, laboratory, and radiology, on Friday, Aug. 9, from 7:30 a.m. to 1p.m.

Due to staff participation in an organizational day, we anticipate longer wait times for these services during this period. Normal operating hours and services will resume at 1p.m.

HomeHealth ServicesPharmacy

Activate Refills Using Patient Portal (1)


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Activate Refills Using Patient Portal

Irwin Army Community Hospital

June 24, 2024 | 3:49

Learn how to activate prescription refills using the MHS Genesis Patient Portal.
What You’ll Learn:
- How to navigate the portal like a pro
- The crucial “RX Refill” tab and what it offers
- Managing multiple patients’ medications seamlessly
- Insider tips on prescription expiration dates
- A step-by-step guide to refilling your meds
Whether you’re a seasoned user or a newbie, this video will empower you to take charge of your health with just a few clicks.



PrescriptionRefillsPatient PortalMHS GENESIS Patient Portalprescriptions refills


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Main Outpatient Pharmacy

(785) 239-DOCS(3627)

Monday -Friday: 8:30 am - 4:15 pm
Closed on federal holidays and weekends.

650 Huebner Road, Fort Riley

Farrelly Health Clinic Pharmacy

Active Duty Only

Phone(785) 240-5536

Monday -Friday: 8 am -4pm
Closed on federal holidays, training holidays and weekends.

8072 Normandy Drive, Fort Riley

TRICARE Network Pharmacies

Find a Network Pharmacy


At Fort Riley pharmacies you can expectto be greeted by knowledgeable pharmacists and pharmacy technicians dedicated to serving the Big Red One community. They serve 50,000 beneficiaries and dispense 450,000 outpatient prescriptions each year. Customers can depend on their pharmacist to be a healthcare and information resource center. When picking up prescriptions, customers must have a military ID card for all patients ages 10 years and older. A photocopy or a digital copy (front and back) of the ID card may be used. IACH pharmacies accept electronic prescriptions from providers outside of Fort Riley. Providers: select the site link DoD Ft. Riley E-Pharmacy (E-PHCY). Electronic prescriptions for medications submitted that are not on the formulary will not be filled.

Consult a Clinical Pharmacist

Patients can request a consultation with a clinical pharmacist by calling (785) 239-DOCS (3627) for a polypharmacy appointment.

Medication Disposal

MedSafe is a disposal system for unused and expired medications. The system prevents pharmaceuticals from circulating into community water supplies. The MedSafe receptacle is located in the IACH Outpatient Pharmacy lobby and available for use Monday - Friday during pharmacy hours. Please do not place needles, medical waste, batteries, hazardous materials, inhalers, nor illegal drugs in this receptacle.

Pharmacy Formulary

A formulary is a list of prescription drugs, both generic and brand name, used by prescribers to identify drugs that are currently authorized and available. A committee of providers and pharmacists maintain and update the formulary quarterly. For information about the TRICARE Formulary or medications covered, visit theDefense Health Agency web site. A search tool for the TRICARE Formulary is available at theExpress-Scripts web site.

Home Delivery Option

With TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery, picking up your prescriptions is as easy as picking up your mail since maintenance medications are delivered right to your home. Get up to a 90-day supply of your long-term medicines. Enjoy free standard shipping, copayments may apply. Create an account withExpress-Scripts online. You can also download themobile app at this link. Or call877-363-1296and have your prescription bottle handy. We recommend having a 30-day supply of medication on hand while your first order is processed.

About the Pharmacy Team

Irwin Army Community Hospital’s Department of Pharmacy is made up of a team of dedicated healthcare workers composed of Registered Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians, Administrative and Supply Management personnel, and Red Cross volunteers. This cohesive team is dispersed throughout IACH’s patient care areas rendering pharmaceutical services to both inpatient and ambulatory patients.

IACH’s pharmacy has a broad array of available pharmaceuticals called a formulary. Our formulary is routinely reviewed and updated to add and remove drugs so as to better serve our patients for their treatment needs. If you have a special medication need that is not covered by the formulary, please inquire about your available options.

IACH Pharmacy is focused on patient safety, working with patients for improved health and well-being through information and education. Your pharmacy staff’s main role is to provide information about your medications, including:

  • the purpose of your prescription
  • making sure you know how to take or use your medication
  • explaining common side effects

The pharmacy team is dedicated to work with you to ensure your best possible health.

Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.

Activate Refills Using Patient Portal (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.